Minutes of Trustees Meeting 8th January 2018

Meetings , Regular Minutes


Present: A Smallman (AS), A Taylor (AT) ,D Freeman (DF), D Ives (DI), S Waller (SW), R Driver (RD), J Sopp (JS), B Warwick (BW), M Woodcock (MW), N Pidgley (NP).
Apologies received: J Leahy (JL), D Leonard (DL)
Minutes of the meeting held on 27th Nov 2017 were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
Car Park Lining: Still ongoing and nothing to update. It was suggested later in the meeting that every user group is written to to see if they would contribute to the re-lining of the car park. DI recommended trying WSCC. JL to continue investigating
MW Enquired as to why the line marking had been put back. Part of reason was because user groups had not been written to as yet. Also centre carpets where deem to be a higher priority. AT to meet a company regards renewal of carpets. Ongoing 
Access System: Camera in porch replaced. JL said not to worry about the camera near the defibrillator at the moment. With regards to grants for the system this is still ongoing.
Drones on the field: No update from DL or JS. JL to write to Aldingbourne Parish Council for correct definition of drones and other aircraft to put on to signage for the field. It was noted that there was a possible change in the law for drones. Trustees took it upon themselves and voted for “no flying of drones” within the field as we have a similar ruling for model aircraft. SK to look at signage for above.
AT to contact Parish Council to discuss a joint working party with other halls in the area ongoing 
ACSC Licensing: DF reported that they are still waiting on the council to respond to them. It was suggested Personal licenses for some bar staff/personnel. ongoing
Radiators: These have new valves, new thermostats, one in main hall is still leaking and it has been noted that the water pressure in the hot water tap can be inconsistent so this may need looking at too. ongoing
Carpets: DF gave update. HH is still getting quotes together. AT suggested putting Car Park lining on hold and we focus on carpets inside. AT has suggested that he can also obtain some quotes and work together with DF And HH. ongoing
Phones in the centre: These are no longer ringing or making outside phone calls so will be replaced. DF to buy these. ongoing
Public Session
Alan Johnson suggested that a new bench seat is needed and that he can fix this for us and this was agreed to. Alan looked onto this costs would be around £40. However, as we have a bench upstairs which could be used for repairs for the time being, it was suggested that we look into composite benchers as sturdier. AS to look into costs.
Path edges getting over run with grass. Needs cutting back. Working party to be sort.
Chairmans report
Nothing to report
Secretary`s report
Childrens Air Ambulance: They have requested that a textile bank be put alongside our bins for people to recycle clothes. This was agreed if there was a fire extinguisher nearby. DI to write back and agree. Ongoing
It was highlighted that WIFI seemed to drop out at times. Request JL to look at.
Treasurer’s report
Hopscotch payments ongoing
Barnham Trojans owe rent and statements have been given to those that owe money.Paid
Concerns water bills up by 2/3rds JL was to look at cistern sensor
Contact Portsmouth water regards leakage. Water to be checked by shutting off at mains. This is to see if we still have issues. AS to contact Bowls club for access to site due to above
A summary of accounts to be made available for Trustees at the meetings.
Parish council
No one in Attendance
Booking Secretary
Room not long enough for Pickle Board tennis so may not happen.
Jan bookings slow.
Picking up rest of year
To look at advertising again as we don’t seem to be in any local magazines now.
Next meeting: Monday 5 March 2018 @ 7.30pm
Any other business
Sub committees to be set up. So they could work together before the meetings to make it easier to deliver information back to the Trustees as a whole. Also relieve the pressure on JL as most of work seems be with him.
Gritting of the car parks. We have a full bin of grit outside the front entrance to the centre which can be used. A shovel is to be sort for spreading. We will be reliant on the trustees to spreads the grit if required.
A request was made for the use of the hall when raining for games such as Soft ball etc. It was agreed in principle but other issues had to be looked at first, like H&S, insurance.
D.F. highlighted that water was too hot. Could it be looked at
Meeting closed at 9.05pm

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