Minutes of the 15th AGM – 25th July 2012
ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the 15th AGM 25th July 2012 Those Present: Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Mike Burton (MB), Alan Johnson (AJ), Bill Warwick (BW) Tom Tappenden (TT), Derek Freeman (DF) and Alex Gladman (AG Meeting opened at 7:05pm. 1. APOLOGIES Dennis Leonard (DL), Adrian Taylor (AT), Dave Ives (DI). Non-Attendance Chris Blows (CB) 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE 14th AGM, 27th July 2011. Minutes agreed correct. Proposed JV, seconded AJ 3 THE CHAIRMANS…continue reading →