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Registered Charity No. 276055
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday October 8th 2012.
Present: A Taylor (AT) Chairman. Messrs J Leahy (JL), A Smallman (AS), J Vinsome (JV)
T Chown (TC), D Freeman (DF), C Wright (CW). A Gladman (AG). D Leonard (DL)
28. Apologies. Received from A Zealand (AZ), R Driver (RD).
29. Minutes. Minutes of Sept 10th 2012 were accepted and signed by the Chairman
30. Matters Arising. Min 3/3 Fire Officer. Held over until AZ returns from holiday.
Action Point. JL, AZ
Min 3/3 ASC Carpet Quotes. Held over to Nov Mtg. DF to request H H re Sargeant Carpets.
Action Point. DF, JL.
Min 3/4 Stackable Chairs. Availability for ACSC had not materialised. Matter closed.
Min 3/8 Employment reference A Johnson and H H on going.
Action Point. AT, JL.
Min 3/13 Tennis Club extension. CW reported the plans were currently with their Architect.
Action Point. CW to report back as necessary
Min 3/15b Cycle Rack. RD to take over responsibility and report back as necessary.
Min 3/15c ASC. DF reported that the end of year accounts are due but their budget meeting
had not yet been held. He commented that the rumours re the demise of the SC are not true
and whilst confirming that the financial situation was not good the club was not folding under
any circumstances. (Refer Treasurers report Minute
Action Point. DF
Min 3/15g. Cheque Signatories. AT received necessary forms, AS still awaiting delivery.
Action Point. JL, AT, AS
Min 4 Item 192. Data Controller. On going.
Action Point. AT, JL
Min 4, Item 205. JV had written letter of apology. Matter closed
Min 7b. Insurance. Insurance premium paid as required. Matter closed.
Min 10. Bognor Vintage Motor Club. JL and representative from ASC had met with the
above Motor Club re use of the Centre for their meetings. Awaiting response from BVMC .
Min 12b. Vermin. AG has offered ACSC a very competitive price for a yearly contract re
pest control in and around the Centre and Sports field. However it was agreed that whilst
there had been a minor problem with mice in the kitchen (dealt with by TC) there had been no
reports or any sightings of vermin in the barn/compound. It was appreciated that whilst
neighbouring properties may have concerns over vermin these could not be directly attributed
to the ACSC and therefore could not be classed as ACSC responsibility.
Action Point. AG asked to check on mouse problem in kitchen.
DL reported that there was still a mole problem on the sports field and AG confirmed that
more traps had been sited.
Min 18/12e. JL reported that he was still actively investigating ideas for fund raising events for both the ACSC and the ASC and would welcome suggestions from members.
Action Point. JL
Min 18/12g TC had purchased Mobile Phone in order to facilitate his role as Booking Sec
31. Correspondence.
206, 207, 208 Letters from Coversure re Insurance
209 Planning Application re Barn
210. AG Quote re pest control
211. Jonathan Dawson re leases.
212 Architects ?
31. Public Session. There were no members of the public present
32 Chairman’s Report. AT thanked the Finance sub-committee that met Oct 1st to discus and propose general ACSC Financial situation, Leases and Rents.
33. Treasurers Report. JV. Treasurers Report for month ending Sept was discussed. Proposed TC, seconded AS that the report be accepted
34. Secretary’s Report. AS nothing to report
35. Parish Council Report. PC Rep not present. Next PC meeting Oct 9th.
36. User Group Agreements. BRMRC and BSBT
JL led the discussion on this item and explained that there is no formal written process when raising Leases/Agreements with user groups. It has been a historical process in that the particular user groups (2 members ) and 2 Trustees had met and discussed an outline agreement that was then sent to our Solicitors for amendments as required and then signed by both parties. The procedure for any user group re planning applications had nothing to do with their Lease/Agreement. Once an application for planning had been raised by any group and accepted by the PC/ACSC it was that user group’s responsibility to proceed and deal with the Local Authority.
In the intervening years since the original agreements for User Groups had been raised the requirements under the Town and Country Use Clauses of 1987 for Community Centres/ Village HallsallsHalls
Halls and User Groups had been redefined and JL considered that our agreements and leases, where appropriate, needed updating.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed that a formal Agreement/ Lease procedure be put in place
and Solicitors only should promulgate the above Leases/Agreements.
The two agreements already discussed , BRMRC and BSBT, be forwarded to Solicitors for amendments as required.
The costs involved to be met by ACSC. AT and AS abstained on the vote.
Action Point Jl to request advice from Louise Beaten , Sussex Villages Hall Advisor re current
Leases/Agreements prior to meeting with other user groups.
37. BRMRC. Update on proposed change of use of the Barn. AT declared an interest
a) The outside door to the Changing Room has been deleted mainly because of cost.
b) Work benches around the 2nd changing room will be used for model and layout repairs.
c) The proposal to install windows on the side wall facing Signal Box on hold because of costs involved.
AT and AS left the meeting whilst the proposed changes were voted upon. All in agreement.
38. Rent Review. JV. The minutes from the meeting of Oct 1st were to hand. Treasurer explained that we were facing a £900.00 deficit this financial year and a probable deficit of £400.00 next year. The minutes and proposals were accepted unanimously. These included the propositions that:-
i) The Development Budget for 2012-2013 be cancelled.
ii) An overall 5% increase in Rents and Hall Hire hourly rates was confirmed, this to include Hop Scotch and the Friday night Bingo Club.
iii) The nominal charge for hire of the small meeting room be increased to £10.00
39. Maintenance; Weather Boarding. Agreed that working party meet on Saturday Oct 27th to asses work requirement. It was confirmed that there is material/boarding available on site.
40. Bookings. TC reported that all bookings are covered.
41. Date of Next Meeting: Monday November 19th. 7.00pm.
42 Any other Business.
i) DF thanked JL for his help renegotiating ASC agreement with Sky TV
ii) Shooting Club. The planning application for extension to the range had been submitted to Arun DC. Last date for objections was Oct 23rd.
iii) Kitchen First Aid Box. Out of date and not complete. AG offered to contact a customer of his with a view obtaining a replacement.
Meeting closed at 8.45pm.