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Registered Charity No. 276055
Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 29th January 2012
Those Present:
Jon Leahy (JL), Bill Warwick (BW), Mike Burton (MB), , Linda Fromant (LF) Pete Austin (PA), Dennis Leonard (DL), Philip Pilcher (PP), Alex Gladman and Chris Blows (CB)
Chris Wright also attended on behalf on the Tennis Club
Roger Ayling attended on behalf of the Rifle Club.
Meeting opened at 6:30pm.
1. Apologies Jon Vinsome (JV), Alan Johnson (AJ), Tom Tappenden (TT),
2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE 11th September-2011.
Minutes agreed correct Proposed PA, seconded DL
3. Matters arising from Minutes 6th March 2011
8. Chairman’s Report Discussion regarding hall hire fees set for next Agenda
ACTION POINT JL to inform relevant persons of meeting to discuss hire fees
ACTION POINT MB to place on next Agenda
14 JL stated Tony Dixon had resigned from the Signal Box Trust however the meeting had been conducted. Deferred to Item 17
18 c MB stated the lights on the side of the building have been fixed.
Item 140 Inv 21/9/11 from A Burrows
a) Fitting bargeboards and guttering to barn £347.00
b) Applying anti-vandal paint to wall tops £288.00
c) Supply and fit stairs in new extn £1364.00
Item 141 JHAI Bldg Regs Inspection Sheet containing requirements
Item 142 RSA Cert of Employers Liability Ins (Copy)
Item 143 Corrective/Maintenance Report Defensor Security annual check
Item 144 Letter 18/10/2011 from BRMRC – notification of planning application
To erect a porta cabin in the compound area
Item 145 Letter from ARUN DC Electoral Services Officer cancelling hire of the
Hall for elections on 3rd May 2012 and requesting new date of
15th Nov 12
Item 146 Duplicate Item 144
Item 147 Letter from ASC 26/10/11 stating opening hours over Christmas and New
Item 148 Letter from ASC 26/10/1 requesting hire of the hall in 2012
Item 149 Letter from ASC 26/10/11 giving current opening hours
Item 150 Reply to ASC re Items 147, 148 and 149
Item151 Reply to Simon James re enquiry about using car park to sell fish and chips. Reply contains conditions for acceptance.
Item 152 Letter and conditions to Simon James re pitch for Fish & Chip van
Item 153 Conditions for use by Simon James ‘Coast to Coast Catering
Item 154 Inv REC10324 £532.80 for installation of lights in storage extn + e-mail
To Regis querying amount
Item 155 Inv REC10323 £60.00 Call out charge relating to broken plug socket in cellar room
Item 156 Letter from ASC re replacement of door architrave, Courtyard Cellar door
Item 157 Amended inv from Regis Electrical (Prev Inv 154)
Item 158 Inv Low Carbon Co Re light fittings for neon tubes
Item 159 Resignation letter – Linda Fromant
Item 160 Resignation Letter – Mike Burton
Item 161 Notice regarding ACSC’s involvement in the local organization of events related to the Olympics
No public in attendance
No Chairman’s Report Given
Treasurer not in attendance
MB informed those present that the replacement storage container was now in place and in use, although it still required a second coat of paint.
The old caravan had been gutted and now only required some good weather to complete its demolition. He was looking at the forthcoming half term but more likely the Easter break for this work. A request for help would be sent round.
The replacement architrave for the courtyard cellar door was now in place.
There was an ongoing problem with a smell in the gents toilet. MB stated he believed the problem was foul water getting underneath the flooring. This would need to be monitored
MB stated he was concerned about the new low powered lights that had been installed in the toilets, hallway and committee rooms. Despite the bulbs having an 8 year guarantee every one had now been replaced. At over £8.00 each this also needed monitoring. In addition there had been complaints about the lights in the Committee room being too weak to see by.
In addition the stage spotlights were despite several efforts, still not working
CB gave the meeting a ‘run-down’ on the events that the PC had been involved with over the last two months. He stated together with the Olympics, which the PC were now dealing with and also the forthcoming Jubilee celebrations the PC had a busy year ahead of them
The PC had meetings with ARUN in the near future they would then be looking for volunteers to help them with arranging local events. Currently they were also awaiting replies from local schools on several issues.
The PC were still looking for a Litter Picker for the village and were also currently sorting out problems with the newly designated allotment; it appeared someone had incorrectly ‘enlarged’ their garden onto the site a matter which was requiring a deal of involvement to sort out.
CB reported that Aldingbourne had fared well in the recently released crime statistics for Arun.
10 PRESENTATION RE Planning application affecting the rifle range.
Roger Ayling, Chairman of the Rifle Club, presented drawings of the proposed extension to the range. He pointed out that the extension incorporated toilets. He outlined that previously the Club had worked on the idea of having a septic tank installed but in hindsight this was thought to raise a number of problems with size of tank and thereby the size of vehicles requiring access and the problem of access itself. The Club were now proposing to investigate the possibility of connecting to the main sewer in the area by the Barn.
There followed general discussion over this point after which it was thought that the suggestion had merit and the Rifle Club should pursue this course of action.
CB stated he would present this suggestion at the next PC meeting
A vote was taken recommending to accept the changes to the plans and sewer connection Proposed CB Seconded MB. Unanimous vote in favour.
ACTION POINT CB to make a presentation to the Parish Council on behalf of the Rifle Club regarding their proposed extension and connection to the common sewer.
MB requested that Items 11 and 12 should be dealt with together was agreed.
In simple terms MB stated that on completion of the extension a number of recommendations had been made with regards to fire safety.; subsequently there had also been a fire inspection of the centre which also raised several issues. Involved with all these matters was the need to appoint a Fire Safety Officer who’s duty is would be to oversee the implementation of all these recommendations
JL called for a volunteer
A suggestion was made that Alan Johnson might be best suited to fulfill this role.
MB stated that he had attended the last PC meeting and given them an update on the current situation, It was that many dog walkers, especially the professional with several dogs now no longer visited. Fouling had decreased dramatically and the majority of owners were abiding by the notices to keep their dogs on a lead. However there were a dedicated few who were ignoring this request and one gentleman who continued to exercise his dog and telling everyone he wanted to be arrested.
MB stated that he hoped the PC would continue with the task of getting ARUN DC to adopt Olivers Meadow as a Dog Control Area thereby giving power to the Dog Warden
ACTION POINT CB to raise this point at the next PC meeting on behalf of the ACSC
Covered above
JL referred to the items in the correspondence by MB and LF and that previously by JV of their intention to retire as Trustees. He thanked both for their service over the last 5 years plus and stated he intended to recognize their service at the AGM.
It was agreed that the Charity needed to advertise at once for a Secretary, Treasurer and Booking Clerk
ACTION POINT MB to contact Parish Newsletter
ACTION POINT JL to create and distribute notice throughout the parish
JL stated that he and JV had met with Harry Hedges and Moira Waring. The ASC highlighted their accomplishments in redecorating the bar area and in the cellars.
However there were concerns that due to a fall in membership and hereby sales the Club was financially in poor shape. Since the fact became apparent steps had been taken to address the issue and both membership and some prices had risen.
The ASC had obtained a financial force and as a result of this were requesting the ACSC to consider a reduction in rent.
There was considerable discussion and whilst the general mode of the meeting was to assist the ASC it was generally agreed that if a rent reduction were agreed this would have to apply to all user groups as the Charity could not be seen to giving a particular group advantageous rates.
However it was decided that there were other methods whereby the Charity could assist the ASC to remain solvent, these might include a number of free nights use of the hall,
JL stated that in the absence of the Treasurer (JV) it would not be correct to agree anything as the end result may have serious repercussions for the Charity.
ACTION POINT JL/MB to liaise with JV and by use of e-mails etc propose some form of assistance for the ASC.
CB suggested that the PC may be able to assist the ACSC and thereby the ASC.
ACTION POINT CB to raise the matter at the next PC meeting
MB and PP declared an interest in this matter
JL stated a meeting with the Trustees of the Barnham Signal Box Trust (BSBT) had been held. The meeting was attended by himself and DL for the ACSC and John Penfold and Dave Ives for the BSBT, also present was MB to provide clarity on any point
MB and PP declared they both had an interest in this matter
Minutes of the meeting are attached
The recommendations as outlined in the minutes of the meeting of the 2oth December 2011 being that the ACSC would charge a Peppercorn Rent to the BSBT and that the BSBT would thereby except responsibility for the upkeep and management of the Signal Box were put to the meeting.. The matter was passed with the abstention of MB and PP
ACTION POINT JL to draft agreement for Peppercorn Rent
ACTION POINT MB to contact the PC for their approval of the matters agreed.
DL stated the BT intended to have an event on either the 20th or 27th May
ACTION POINT MB to contact Bowls and Tennis to confirm the best day for this event.
The following were agreed
Saturday 17th March Children’s party 10-1pm MB to cover
30th party 5-Midnt JL open and close
Sunday 18th March Free Charity event in aid of Bethany MB to cover
Saturday 21st April Party 6-Midnt Next Meeting
11TH MARCH 2012
20 AOB
1 JL asked those User group representatives present if they were in favour of a
Joint Open Day It was agreed this would be advantageous to all
ACTION POINT JL to follow this with an e-mail to all users and then arrange for the formation of a sub-committee.
AG stated the Rifle Club had recently held a charity shoot. They intended to hold an ‘Inter-Club’ shoot along the same lines
ACTION POINT AG to inform MB who will e-mail around all clubs
2 DL asked if the BTs could place a plaque for a colleague who had recently died in a car accident. It was agreed this had been one of the intensions of placing benches around the field-to engender some form of sponsorship.
ACTION POINT DL to raise the question as to whether the BT wished to dedicate a further bench
ACTION POINT MB to supply DL with details regarding bench purchase
3 LF raised the query about the Tennis Club extending into the children’s play area in order to provide space for a new and larger club house.
ACTION POINT CB to raise this question with the PC at the next meeting
The meeting ended at 20.02hours