Minutes of the meeting held on Monday April 22nd 2013

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday April 22nd 2013.


Present. Adrian Taylor  (Chairman ) (At), Messrs J Leahy (JL), A Smallman  (AS) T Chown (TC) D Ives (DI), A Zealand (AZ), D Freemen (DF), C Wright (CW), R Driver (RD), DLeonard (DL.

John Smith The new Aldingbourne Bowls Club Trustee introduced himself to those present.

One member of the Public  was in attendance: Alan Johnson


78.  Apologies.     Received from J Vinsome, C Blows, A Gladman.


79. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of March 11th were accepted and signed by the Chairman. Proposed TC, Seconded AS


80.  Matters Arising.  58 3/2 Fire safety. AZ requested that all user groups be notified of the risk assessment requirements for their particular club. All should be aware of the fire exits and fire safety drill.

The Centre is required to keep a fire log including the Emergency lighting testing. New “Keep Clear” signs and “Emergency Exit” signs to be purchased for the Hall emergency exits, new safety and up dated equipment was required for the kitchen and a  new bracket was required for fire extinguisher.

Particular concern was the emergency exits from the Social Club Patio area. This was through the external doors which were currently padlocked from the outside.  DF explained the necessity for keeping the doors padlocked but agreed that a new method  for the door security be investigated.

ACTION POINT: AZ to pursue.

It was also noted that the main hall entrance door required a new handle

Access Control.  ACTION POINT. JL/AZ: On going.

51.  Leases; Solicitors have been agreed and confirmed. Matter is on going.


77  Website Update. On going. JL


80. Correspondence: 231:  Bowls Club. Electrical work on Clubhouse had been on-going but the Club  had difficulty in isolating the supply and had to call on a Social Club Rep to  open the changing rooms in order to facilitate. JS was not sure if the work on the club house had included a new isolation point.

232. Whist Club. Pleased to support proposed Centre Fund raising.

233. Angela Zealand: letter to all user groups re Fire Audit

234. M Burton. Re Barn Timbers. Dry Rot/Woodworm

235. Chris Wright. Tennis Club wishes to pursue their plans for an extension to their clubhouse. See AOB.

236. AT. Two parents from Barnham Trojans FC were seen trying to climb over the compound fence in order to get some equipment out. Club Chairman had talked to the team concerned and apologised to the Signal Box Trust.


81. Public Session. Alan Johnson handed over keys and items of equipment required for the maintenance and servicing of the “street” lighting plus other fittings and fixtures from Centre and Sports Field.


82. Chairman’s Report  Nothing to Report, but thanked all present for attending





83. Treasurers Report: As Statement.

i) Chairman reported that the outstanding hire fee from Hopscotch had been paid.

ii) DL stated that Barnham Trojans were contacting the Treasurer with a view to setting up a monthly standing order for payment of  pitch fees.

iii)  AVHT. DL reported that £1180.00 had been paid over to the ACSC from interest on the fund for period July 2012-Feb 2013.


84. Secretary’s Report: i) It was noted that part of the hall floor was lifting. AS has contacted the supplier, Hutchinson’s as we were still within the 10 year guarantee.


ii) Cordless phones have been purchased for use within the Centre.


85. Report from Trish Smallman,  Rachell (?) and Tony Chown on progress re the proposed Autumn Fund Raiser . Aldingbourne Alive 2013. .

There were 10 points in the report which had been circulated.

It was agreed that Sunday Sept 1st is the target date.  All user groups to support.

Funding: ACSC approved initial funding of £500.00. Mike Burton to be contacted re grants available.

Object of Fund Raising. It was agreed that the object was to raise funds for the ACSC Charity. Whilst listing the clubs and organisations supporting the event it was stressed that the funds raised were to be used for the benefit of the Centre. A list of the objectives would also be published.

Arun DC and Parish Council to be approached re Health and Safety and necessary insurances.

Alan Johnson volunteered to join the fund raising team.


86. PC Report.  New Parish Clerk has been appointed. Lisa Peacock


87: Bookings. TC requested that the hall be opened at 6 -6.30 on Thursday May 2nd for the Co Council Elections. AT confirmed that he would open the Centre at the required time.


88. Date of next meeting. Monday May 20th. 7.15pm


89.  Any Other Business a)  Invoice for £774. 00 has been received from Mike Kennedy following clearance of the Rife at the west end of the Sports Field. Whilst it was known that discussions had taken place between the Trustees and Mk re clearance it was agreed that no authorisation had been given for the work to be carried out.  It was agreed that the PC and or Southern water be approached re responsibility and payment of the invoice.


b) Moles!  It was reported and noted that there is a continuing and growing problem all over the sports field with moles. M Kennedy has agreed to investigate and deal with the problem at no charge to the Charity.


c) Again M Kennedy has agreed to remove the broken gate and posts at the entrance near the BRMRC club house at no charge.


d) Litter Bins. Currently nobody seems to have responsibility for the emptying of said bins. It was noted that a “volunteer”  had offered to take on the responsibility but required payment for the job.

DL stated that he would do the job and declared that we are a charity and these jobs should be carried by volunteers and without payment.


e) Scrub land alongside the Barn approach road.  M Kennedy has agreed to clear the area at no charge to the Charity. Mrs Stempson has confirmed that if the area is cleared and grassed she will maintain and mow as necessary


f) Cycle Racks JL to follow up with ADC.A selection of racks and costing s was viewed but no decision  was made.   ACTION POINT: JL

g) Tennis Club. CW reported that the members are revisiting the proposal that they extend  their existing Club House. They will again raise the matter with the Parish Council and asked that the ACSC confirm their support for the plan/application. This was unanimously confirmed.


h) JL to approach  the Environment Agency and WSCC regar ding the problem of flooding around the Barn. In conjunction with this it was agreed that the ACSC approach WSCC for funding  re clearance of ditches in the area.

The residents affected in the immediate area, BRMRC and Barnham Signal Box Trust  to be approached to make a (combined)  application to WSCC for assistance in the matter.


I) JS reported that the new roof has been completed on the Club House.           


There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.05pm  





                                                                                    ______________________________                                                                                    Chairman.                                           

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