Minutes of Trustees Meeting 14th November 2016
ALDINGBOURNE COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE Registered Charity No. 276055 Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday November 14th 2016 Present: Messrs J Leahy (JL), D Ives (DI), D Meakins (DM). D Freeman (DF), J Sopp (JS) S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgely (NP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT). W Warwick (BW) R Driver (RD) D Leonard (DL) Aldingbourne Parish Council. Mr M Beaton (Chairman). Ms J Brown (Clerk) 5 members of the APC present. Before the meeting started JL welcomed the members of the Aldingbourne PC to the meeting. Apologies; Received from…continue reading →