Minutes of the AGM held 24th July 2017
DRAFT MINUTES ONLY TO BE APPROVED AT 2018 AGM Minutes of the 20th Annual General Meeting held on Monday 24 th July 2017 at the Community Centre, Olivers Meadow, Aldingbourne. Present Messrs, D Ives (DI), J Sopp (JS), A Smallman (AS), D Leonard (DL), S Kennedy (SK), D Meakins (DM), N Pidgley (NP), D Freeman (DF), M Woodcock (MW), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT), P Philcher (PP) , W Warwick (WW) There were no members of the public present Meeting opened at 7:35pm. 1. Apologies Received from J Leahy, R Driver 2.…continue reading →