Minutes of Trustees Meeting 13th June 2016
ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday June 13th 2016 Present: Messrs D Ives (DI), T Chown (TC), A Smallman (AS), N Pidgeley (NP), W Warwick (WW) D Meakins (DM), S Kennedy (SK), H Hedges (HH), J Leahy (JL), R Driver (RD) D Leonard (DL). Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Lease x 3 for the APC, ACSC and BRMRC and Barnham Signal Box and the BRMRC Goods Shed were signed. Adrian Taylor and Derek Ives signed the three copies on behalf…continue reading →