Minutes of the 15th AGM – 25th July 2012

  ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the 15th AGM 25th July 2012   Those Present:   Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Mike Burton (MB), Alan Johnson (AJ), Bill Warwick (BW) Tom Tappenden (TT), Derek Freeman (DF) and Alex Gladman (AG   Meeting opened at 7:05pm.   1.        APOLOGIES Dennis Leonard  (DL), Adrian Taylor (AT), Dave Ives (DI).   Non-Attendance    Chris Blows (CB)   2.        MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE 14th AGM,  27th July 2011.   Minutes agreed correct. Proposed JV, seconded AJ   3          THE CHAIRMANS…continue reading →

Chairmans Report – 2012

Introduction Thank you all for attending tonight's AGM of the ACSC. Today marks the end of one chapter for the ACSC and the start of another.  Six years ago, the ACSC was facing its most difficult period since its inception.  The Community Centre building was in desperate need of maintenance and decoration, the changing rooms had been out of use for years, the Centre had lost the majority of it's local clubs and user groups and there seemed to be a lack of interest from local people to step forward and take on…continue reading →