Minutes of Trustees Meeting 14th January 2019

Present Messrs A Smallman (AS) J Sopp (JS), M Woodcock (MW), D Leonard (DL), S Kennedy (SK) S Waller (SW), M Warden (MWa) 2 members of the Tennis Club Mr Dennis Cote (DC) and Mr Terry Booker (TB), 1 member of the Social Club A Norfolk (AN) In the absence of the Chairman the Secretary A Smallman was nominated to assume the role of Chairman until such time as J Leahy arrived. AS welcomed three new attendees Messrs A Norfolk, D Cote and T Booker Apologies Received from A Taylor, N Pidgely, M…continue reading →

Minutes of Trustees Meeting 16th January 2017

Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday January 16th 2017 Present: D Ives. Deputy Chairman (DI), J Sopp (JS), M Woodcock (MW) S Waller (SW) A Smallman (AS), S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgley (NP), D Meakins (DM), D Freeman (DF) D Leonard (DL)There was one member of the public present. Mrs T Leighton (Hopscotch)Apologies: Received on behalf of J Leahy, R Driver, T Chown, W Warwick, A Taylor Minutes.The minutes of the meeting held on Dec 12th were accepted and signed by D Ives. Matters Arising:Stage Floor. On going but it is…continue reading →