Minutes of Trustees Meeting 19th October 2015

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday Oct 19th 2015

Present: Messrs  D Ives (DI), T Chown (TC), A Smallman (AS), N Pidgeley (NP), W Warwick (WW)

D Meakins (DM), S Kennedy (SK), D Freeman (DM), H Hedges (HH) D Leonard (DL). 

New Trustee. Representing the Aldingbourne Tennis Club Mr Mike Woodcock introduced himself to the Trustees.

  1. Apologies. Received on behalf of J Leahy. R Cornell

  1. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of Sept 21st 2015 were accepted and signed                

  1. Matters Arising. Minute 10a) Defibrillator.  TC reported that the Parish Council will purchase the unit but expected the ACSC and member groups/clubs to maintain and service the unit as required. There was discussion on where to mount same, whether there was a risk of vandalism and funding to maintain and service as require.    Action Points.  ACSC.   
Minute 84K. The servicing of the central heating boilers and the annual certificate requirements had been carried out.

New Thermostatic valves were to be fitted to the radiators asap.

Action Point:  HH.

Minute 88e. Refurbished Notice Board (Field Entrance). Groups/clubs to be invoiced.

Minute 36/16. Agreed and paid.

  1. Correspondence: 38/16. Appointment of MW as new Tennis Club Representative.

  1. Chairman’s Report. Correspondence from JL and verbal report from DI re the Lease agreement ACSC/BRMRC/PC.
No major changes to the Lease.  Trustees to wait for confirmation letter from PC before formal vote to accept Lease.  Hopefully Lease signing attended by all parties concerned can them take place.
  1. Accounts: Following discussion with Trish Small man, JL to discus with all groups the idea that we register with an online accounts system. The invoicing of user groups is now becoming a priority as no groups/clubs have been invoiced since August. TC volunteered to action this item on behalf of the ACSC.  Action Point: AS (TS?) and HH to meet to update online calendar and action outstanding invoices.    
Chairman’s email was circulated with a number of action points. The following items were resolved. 

TC/DI to visit Barclays (BR) to check and obtain necessary info on accessing online access to accounts.  Action Point: TC/DI 


Treasurer: The position of Treasurer remains open. Adverts for volunteers have been placed on the notice board and Parish Magazine to no avail. TC agreed to request the item be placed on the PC agenda for November meeting.

A number of further items were listed and it was agreed they be held over to December ACSC mtg.

  1. Secretary’s Report. NTR. Secretary not available for 2 weeks from 22nd Oct

  1. PC Report. TC informed trustees of the action to clear the Tote Copse area, (Oving Rood) involving the PC and a Sussex Historic Society later the current week, Wednesday/Thursday,.
Volunteers to assist would be welcome.

  1. Bookings: HH reported that Tuesday evenings were still available apart from the PC meeting once a month. A new Marshall Arts clubs were proposing to move into the Centre on Thursday evenings commencing new year 2016.
A number of enquiries and bookings had been received for 2016.

  1. Date of next meeting: Monday November 30th. 7.30pm

  1. Any Other Business: a) The footpath Signal Box to Shooting Club is becoming overgrown with grass.     A Johnson to be approached with a view to clearance.    
  2. b) Overgrown grass under benches outside SC. AS to action cutting
  3. c) DF reported that he had been informed that a “person” had been selling legal high drugs in the children’s play area. Parents had taken action and called the police and the perpetrator had been warned but the police could not take any action as the drugs were so called “legal”.
A watch will be maintained
  1. d) HH. Christmas Tree: Our normal source no longer available. Do we want to erect a tree outside the Centre. Trustees agreed that further investigation required.
Action Point: HH/AS  
  1. e) DI reported that a vehicle, people carrier had been regularly parked in the car park out of hours and overnight. AS to check.
It was also reported that Woods Coaches were using the car park as a pick up point for trips.

AS to check with company.
  1. f) WW. Defunct printer remains in snooker room. HH to chase removal
  2. g) DM asked when electricity meters due to be read. AS to check.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.

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