Draft Minutes of Trustees Meeting Monday 20th February 2017

THESE ARE DRAFT MINUTES THAT MAY INCLUDE ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. Present: J Leahy (Chairman). D Ives (DI), W Warwick (BW), M Woodcock (MW), S Kennedy (SK), T Chown (TC) N Pidgeley (NP), P Philcher (PP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT), D Freeman. (DF), D Leonard (DL). There was one member of the Public present, Mr A Johnson. 56. Apologies.: Received from A Smallman (AS), J Sopp (JS), R Driver (RD) With H Hedges no longer taking on responsibilities for cleaning or bookings within the Centre it was agreed that his co-option as…continue reading →

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 29th January 2012

ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 29th January 2012   Those Present:   Jon Leahy (JL), Bill Warwick (BW), Mike Burton (MB), , Linda Fromant (LF) Pete Austin (PA), Dennis Leonard (DL), Philip Pilcher (PP), Alex Gladman and Chris Blows (CB)   Chris Wright also attended on behalf on the Tennis Club Roger Ayling attended on behalf of the Rifle Club.   Meeting opened at 6:30pm.   1.         Apologies        Jon Vinsome (JV), Alan Johnson (AJ), Tom Tappenden (TT),   2.         MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF…continue reading →