Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 7th March 2010

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 7th March 2010.


Meeting started at 18:40hrs


Present  Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Linda Fromant (LF), Bill Warwick (BW), Alan Johnson (AJ) John Penfold (JP), Ton Tappenden (TT) and Mike Burton (MB)


1          Apologies   Helen Wright


2                    Minutes of the 7th February 2010.


The minutes were proposed correct by TT and seconded by AJ


3          Matters arising from the minutes of the 7th February 2010.



14  HW to obtain quote for moving stage bar divider –ongoing

ACTION POINT HW to update at next meeting

15 AOB  JL . Meeting later this week JL to update at next meeting

ACTION POINT JL to update at next meeting

8 Dog Fouling seemed to have decreased in the last month.


8   MB stated he had been unable to elicit a response from Brit gas having spent almost

2hrs on the phone. He did not propose to contact them again.

The two quotes, SAUNDERS and AUSTIN were discussed. The meeting decided that

AUSTIN should be requested to supply a more detailed quote stating which boiler he

intended to use. BTU should be in excess of 200. Both quotes should also include a

thermostatic controls for the radiators and maintenance contract.


BW to obtain a quote for a boiler


ACTION POINT MB to obtain a more detailed quotes


ACTION POINT JP to obtain a quote for cavity wall insulation


            12 SITING OF BENCHES


                  It was agreed that the two benches would be erected towards the western end

of the football pitch


            16 AOB


Quotes to lay  the new path around the Signal box still to be obtained


ACTION POINT MB to obtain quotes for laying a new path


             MB to obtain swatches from curtain suppliers for next meeting

ACTION POINT MB to obtain quotes for curtains





Item 72            Letter from ARUN planning regarding the receipt of further information in                        relation to AL/06/10 the new building/Hopscotch.

Item 73            Quote from Chant Electrical Services (Agenda Item 16)

Item 74            Quote from Colas relating to street lights




No public in attendance




JL thanked everyone for the work put in to lay the cables for the Tennis Club at the weekend




JV stated that we had a £64 surplus this month and with budgeted expenses taken into account we were £5600 under budget on the year

One matter had come to his attention in that Dennis Leonard had reported to him that the FA were contemplating closing the league. If this occurred they would be seeking a repayment from the ACSC.

It was agreed that this could not be the full amount as use of the pitch up until now had already resulted in maintenance fees for weeding, rolling etc.

MB asked if this would mean the end of Barnham Trojans and if so we might have to revoke the agreement that had only just been put into place.

LF asked if the club would continue with training and possible friendly matched

This was though unlikely as there were insurances which it was believed were partly underwritten by the FA

It was decided to await the return of Dennis who would hopefully be in a position to update us

ACTION POINT MB to add Barnham Trojans to the next Agenda


The Treasurer’s report was accepted by AJ and seconded by MB




MB stated that he had submitted two grant application to ARUN for the new building/Hopscotch and the Stage curtains

£1500 had been received from JDAC for the rear stage curtains this had been passed to the Treasurer.

Over 150 signatures had been collected as stage two of the grant application to WSCC for further street lighting

MB gave his thanks to all the members of the tennis club who turned up for the cable laying on Saturday. There was a real community spirit the end result being that all is now ready for the next phase in supply electricity and water to the tennis club.

A second cable was also laid in preparation for the installation of a street light.




JP reported that a further Councillor had been elected, Chris Blows. The PC were looking to erect new gates to the children’s play area and two new litter bins had also been ordered. The Oak tree would be ‘pruned’ towards the end of the month. The PC had also ordered two new bench seats




LF reported that everything was progressing. There had been a slight problem with some of the paperwork submitted for the lottery grant. This was being resolved by the submission of a new form, it meant a delay but the grant was still intact.

LF stated that all advertising had been sold grossing over £1000 this ensured that the event was covered financially.




JL stated that the meeting between JV himself and representative of the Barnham Signal Box Trust had been useful in order to understand the position of the new Trust. Basically they had no money and no income and were therefore looking for a peppercorn rent. Discussions had been slightly difficult in that the BSBT appeared to have not fully agreed upon the use of the building. It appeared that the railway club wanted sole occupancy of the building but had opposition and was not in line with what had previously reported as their ‘objective’ it was also possible it would class with their quest for charitable status. Those present saw the role of the ACSC as controlling the bookings/use of the building., this would need to be decided upon. Further discussions were needed to iron out a ‘Rental Agreement’ and which body would control bookings and use. There was also the point as to who would own and pay the upkeep and expenses if the BSBT were to cease.What ever was decided it would eventually require a legal document to be drawn up (Jonathan Dawson) and the cost of this would have to be born by the BSBT

It was suggested that the next meeting should be three-way involving the PC.

MB and JP both declared an interest in the matter but offered the view that the PC clerk might be of use in such a situation.

MB informed everyone that at last the Charity Commission had accepted the BSBT bid for charitable status however they required further information including a copy of the lease/rental agreement so there was some urgency in holding the next round of meetings




Dealt with previously





13th JL to Open  MB to close.  Children’s party.


21st JL to open MB to close.  Children’s party.




It was agreed that a camera should be installed in the room as the light machine could become a target for theft.


ACTION POINT MB to contact Defenser to request for an updated quote

15  –




(Correspondence Item 73)


The meeting was of the opinion that further quotes should be obtained and that the ASC should be approached to share the bill for the replacement of the light switch.


JL stated he would contact Bradleys and MB and BW stated they would also contact local firms




11th April 2010




18 AOB


MB stated he had been approached by the MMN society about the possibility of using the committee room for a monthly meeting on the second Monday   evening of each month.

It was agreed we could accommodate this and that it would be free of charge although a donation towards the cost of heating etc would be appreciated perhaps after the annual quiz night.


AJ reported that he had retained his First Aider status.


Meeting ended  at 18:06hrs

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