Minutes of Trustees Meeting 13th July 2015

ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday July 13th 2015 Present:  D Ives (DI), A Smallman (AS),T  Smallman (TS), W Warwick (WW) D Meakins (DM), N Pidgley (NP), H Hedges (HH), J Leahy (JL), D Leonard (DL) 89. Apologies: Received from C Wright, R Driver, D Freeman, R Cornell, T Chown Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on June 15th having been circulated were accepted and signed Matters Arising: 73 (12) Cheque signatories now in place. It was agreed that the Treasurer proceed…continue reading →

Minutes of Trustees Meeting 27th January 2014

ALDINGBORNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday 27 th January 2014 Present: Messrs T Chwon (TC), P McCulloch (PM), A Smallman (AS), D Meakins (DM), D Ives (DI), R Driver (RD), Mrs R Cornell (RC). D Leonard (DL). J Leahy There was one member of the public present. 160: Apologies: Received from Messrs.’ B Warwick and D Freeman In the absence of the Chairman Mr T Chown was nominated and chaired the meeting. 161: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on November 18…continue reading →