Minutes of Trustees Meeting 9th July 2018

DRAFT MINUTES MAY CONTAIN OMISSIONS OR INCORRECTIONS Minutes of the meeting held on Mon 9th July 2018 Present: A Smallman (AS), J Leahy (JL), D Freeman (DF), D Ives (DI), J Sopp(JS), M Woodcock (MW), N Pidgley(NP). S Kennedy (SK), M Warden, (MW) Apologies: R Driver (RD), D Leonard (DL), S Waller (SW), B Warwick (BW), A Taylor (AT) MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held on Mon 14th May 2018 were accepted and signed by the Chairman. Approved DI Seconded JS. MATTERS ARISING Car Park Lining: To write to user-groups regards contributing to…continue reading →

Draft Minutes of the Meeting on Monday 22nd May 2017

THESE ARE DRAFT MINUTES THAT MAY INCLUDE ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Present:Messrs D Ives (DI), M Woodcock (MW), D Freeman (DF), S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgely (NP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT). P Pilcher (PP), J Sopp (JS), A Smallman (AS), D Leonard (DL)Members of the public present:There were two members of the public present: Mrs Emma Pinder, Aldingbourne Primary School PTA Mrs Mary Wheeler, Aldingoburne Social Club. 85. Apologies:Received from J Leahy, T Chown, R Driver. W Warwick 86. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on April 24th 2017 were accepted and…continue reading →