Minutes of the meeting held on Monday November 19th 2012

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055


Minutes of the meeting held on Monday November 19th 2012.




  • Adrian Taylor  AT (Chairman ), Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV) Alan Smallman (AS), Angela Zealand (AZ), Tony Chown (TC) David Ives (DI), Rob Driver (RD), Derek Freeman (DF), Alex Gladman (AG) Dennis  Leonard (DL).
  • There were also 4 members of the public in attendance.


43. Apologies.


  • Received from Chris Wright, Bill Warwick
  • AS was asked to check on whether Chris Blows was the Parish Council representative as he had not been in attendance for the past 3 meetings.


44. Public Session. Chairman (AT) brought this agenda item forward.


Mike Burton from the Barnham Signal Box Trust opened this session with a statement of intent from BSB Trustees:


  • The Signal Box had been moved into position on the Sports Field in Dec 2009.
  • Planning permission had been sought and granted by Arun DC for this move and at that time there had been one objection.
  • Work had commenced on refurbishment with an acceptable time factor
  • Because the building had been badly burnt and partially destroyed in an arson attack the refurbishment turned into an almost full scale rebuild which extended the time factor.
  • The residents of No 4 The Cornfields had expressed concern and had lodged complaints mainly regarding privacy and noise issues during this rebuilding phase.
  • Proposed use of the building was also questioned.
  • Largest concern was the view from a number of the upper windows of the SB which viewed directly into the gardens and living rooms of No 4.
  • These concerns had been voiced to the trust volunteers
  • The number of and continuing level of the complaints had led to a number of the SB volunteers resigning because they were afraid of exasperating a neighbourhood dispute and possible litigation.
  • Because of these resignations the time factor for completion of the project had now been extended to late 2013.
  • The SB Trustees had agreed to place blinds on the offending windows but at the moment costs were outweighing income. Mr Burton stated that blinds would be positioned as soon as costs allowed.


At this stage AT declared a conflict of interest and JL chaired this session of the meeting.



Mrs Smallman, addressed the meeting:


  • In Nov 2009 the family had moved to No 4 The Cornfields.
  • At this time they did not realize what the SB represented.
  • Until recently they had a good working relationship with the SB Trustees.
  • It was appreciated that since the arson attack the project had moved from a small scale refurbishment to a major rebuild.
  • Whilst the scaffolding and retaining SB metal work surrounding the building had been in place there had been no problems.
  • Once the scaffolding had been removed it revealed the full impact of the upper floor SB windows facing their property on the east side of the building.
  • On the ACSC Public Open Day they realised that when visiting the SB anybody standing at these windows could see into their kitchen, lounge and upstairs bedrooms.
  • They were informed by BSBT that blinds would be positioned when and if funds were available. She again expressed her concern with the possible doubt.
  • She contacted Arun DC Planning Dept re the position she found herself in regarding views into her property and rooms.
  • At this stage it appears communication with the SB Trustees reached an impasse with accusations of harassment causing her great distress to the extent that legal advice was sought.
  • Mrs Smallman made comment on the planning objections not being made and appreciated the planning notes on the distance from residential properties but stated that from her kitchen window she can see people working in the upper floor of the SB and they can see her.
  • A number of further statements were made re the goalposts and the erection of the shed in the compound.
  • She also expressed concern at the proposed use of the SB once work was completed.  She contacted Arun DC again for clarification of use.


M Burton confirmed that the intention is for the SB to be used by the BRMRC as a Clubhouse and meeting room and for educational purposes by local schools. There is no intention to use the building as a venue for parties, weddings etc and the building is not and will not be licensed for those uses.


Mrs Smallman explained she was initially under the impression that the SB was run by the BRMRC and did not realize they were two different bodies. She asked if she were able to comment on the barn refurbishment:


  • One of her main concerns was the interpretation of the intention to use the barn as a workshop by the BRMRC.
  • She had not seen any planning application submitted by the BRMRC and had therefore not been in a position to object


AT stated that full planning permission had been submitted, the PC had not raised any objections on the application. The Planning application had been advertised through the normal channels including the local newspapers. AT again stressed that the “workshop” will be used for small repairs to the models and for repairs and assembly of the track layouts. There was no intention to use, and they had not applied for planning permission to use, lathes, high powered drills or other industrial sized machinery. Small hand tools are all that will be in situ and in use. It is not the intention of the BRMRC to use the building as a meeting or club room.


Mrs Smallman and Mrs Stempien both raised a number of concerns over the noise generated from the barn late at night. On a number of occasions Mr Smallman had asked the club members to lower the noise levels.


JL then referred those present to Agenda item 10 which dealt with the proposed sub leases.


45:  Minutes of meeting of October 8th .


With the addition of DI to the list of apologies the minutes were signed as a true record


46. Matter Arising.


3/2             AZ/JL Fire officer. Date agreed for meeting to hand over responsibility, Wed 21st Nov.

Action Point JL/AZ

3/3             ASC Carpet quotes. DF reported that Sargent Carpets had failed to attend a meeting with the ASC rep. Held over to next mtg, but item needs to be moved along as the insurance company is requesting further information.

Action Point. DF 

3/8             Employment terms and conditions. JL/AT.  Still in progress

Action Point. JL/AT

3/13          Tennis Club Extension. In the absence of the Club Representative nothing to report

3/15b        Cycle Rack.  RD was not aware that he had accepted responsibility for investigation but will pursue the matter and report back at next mtg

Action Point RD                  

4/192        Data Controller. Appropriate Authority notified. Item complete

12b            AG confirmed that the mice in the kitchen had been dealt with.

18/12e     Fund raising. JL requested that in light of the amount of work he was putting in re leases and agreement this item be deferred until more time available.  Agreed.

Action Point JL

36.             Louise Beaton had met with Trustees re advice on Leases and Agreements. Refer Minute

39.             Maintenance: Working Party had not met Oct 27th.  AT to meet with DL and JV at a time and date suitable to all and to report back at next mtg.

42               First Aid Kit. AG handed over a new and complete First Aid Kit to be positioned in the kitchen. Chairman thanked him for obtaining and donating same.


47.  Correspondence.


AS read through correspondence received.


213            JF Dawson.         Engagement Letter

214            Louise Beaton.  Complaints Policy

215            Copy of letter forwarded to Aldingbourne PC Clerk re renewal planning application

Being sent to Arun DC

216            Complaint Letter Oliver’s meadow. J Stimpion

217            Complaint Letter The Cornfields AS

218            Biffa Transfer Note

219            Planning Renewal to Arun DC re pre school building

220            Defence security- Camera repairs


48.  Chairman’s Report.


AT thanked all those attending this meeting and to JL/JV/AS/DL for the sub meeting held re leases etc.



49. Treasurers Report.


JV reported that he had to make adjustments to the Statement originally presented following the meetings referencing new and existing leases. An extra amount had to be budgeted meaning there would be a prospective greater loss for the financial year.


  • It was agreed that the ACSC take out the Tier 2 AIRS subscription. This will assist us when requiring advice and help from Louise Beaton.
  • Trustees unanimously agreed that we approach the Parish Council  with a request for financial help towards the cost of raising new leases through Jonathan Dawson.


50.  PC Mtg


Although no PC rep was present JL was able to report that both Mrs Smallman and Mrs Stempion had been present and had raised concerns with the PC regarding the Barn and BSB. Much as has been reported at this meeting.


The planning application for the barn conversion had been passed with no objections from the PC.


50. Sub-Leases


AT/DI declared their interest and JL took over the chair for this item.

The meeting was declared open in that the members of the public present were again invited to comment on  the proposed leases for the BSB and the BRMRC.

Two letters had been received. In brief:


  • Mrs Stempion raised concerns re the noise and the rumoured conditions of use of the barn and the SB. She was concerned at the prospect of the barn being “cladded” in that she had been witness to two fires on the sports field and was concerned wood cladding around the barn could possibly lead to further arson attacks.


  • Alan Smallman (as a member of the public) raised concerns over the amount of noise emanating from both buildings late at night although he also commented that he had been able to reach a gentleman’s agreement with the volunteers working in the buildings. He also confirmed that at the last open day event he became aware of the “birds eye” view into No4 The Cornfields.  He asked that the blinds mentioned be fitted as soon as possible and stressed that the quality of life of those residents in the immediate area was being affected.

JL then referred to the notes of the meeting held on Wednesday Nov 14th.


  • AT/JL/AS/DL and Mrs Louise Beaton (AIRS) being present.
  • A complaints policy was discussed and recommended by Louise Beaton.
  • The new leases were discussed for the BSB Trust and the BRMRC.
  • It was also confirmed that new or amended leases would also be required for the Shooting Club following their proposed building extension and the Tennis Club should their extension be accepted.
  • LB had explained the stipulations and requirements of the Landlords and Tenants Act of 1954 and advised that the ACSC opt out of those requirements being included in leases.
  • Once leases were drawn up it was confirmed that they would be available for members of the public to comment on.  Possibly on request but of certainty on the ASCS notice board.
  • It was noted that ACSC had not had a copy of the BSB Trust governing document. (MB has subsequently passed a copy to JL and this was read out).
  • The agreement from ACSC to BSB Trust was that a peppercorn rent be paid per annum, and that  there be conditions on the use of the building for fund raising. It will be made available to the ACSC on open days.


DL summarized the history of the Signal Box for members of the public and the new trustees:

  • The Edwardian Signal Box was 100 years old.
  • It was due to be demolished before the SB Trust stepped in.
  • It was one of only two in the country and was therefore of historical interest.
  • Whilst even some of the then ACSC Trustees originally had reservations about it being sited at Oliver’s Meadow it was now admitted that it was an asset to the site.
  • It would not be possible to obtain a drinks licence for the SB, it was not part of the lease agreement and would raise severe objections from the Aldingbounre Social Club should any application ever be made.


All ACSC Trustees agreed that strict conditions of use for both the BSB and the BRMRC would be included in the Leases.


AT outlined the BRMRC agreements with the PC and stressed that complaints should be addressed to the BRMRC and not to the PC and provided an update on the refurbishment of the barn:


  • The changing room was nearly complete, the refurbishment and repairs having been paid for by the ACSC.
  • There was shortfall of £7.500. 00 for the continuing refurbishment of the barn and the BRMRC had applied for grants. Their work schedule was Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 and Saturdays from 9am to 2pm.  Any noisy work was now carried out in their original clubroom.
  • The proposed outside windows were unlikely to be implemented because of costs and there had been no intention to put windows on the East or South side of the barn. They had wanted to put 2/3 small windows on the West side in order to let in some natural light.
  • The question of cladding the barn was raised. AT stated that they wanted to fully insulate the barn in order to cut down any possible noise and the cladding had been included in order to add another layer to that insulation and for them to be able to paint the outside of the barn more in sympathy with the SB and the same colours.
  • Mrs Smallman raised a concern regarding glare from cream paint.


Meeting moved back into Committee.


AT/DI and AS declared their interest and were asked to leave the meeting whilst further discussions on possible conditions to be imposed both for future working on site and for inclusion in the Leases were considered.


Barnham Signal Box

JL provided an update on the Barnham Signal Box:


i)                    The outside Balcony and the outer stairs were yet to be installed.  The time factor now envisaged for completion of the project is now to a maximum of 12 month but the SB Trustees are optimistic they will complete by June 2013. There is further hard landscaping and planting to be carried, including “garden” area to show exactly how a SB originally looked when in operation.


ii)                   The issue of the windows on the East and South side overlooking adjacent properties were discussed.


It was agreed that privacy filters would be installed on those windows overlooking properties.


iii)                 As agreed at an earlier meeting, the fitting of blinds on all windows on the East and South side of the building will be part of the conditions stipulated in the lease.


It was agreed that depending on cost the ACSC would contribute towards the purchase of the blinds, Mrs Smallman also offered to make a contribution.


iv)                 The Compound is the property of the ACSC and is to be maintained as a fenced off secure area. Consideration will be given to the idea of sympathetic small tree/hedge planting in the area. DL did stress that the large goals will always have to be stored in the compound because they are very prone to being stolen and there was nowhere else on the sports field suitable and with the same security. TC stated that a small planting area would be created, in accordance with what the Signal Operator would have used the grounds immediately outside the Signal Box for.


No objections were raised with the proposed use of the grounds which were all as agreed at previous meetings.


It was agreed that the current working times outlined by Mike Burton for the ongoing refurbishment of BSBT on Saturdays from 9am to 2pm were acceptable.




i)                    The changing room is almost complete although it has to have a ceiling built over it.            For the benefit of the public present, it was reiterated that the changing rooms would be for the use of Referees on possibly Saturday afternoons and both Sunday morning and afternoon.


As agreed at an earlier meeting, the lease will refer to this as a shared area not exclusively used by either BRMRC or Barnham Trojans.


ii)                   In addition to Adrian’s earlier statements, there was a large amount of internal structure still to be completed, new roof beams are needed, internal noise proof wall cladding and external wall and roof repairs are still required.


It was confirmed that as with the compound the barn remains the property of the ACSC and at some stage in the future, if the BRMRC had not taken over the necessary repairs, the ACSC would have been obliged to so do out of structural necessity.


iii)                 Whilst it was acknowledged that only BRMRC volunteers are available for the majority of the work and they are only in a position and available out of normal work hours the Trustees nevertheless proposed:


  • On Tuesdays and Thursday evenings there be a time limit of 7.30pm – 9.30pm and there be a restriction on noise levels, no noisy tools. 
  • Saturdays 9am to 2pm “noisy” tools in use as required, general working extended to 4pm.  


It was agreed that the cladding be considered as part of the overall soundproofing but the exterior painted areas be limited to “British Rail” green.


Mrs Smallman thanked the Trustees for their considerations over the matters raised.



  • JL to continue working on leases
  • AG to obtain a quote for privacy filters for the Windows
  • JL to inform BSBT and BRMRC of decisions made


NOTE: AT gave his apologies and left the meeting toward the end of this Agenda item (approximately 9:30pm).




A request was received from the Club for assistance in obtaining a grant from SITA. They had applied to SITA for a £7.500.00 grant towards building costs. SITA require £825.00 CPT (the VAT) payment to facilitate the grant. The PC had already turned own the BRMRC request for assistance in this matter. Two proposals were made:


i)                       ACSC give them the grant, however in view of our parlous financial situation this was not viewed favourably or

ii)                   approach the PC for assistance to an amount of £1000.00, reminding the PC that at some stage the barn would have need costly structural repairs beyond the current means of the ACSC.


Option two was agreed unanimously.




53. Complaints Procedure.


Postponed to next meeting.


54.  Bookings Secretary


TC reported that the Bognor Regis Motor Club had applied to join.


The Village Action Group were holding a “Village Bake Off” on Dec 9th. There remained a number of free Saturdays in Dec. JV raised a concern regarding free hire. JL explained that the PC had recently refused a grant request since the VAG was not a Charity and represented personal views of a group of people.


In light of current financial considerations for ACSC, it was agreed that Free Hire would remain only applicable to registered Charities and VAG would be charged for future hire.


55.  Date of next meeting.


Monday Jan 21st 2013. 7pm


56. Any Other Business.


i)                    DF. Info required on thermostat control for ASC.

ii)                   JV. Quote received for repairs to Ladies toilet. £348.00. Confirmed and agreed as necessary.

iii)                 TC. Hopscotch to be requested to leave clear area in front of stairs in storage room


Meeting Closed at 9.45pm.

Chairman __________________________      Date  _____________________

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