Minutes of Trustees Meeting 15th June 2015

ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday 15th June 2015 Present: Mr D Ives. (DI),    A Smallman (AS), T Smallman (TS), J Leahy (JL), W Warwick (BW). D Meakins (DM), H Hedges (HH), N Pidgley (NP), S Kennedy (SK), R Cornell (RC), D Freeman (DF) D Leonard (DL) There was one member of the public in attendance: Mr A Johnson. Apologies: Received from C Wright, R Driver, T Chown Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on May 21st were accepted and signed by…continue reading →

Minutes of Centre Management Committee – 9th September 2013

Minutes of Centre Management Committee – 9th September 2013   ATTENDEES:       Jonathan Leahy- Chairman (JL), Alan Smallman- Secretary (AS), Tony Chown- Treasurer (TC), Rachel Cornell (RC)   APOLOGIES:       Jonathan Vinsome- Accountant (JV)   "Trustees are reminded to make any declaration of personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda. Notice should be given at this part of the meeting of any intended declaration. The nature of the interest should then be declared later at the commencement of the item or when the interest becomes apparent."  …continue reading →