Minutes of Trustees Meeting 21st September 2015

Meetings , Regular Minutes


Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday 21st September 2015

Present: Messrs  J Leahy (JL) Chairman. R Driver (RD), A Smallman (AS), D Leonard (DL),

D Meakins (DM),  W Warwick (BW), D Freeman (DF), D Ives (DI), N Pidgley (NP),

H Hedges (HH), C Wright (CW).

Public:  Mr A Johnson. Mrs P Smallman.  A Taylor

05) Apologies. Received from S Kennedy, R Cornell, T Chown

06) Minutes       Meeting of July 13th   Signed as a true record. Proposed AS, Seconded DI 

                                Meeting of July 27th   Signed as a true record. Proposed DL, Seconded DI

07) Matters Arising. 75c. Snooker Tables. HH reported that the full refurbishment is scheduled for next year.

84j. Fibre Optic service for IT                       On Going                            Action Point. JL

84k Thermostatic Valves for radiators.    On Going                            Action Point  HH              

88e External Notice Board                             On Going                            Action Point  AS

100v1. Bar Lights                                               Completed

  1.  Correspondence. 18 items of correspondence were received as follows
22/16     Quotation for Field Notice board refurbishment. Majority of organisations have agreed t to pay as required. Quote £120 + vat . JL to action.

23/16     E mail to trustees re welcome sign

24/16     PS re accounts & Invoicing

25/16     Public request for information on planning issues JL responded

26/16     PS Final draft of Accounts and Trustees Report

27/16     DI re spraying of Compound 

28/16     APC Regards newsletter article

29/16     PS re electricity feed and tariff

30/16     PS re financial matters and correspondence received

31/16     PS re “strimming” noise/ compound

32/16     PS Additional disclosures for accounts

33/16     BIFFA, re waste transfer renewal. Payment cleared for next 12 months. AS actioned

34/16     JDAC Notification of change in contact details

35/16     Community refurbishment , change of contact

36/16     Parish News Magazine. Advert renewal, £400.00 Agreed. JL to redesign current full page ACSC advert

37/16     Louise Beaton re vacant Treasurers post.


09)  Public Session:         ATaylor re ACSC signage. Whether ACSC should enquire through WSCC Highways on a more prominent sign at the corner of Oliver’s Meadow. The current sign is very small and high on lamp post on opposite side of road.

Action Point: JL

10)  Chairman’s Report:  a) Defribulater: Parish Council to purchase, ACSC to fund annual maintenance and training. User groups to contribute towards fund for maintenance and training.
  1. b) Planned Music night: ASC arranged and organised
  2. c) Summer Soccer school was cancelled
  3. d) Aldingbourne Alive. Do the ACSC want to organise and run event 2016.

11) Secretaries Report:  a) Trustees Roles and Responsibilities. AS to circulate to all Trustees
  1. b) Accounts. AS reported that all Direct Debits, Standing Orders in place.
                The electricity meters to be read and user groups invoiced.
  1. c) Photo copiers still awaiting removal: Action Point HH
  2. d) Stage Floor. Refurbishment scheduled to be completed Monday 28th

12) Financial Report. In the absence of a Treasurer AS reported that there was deficit of #1826 up to end of August

                Balances:  Current Account                                          9172.66

                                    Deposit Account                                           2011.00

                                    Bond                                                             12518.00 

                                    Petty Cash                                                      318.00

                                    Float HH                                                           190.00


13)  Parish Council Report. The Lease  (ACSC-BRMRC) to be discussed at PC meeting scheduled for Oct 6th

14)  Bookings. HH reported that the diary is almost full to Christmas.

                He has received enquiries for 2 new groups for hiring Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

15) Any Other Business;  RD. Request that Hopscotch be reminded to keep the Car Club cupboard clear.

                DF re costs of lease/s agreements.  JL to investigate

                NP re poor level of lighting in small committee room.  HH confirmed that bulbs will be replaced
  1. Informed Trustees that he may not be in attendance in future as the Tennis Club will be appointing a replacement who lives more locally than himself.
  2. Insurances due for renewal.
                The central heating boilers, gas filters are scheduled to be serviced and recertified Tuesday Oct 22nd.  Cost not yet known but has to be met in order for Centre to be certified safe for use.

16) Date of Next meeting.  Monday October 19th.


At this juncture JL declared the main meeting closed and advised Trustees present that the 2nd part would deal specifically with the ACSC/BRMRC Lease following receipt of public questions and responses following posting of proposals.

DI, AS and the three members of the public present left the meeting.

JL explained the current position re the Lease and reiterated that the Parish Council, at their meeting of October 6th,  would discuss and decide on any further action necessary or  confirm the Lease as presented. As the Landlords they have the final say on the conditions of the Lease.

JL also informed Trustees that four main questions had been raised by three members of the public in response to the public consultation
  1. a) Times of Use of Signal Box and Goods Shed
  2. b) Type of use
  3. c) Privacy Filters on windows
d)Use and control of compound.

Additional questions had been raised re definition of noise levels and consumption of alcohol.

ACSC solicitor Jonathan Dawson had been consulted    

JL itemised the Lease conditions relating to the above and asked that same be either agreed / modified or amended as Trustees voted.

The final draft to be forwarded to PC prior to their meeting.

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