Minutes of Trustees Meeting 4th April 2016

ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday April 4th 2016. Present: J Leahy (Chairman),  D Ives (DI), A Smallman (AS), M Woodcock (MW), S Kennedy (SK) N Pidgeley (NP), H Hedges (HH), D Meakins (DM, D Leonard (DL) One member of the Public present. Mrs T Smallman Apologies: Received T Chown, R Cornell, W Warwick, R Driver, D Freeman Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of  7th March were accepted and signed by the Chairman Matters Arising: Min 48. Mrs R Cornell: Chairman has…continue reading →

Minutes of Trustees Meeting 19th October 2015

ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday Oct 19th 2015 Present: Messrs  D Ives (DI), T Chown (TC), A Smallman (AS), N Pidgeley (NP), W Warwick (WW) D Meakins (DM), S Kennedy (SK), D Freeman (DM), H Hedges (HH) D Leonard (DL).  New Trustee. Representing the Aldingbourne Tennis Club Mr Mike Woodcock introduced himself to the Trustees. Apologies. Received on behalf of J Leahy. R Cornell Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Sept 21st 2015 were accepted and signed                 Matters Arising. Minute…continue reading →