Minutes of Trustees Meeting 7th April 2014

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting 7th April 2014

Present: T Chown (TC), A Smallman (AS), D Meakins (DM), W Warwick (WW), D Freeman (DF),

C Wright(CW), J Leahy (JL), R Cornell (RC), P House (PH). Stand in Rep for Model Car Club

There were 3 members of the public present. A Taylor (BRMRC), A Johnson, Mrs T Smallman

  1. Apologies. Received on behalf of D Ives, R Driver, P McCulloch
  1. In the absence of the Deputy Chairman T Chown was nominated to chair the meeting.
  1. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 27th January were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
  1. Matters Arising: 169. Dog Bins/Litter Bins. The new units had been received from ADC and were to be installed by M Kennedy.

163: Fire Equipment.  AS to investigate in house purchase of required Fire doors to storage area.

Action Point;  AS

  1. Correspondence: 27. Royal Mail. It was confirmed that the ACSC were not prepared to accept a credit note re future services and that a cheques had been requested as reimbursement. TC to check accounts to see if said cheque has been received

PPL/PRS . Information received on the changed criteria for the licensing and public playing of live and recorded  music in public buildings. JL explained how it affected the ACSC and the requirements for change of licence.

  1. ACSC information
  2. Urban Dynamics. Invoice yet to be received (ACTION POINT:JL)
  3. Letter from Matt Dalton re Rateable Valuation of the Barn (£2,900)
  4. Notification from BRMRC re further building work required. Notification to local residents.
  5. Invoice from J Willett (Stevens and Bolton re expenses leases) £738.04. It was noted that the above Company were contacted to carry out Lease work on behalf of the ACSC therefore although the ACSC were not satisfied with the work carried out the invoice has to be paid.
  6. BRMRC requesting permission for a public open day Sept 7th.
  7. Tennis Club re security concerns. Request for better CCTV coverage.
  8. Letter re Business rates reference the Barn.
  9. Letters re Business rates reference the Barn and Signal Box
  10. Tennis Club. Rent paid (£1400.00)
  11. Invoice received for electrical work carried out ACSC (£380.00)

40/41. Invoices received from A Johnson and M Kennedy for ground maintenance. Agreed both invoices to be paid.

  1. Invoice received DFS Roofing Services for maintenance work,
  1. Public Session. A) A Johnson requested permission to move existing rubbish bin outside Centre to new area. Agreed.
  2. a) Also reported that the lock was broken on the remote main electricity supply box on the South side of the Sportsfield. New lock fitted. All meters require reading.
  3. b) BRMRC offered the services of their members in order to effect a number of necessary repairs

to the Centre following the recent break in. The offer was greatfully received. Refer minute

  1. c) BRMRC _ Open Day. Sept 7th. The event will run from 10am to 4pm.
  2. d) Mrs Smallman had sent the financial breakdown to the ACSC and was pleased to report that the estimated profit was £3000.00.
  3. e) Mrs Smallman asked for confirmation via chair from A Taylor of BRMRC re:solicitors instruction of legal charges from BRMRC to Smallman family ( A Taylor having raised matter indirectly re: CCTV findings). A Taylor confirmed via chair that matter was in hand. DL asked whether this was a matter relating to Trust.
  1. Chairmans Report. Acting Chairman thanked JL for all previous work and efforts (continued) whilst in the Office of Chairman.
  1. Treasurers Report: More events have been booked and the use of the Centre was finding it difficult to fit in all requests.

A new Fitness Club now operates from the Centre on Fridays

Slimming World. Thursday evening. Complaint received that this club does not now exist and effectively owes the ACSC 4 weeks rent . However the Thursday evening meeting have been covered by RC on a voluntary basis.

£1100.00 received from AVHTF.

  1. Secretary’s Report: a) Letter received from a local family requesting permission to use an area of the Sports field for archery lessons. It was agreed that as the field is a public area the permission could not be granted. AS to notify the archers that there is a local group at the “Westergate” School.
  2. b) Hall Floor. The date for the necessary repairs/work is May 26th, Spring Bank holiday weekend.
  3. c) Snooker Table. It was confirmed that the bi annual inspection, clean and refurbishment be actioned. (Action Point AS)
  4. d) Burglary/Break in. JL ran through the sequence of events in relation to the break in and burglary of the Centre. The kitchen door (external), Kitchen door (internal), hall door and

snooker room door were all damaged and will need either replacing or repairing.  The alarm system was damaged in both the Centre and Social Club and will require repairing or replacing.

The burglars eventually broke through into the bar area though the internal kitchen door and removed the Social Club bar safe with an amount of money. It was not known at this juncture how much of the future costs for repair and renewal would be met by the insurance company.

Harry Hedges has worked tirelessly in carrying out emergency repairs, checking and contacting the insurance companies. JL proposed, DL seconded that in recognition of his extra workload out of pocket expenses of £100.00 be granted. Unanimously agreed.

TC and RC had discussed with the Chairman of the Parish Council (Laurie Ward) the possibility of an extraordinary meeting to investigate supporting ASCS with the repair costs etc.

  1. e) JL to arrange meeting with Defensor re upgrading CCTV coverage for both the Social Club and Tennis Club


  1. f) Dog Fouling notices. As circulated the proposed new poster. It was agreed these should be posted around the Sportsfield and Centre.

181: Leases. Confirmation that BRMRC will be the leaseholders for BRMRC and BSBT and the compound (specified areas). The draft lease is yet to be issued and as yet has not been seen by the ACSC Trustees before submitting to J Dawson for the full Lease agreement is issued.

182: Tennis Club. As itemised the CW expressed the concerns of the Tennis Club members that CCTV coverage is inadequate  and when viewed the pictures are unclear.  He asked that ACSC review the system and determine whether better coverage is available and affordable.

It was also noted that there is no liability signage for the car park. Without a printed and posted sign the ACSC could find itself liable for any damage to cars in the car park. ACTION POINT


  1. Parish Council report. RC stated that the PC is very aware of the recent break in and burglary and will assist the ACSC as much as is possible in rectifying the damage.

184. Bookings. TC Reported that there is a steady level of enquiries and hall usage remains as is.

185 Any Other Business. a) Social Club:  DF informed the ACSC members that at the recent Club AGM all officers remained in post.

Redecoration:  Taking into account the damage to the fittings during the break in there was an increased necessity to decorate the lounge area. It was suggested that an approach to B & Q and/or Covers for paint may be worthwhile in that the organisations do provide surplus stock for charitable purposes.

DF also thanked all who helped during the recent break in

  1. b) BW reported that the light in the snooker room still needs repairing
  2. c) Bowls Club. DM again highlighted that the Club still consider that no invoice for electricity used has been received but believes they remain in credit from payments made and that they have been overcharged for some time. DM quoted figures from the meter readings over the past 15 months and stated that the Bowls Club are some 60 units in credit.
  3. d) Tennis Club. CW asked if there would be any objections to the Club installing lights around the courts. Whilst it was confirmed that planning permission would be required there were no initial objections from the Trustees.
  4. e) BRMRC: AT informed ACSC that the 150th Anniversary of the Barnham to Bognor Regis railway line is imminent and there is a possibility that part of the celebrations could involve the Signal Box on site. He would keep the Trustees informed of developments.
  5. f) Concern was expressed at the high speed of some drivers when entering the site. All group representatives were asked to remind their members that there is a speed limit on the ACSC site.
  6. g) Confirmation was given regarding compound and trustees agreed that compound area was to be landscaped and not to be used of any other purpose other than storing of goalposts.


  1. Date of next meeting: Monday 19th May. 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 9.25pm. 

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