Minutes of the Trustees Meeting - 10th January 2010

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 10th January 2010.


Meeting started at 18:35pm


Those Present


Jon Leahy (JL), Alan Johnson (AJ), Mike Burton (MB),  Linda Fromant (LF), John Penfold (JP), , and Helen Wright (HW)


1          Apologies


Tom Tappenden (TT), Bill Warwick (BW) John Wakeham (JW) Jon Vinsome (JV)

and Dennis Leonard (DL)


2          Minutes of the 13th December 2009.


The minutes were accepted as correct Proposed AJ, seconded HW.


3          Matters arising 13th December 2009.


3  JV yet to engage with Todd Miller to conduct a site survey


ACTION POINT JV to approach Todd Miller to conduct a survey


9 Parish Council Report

JP stated he had written to the Parish Clerk for clarification regarding

responsibility of the children’s play area. The e-mail had been sent to the Clerk

Richard Beresford but as there had not been a PC meeting in January he was still

awaiting an answer.


MB stated that JV had written to Mike Kennedy to stop cutting of the grass in the

children’s play area and referred to Correspondence item 68


MB stated he had received notice of authority to prune the tree in the children’s

play area. All the paperwork had been passed to the PC Clerk




14 ASC Matters arising from meeting of 19/11/2009

HW explained quotes for the re-positioning of the stage bar divider was on going

ACTION POINT  HW to obtain quote to move stage bar divider


MB stated he had written to the ASC regarding the licence extentions


HW requested letters for her as the Chair of the ASC be delivered to her home.


15 Next Meeting


MB stated he had written to the ASC re cleaning-up after the New Years Eve



16 AOB


ACTION POINT JL to seek further quote from Global access and Defensor                  

to replace access system.




Item 66 E-mail from Mike Burton to Matt starling of WSCC requesting details of any grants available to extend the current street lighting on the site

Item 67 Letter to Mr Jones of Olivers Meadow regarding planning permission for the thinning of the Oak tree and the PC  now taking over responsibility

Item 68 Letter to Mike Kennedy from JV requested him to stop cutting the grass in the children’s area




No public in attendance




            JL thanked MB and JV for their work in preparing the stage for the arrival of the

new back stage curtains. He also thanked HW for policing the New Years Eve





            In the absence of the of the Treasurer JL informed everyone that it had been a

good month. Due mainly to hall hire fees the Charity had ended the month

with a profit of £1400

            The accounts were proposed by MB, seconded by HW. The vote was unanimous

in favour of acceptance of the accounts






MB stated signs to Dog Walkers had now been placed around the field. It remained to see what good they would do but reactions were very mixed

A grant had been submitted to JDAC to cover the cost of the stage curtains


JP stated that due to pressure the WSCC had backtraced over their reorganization of the Area Committees and their grants had been left intact


AJ raised the possibility of making dog owners aware of the problems on the playing field by using the Parish Magazine


ACTION POINT MB to include something on this subject






     No report




LF reported that matters were ‘steaming ahead’. They were now 3 months

           away from the event .

MB agreed to notify LF of grant sources



   11   BOOKINGS


           HW explained to everyone that both she as Bookings Secretary and the ASC  via

Their booking system were unaware of the double booking which recently

occurred between a private party and one of the ballroom dance groups.

It was very unfortunate.

JL stated that JV had been caught in a very invidious position not being in full

knowledge of the facts he had coped with the situation extremely well and

deserved everyone’s praise.

Two free nights had been promised to the disappointed group


MB suggested that we should send a hirer some form of letter/receipt when the

booking was confirmed. Only on production of this receipt would we

acknowledge a booking and if we also maintained a duplicate in a separate file in

the office on occasions when Helen was not available this would provide valuable

information concerning the booking to whoever was dealing with it.

JL stated he and JV would still have to continue their talks with the ASC on

bookings  ,


         ACTION POINT MB to provide a dedicated file for the office




         MB stated that there had been a slight set back in that the Charity Commission had

refused the initial application for charitable status pending a considerable amount of

further information. The Trust were preparing a reply.

AJ stated that the main contractors were proposing to leave the steel lifting girder

on site. They had run out of money for the project AJ stated that the large beams

might be useful as RSJ when extending the hall

MB stated for the time being they could be stored behind the barn

JL mentioned that he was arranging a meeting to dicuss a lease/renting agreement.

MB and JP stated they could not discuss this issue as they both had a conflict of





        HW identified one booking for the month 16/01  HW to cover in, JL out


14     AOB


AJ stated that he had been informed that BCM now wished to leave the steel girders presently around the signal box on site to avoid the cost of removal. AL suggested they could be used to span the hall when we eventually extended it.

It was agreed if this was so they should be stored at the back of the barn


HW stated she had been approached by a snooker club wishing to hire the snooker room on a Friday night for a winter league 7:30-11:30pm

It was agreed to offer the room at £5.00 per session but this would not include free use of the light.

MB stated the club should be encouraged to get their members to join the ASC rather than the associate membership.


Meeting ended at 19:35



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