Minutes of Trustees Meeting 29th August 2018

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Present: Messrs J Leahy, Chairman (JL), D Ives (DI), J Sopp (JS), S Kennedy (SK), M Warden (MWa), N Pidgley (NP), D Leonard (DL)
Apologies: Received from A Smallman (AS), A Taylor (AT)
It was noted that apologies were not received from M Woodcock (MW), S Waller (SW), R Driver (RD), B Warwick (BW), M Gray (MG), and D Freeman (DF). Due to the high number, this may have been due to a problem with distribution of the previous minutes and date of meeting. Email server and distribution lists to be checked. Action Point: JL
The minutes of the meeting held on July 25th 2018 were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
Solar Panels: DI reported that SSE had attended the Centre/BRMRC on Aug 10th. DI and the SSE representative read the applicable meter. SSE rep stated that correspondence re the outstanding payments should be received within 10 days. As of this date no such payment had been received. SSE to be contacted. Action Point: JL
i)  Model Car Club, Bowls Club and BRMRC had or will contribute £100.00 per club toward the cost of the car park lining. DL stated that Barnham Trojans will also contribute as above. 
ii) Barnham Trojans FC requesting permission to extend the existing goals compound. New style goals could not be fitted into the existing compound. There would be no cost to the ACSC. Trustees agreed to the request but requested DL inform the Parish Council. DL had already written to them but planned to attend their next meeting in September. Action Point: DL
iii) Hopscotch: Refer to Chairman’s report.
iv) J Sopp. Treasurer had submitted a letter of resignation from her post as Treasurer and Booking Secretary and as a Trustee. Matter to be dealt with under closed meeting following this meeting.
There were no members of the public present.
JL, JS and MWa had met with Teresa Leyton owner of the Hopscotch Playgroup. The group were struggling with lack of numbers of children attending. JL was able to report that all payments were now up to date.  Invoicing to be presented on a ½ term basis, payment to be made within 30 days of receipt. Whilst the Ofsted Report had categorised Hopscotch as good it was noted that there was a lack of marketing or advertising re the number of vacancies especially on Fridays when there was just one child attending. Mrs Leyton stated that Christmas will be her deadline for reviewing of Hopscotch as a viable business. JL requested that any of the organisations with a website assist by advertising Hopscotch on their website. Advert to be placed on ACSC website and Facebook page. Action Point: JL
JL asked MWa about possibility to include Hopscotch advert in Parish Newsletter. MWA advised JL to contact Clerk. Action Point: JL
With no PC meeting in August MWa had nothing to report. JL asked for update on review of other hall hire prices which MWa was to pursue. Action Point: MWa
With apologies for his absence AS submitted the following report:
i) Trustees Declaration Forms were to hand and needed to be signed. Confirmed
ii) Maintenance meeting had been cancelled at short notice due to lack of members able to attend. To be rearranged. Action Point: AS
iii) List of regular maintenance requirements to be raised at the first sub committee meeting. JL suggested using the snag list listed on the ACSC website. Action Point: JL
PAT testing: JL explained that he was to receive training on PAT testing and would have access to test equipment and will coordinate a day for free testing in due course. Action Point: JL
Car park repairs: Quote received re the sleeping policemen and the pot holes. Quote £800.00. Unanimous agreement to proceed. Smartline Southern to be contacted with approval to proceed. Action Point: JS
Security Light, main entrance: Outstanding. Action Point: Maintenance Team
Stage floor: Discussion on whether the stage floor needed fire proofing. Action Point: DI
i) JS reported that Income exceeded expenditure by £451.00 in August
Bank Account: £2278.00
No 1 Savings Account: £10005.00
No 2 Savings Account: £10005.00
Debtors: £912.84
Creditors: £2529.00 All outstanding accounts due to be settled by end of month. ii) Car Park lining invoice had been paid. iii) Quotes received for signage itemising prohibited sports and activities on the sports field. NP had received quote of £98.00 and agreed to further action the signage. Action Point: NP iv) There is a sensor wiring problem in the Gents toilet in that when light are switched off the water still flushes. DL said he was ask David Payne to provide a quote. Action Point: DL v) Roof Survey. DI said he would survey the roof. JL stated he would contact DFS Roofing for an independent quote. SK had tried to contact Terry Drake for a quote but had received no response: Action Point: DI, JL vi) Privacy Compliance. JL stated GDPR updates and new forms were now online. vii) Public Wifi installation issues. Purple to be contacted for assistance. Action Point: JL
A number of early opening times for various Cycle Clubs were listed. JL, SK and AS were covering.
Monday October 1st. 7.00pm
i)  	Copy of lease agreement for the Aldingbourne Shooting Club required. Action Point: JL
ii)	MWa asked for a letter to be sent to all user groups reminding them of responsibilities. Action Point: AS
Meeting closed at 8.35pm.
With the resignation of J Sopp as Treasurer and Bookings Clerk the Trustees discussed the following proposals.
That the Trustees to contract out the roles to cover both the bookkeeping role and role of clerk for the management of centre bookings. Proposed JL, 2nd MWa. Trustees were in unanimous agreement. 
It was further agreed that JS be approached with a view to her being to be contracted as Bookkeeper. 
It was not clear as to her consideration of the role as Centre Booking Secretary. Action Point: JL
ACSC Treasurer. It is to be hoped that a person, Trustee, within the organisations using the Centre will step forward to take on the role. Requirements will be to ensure there is a monthly income/expenditure report. That they maintain contact with suppliers (SSE, British Gas etc).  
Item to placed on the Agenda for the October ACSC meeting.

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