Minutes of Trustees Meeting 5th February 2019

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Present: Messrs J Leahy (JL), D Ives (DI), M Woodcock (MW), S Kennedy (SK), M Warden (MWa), D Leonard (DL)
Members of the public present: A Norfolk (AN) of Aldingbourne Social Club, Mrs J Sopp (JS) ACSC Bookkeeper
Apologies: Received from N Pidgely. A Taylor, R Driver, S Waller, A Smallman
The minutes of the meeting held on January 14th 2019 were proposed, seconded and accepted and signed by the Chairman.
BRMRC Referees changing room: Insurance requirements. Both BRMRC (DI) and Barnham Trojans FC (DL) had information from their respective insurance companies that both parties were covered for any eventualities. 
Hall Floor: On going.
AN was able to report the following:
Disabled Toilet: New sliding door fitted to disabled toilet, extractor fan to be fitted.
Ladies Toilet: Toilet seat Ladies toilet fitted.
SK reported the following:
Car Park: Pot holes filled, others still to be inspected and filled.
MWa reported the following:
Meeting Room: Partial clearance of APC Cabinets in small meeting but more need to be cleared. 
JL reported the following:
Shooting Club building insurance: JL/JS to review current insurance situation and quotes to be further investigate. The building is the property of the ACSC having been gifted because of Charity Law. Shooting Club currently paying ground rent and insurance building contents themselves.
ACTION POINT:  JL/JS to review.
Defibrillator: Information requested regarding public access defibrillator sited on from on building. An audit form requires completing. 
ACTION POINT: DI/JL to review.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report
In the absence of the Secretary there was nothing to report
JS informed meeting of the ACSC Account Balances as follows:
 • Community Account: £5,333.77
 • Aldingbourne Community IS: £10,000.00
 • Aldingbourne Comm SPR IS: £5,000.00 
There had been a large number of maintenance costs over the past months and the financial situation was deteriorating rapidly. 
JS was able to report that she had negotiated new contracts at lower costs for Gas, Electricity, Water and Waste collection.
MWa had circulated Trustees with Fire Alarm quotes which covered two systems for an integrated fire alarm system for the centre. Hardwired or Wire less. Three companies had been contacted and they had each quoted for the two systems.
After lengthy discussion it was proposed that the Hard Wired integrated system utilised and the Trustees present agreed that the Lock Centre (Bognor Regis) be the preferred supplier.
Quoted price was: £9,547.04 +VAT.  MWa commented that the Lock Centre had indicated that the cost was negotiable and he would contact them with a request that they could review the price.
There was also the necessary need to fit a number of fire doors both external and internal with an estimated cost of up to £5,000.00. 	Total required £14,000.00-£15,000.00 
It was unanimously agreed that the ACSC Trustees approach the APC for assistance towards the cost of the Fire Alarm System and associated fire doors. 
ACTION POINT: DL to raise a statement for presentation and discussion with the APC at their meeting 5th Feb 2019 (the following evening) stressing that without financial assistance the costs could not be met and there was a probability that the centre would have to close both on fire and health and safety grounds.
ACTION POINT: MWa to contact The Lock Centre to review quote.
Children’s Playground. MWa reported that the ADC Safety Officer had raised a number of safety issues with the playground which were being dealt. The two slides on the earth bank had been removed. 
A number of parties were booked for the main hall
ASC had a Race Night scheduled for either 16th or 23rd March.
JS had organised a Table Top sale for 10th March.
Monday March 4th 2019. 7.15 main hall.
DL reported that one of the drain covers had been damaged whilst a sewage blockage had been cleared running out from the from the changing rooms.
SK/DL had inspected and confirmed that the drain cover seating needed replacing. 
ACTION POINT: AN to investigate. 
It was also noted that there were no specific facilities for ladies in the changing rooms and this possibly affected the ladies football teams. It was agreed that both the home team and the visiting teams be advised that the Centre ladies toilet would be more suitable for their use.
ACTION POINT: DL to advise Manager of the team.
Meeting closed at 20.45.

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