Draft Minutes of Trustees Meeting Monday 20th February 2017

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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J Leahy (Chairman). D Ives (DI), W Warwick (BW), M Woodcock (MW), S Kennedy (SK), T Chown (TC) N Pidgeley (NP), P Philcher (PP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT), D Freeman. (DF),  D Leonard (DL). 
There was one member of the Public present, Mr A Johnson.

56. Apologies.:

Received from A Smallman (AS), J Sopp (JS),  R Driver (RD)
With H Hedges no longer taking on responsibilities for cleaning or bookings within the Centre it was agreed that his co-option as a member of the ACSC was no longer applicable.

57. Minutes

With the addition of A Taylor under Apologies and a clarification of Minute 55 (User Groups to mean Hall User Groups) the minutes of the meeting held on January 16th having been circulated and were accepted and signed by the chairman of that meeting DI.

58. Matters Arising

Stage Floor. It was agreed that until such time as the stage could be cleared of stored items (banquet tables etc ) there was little point in painting the floor. It was agreed this be held over until a suitable time.
Solar Panels. JL confirmed that latest meter readings had been taken and submitted to SSE.
Goals Storage Compound. The APC had contributed £1400.00 toward the total cost of £2834.00 to Barnham Trojans FC. JL proposed that as the compound did constitute an asset for the ACSC the balance of £1434.00 be paid by ACSC to Barnham Trojans FC. This to consist of any contribution made to ACSC by BRMRC and funds from ACSC.  Agreed unanimously.
CC Cleaning. Green Clean had been selected as most suitable by the finance sub committee and were on site on a daily basis. A quote for the deep clean already agreed by the Trustees had been received from Green Clean and would be carried out during Hopscotch half term week. This included cleaning and polishing of the hall floor. Confirmed and agreed by Trustees present.
Hopscotch. Security Fencing. Knights Fencing quote had been accepted and it was hoped the fencing would be erected asap. At present Hopscotch were paying for the project out of funds. They had difficulty getting assistance from APC and SITA in that they are a business. If it can be agreed that the fencing is an ACSC asset then TC would be prepared to approach APC for financial assistance. ACTION TC, SW
Little Big Drama Group. DF reported that they had decided not to go ahead with public plays at present.
CCTV. Quotes were still awaited but JL reported that 4 companies were interested. ACTION JL
ACSC/ACS. Meeting re locking up after weekend events still to be convened. ACTION JL, DF

59. Public Session

Mr Johnson asked if the Trustee wished him to continue tidying up around the building, agreed, and that he invoices outstanding from August and September. JL apologised for the delay in payment and stated that he would write him a cheque for the outstanding amounts immediately after the meeting.
Mr Johnson also informed the Trustees that the Sussex Reliance Group ( Emergency Planning?) had designated the Community Centre as an Emergency Centre  and it should be available for use when required.  
Secretary pointed out that we have not received any correspondence, notification of this requirement and it was somewhat disturbing that an organisation could designate and expect facilities to be available without any prior notice whatsoever.  
Mr Johnson to contact SRG, Secretary to contact APC Clerk Joanne Brown and determine whether the APC were also aware of this requirement. ACTION DL

60. Chairman’s Report

Fibre Broadband. JL highlighted the package detailed and costs involved. After discussion JL proposed that the BT quote be accepted, seconded DL. Trustees present accepted and approved the proposal. ACTION JL
Aldingbourne Social Club are celebrating their 40th Anniversary on the August Bank Holiday weekend, Saturday 26th Aug and Sunday 27th Aug. They propose holding an Open Day for the Club and Centre on the weekend and invited other user groups to participate in the weekend in  opening up their facilities and clubs for the public. To be further actioned and discussed next Trustees meeting.

61. Secretaries Report

DL thanked all those who had helped over the two previous weekends in clearing the upstairs storage area, (3 Wheelie Bins full plus car boots), the clearance of the cleaner’s storage cupboard and the assembly of the new storage shelves. There were still some items that needed clearing, namely 3 Christmas Trees (agreed to be disposed of) and the removal of the paint to the BRMRC green container. 
New kitchen Fridge. Still to be purchased. ACTION DL


57/17. In formation from “Fields In Trust” re the Parliamentary Communities and Local Government Public Parks inquiry.   
58/17 Southern Water notifying ACSC that effective April 1st a new company will take over responsibility for waste water services, Business Stream. Our normal fresh water supply services remains with  Portsmouth Water.
59/17 Biffa notifying  of increase in collection prices for general waste to 0.45pper cubic metre.
60/17. JL. 2 Options  received from  Worldpay re online payment proposal allowing ACSC, J Sopp to collect payments via Credit or Debit cards from centre hirers. I.e. Children’s parties etc.
- Option 1 Pay as we go option 4p per transaction +2.5% plus VAT. No Telephone option.
- Option 2 £19.95 pcm + 2.5p per transaction + 1.6% (credit card) or 0.65% Debit Card + VAT per transaction.
Option 2 includes ability to receive payments by phone. Following discussion JL proposed option 1 be accepted. Having initially requested that card payments be made available for Centre hirers J Sopp (in her absence) was happy to agree with the proposal. Accepted and approved by the Trustees present. ACTION JL 61/17. SSE re alleged unpaid invoice. Secretary reported that he had supplied Treasurer with the latest meter readings and the matter had been resolved.

62. Treasurers Report

JS written report: Booking are starting to pick up for later in the year and we have a few provisional bookings. Children’s Parties are going well.
Year end figures end to be confirmed with the accountants but provisional figures indicate a surplus of £4512.00 over the year.
- Debtors owing: £4513.30
- Creditors £8219.40
- Bank Balance £9993.71 Team Brown reminded that they have lapsed in their repayments (debt) to the ACSC. Following the reminder he payments of £50.00 per week have recommenced. Aldingbourne Village Hall Trust. DL was happy to note that trust had granted £1130.00 to the ACSC.

63 Date of next meeting

Monday 20th March . 7.30pm at ACSC.

64. Any Other Business

AT re smoke alarms. Noting that there was only one in the main hall, asking where were the others situated. DI to check and also to check on the status of spare unit in the office.
TC requesting that he be copied in on the joint liaison group (APC/ACSC) meeting notes.
PP Apologising for his absence from previous meetings.
DI. Noting that the lights behind the SC bar were defective with many tubes not working. He commented that the strip lights were aging and it was difficult to obtain new tubes. DF agreed to investigate and report back at next meeting. ACTION DF
MW asked that the link from the Tennis Club to the ACSC be updated.
DF Car Park marking/lines. Becoming very faint and difficult to see, cars parking in the disabled bays. SK agreed to investigate cost and means of repainting. ACTION SK
AT re road signs (entrance to Oliver’s Meadow) and user group board at the edge of the sports field. SK noted that the owners of the corner house had been instructed to move their fence line in order that the road sign can be re-sited.

Meeting closed at 8.50pm

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