Minutes of Trustees Meeting 27th November 2017

Meetings , Regular Minutes

Commenced At 19.50pm

Apologies: A. Smallman, B. Warwick, T. Chown, R. Driver, J. Sopp, D. Leonard
Members of Public: Alan Johnson
Matters Arising
Car Park Lining: Still ongoing and nothing to update. It was suggested later in the meeting that every user group is written to to see if they would contribute to the re-lining of the car park. DI recommended trying WSCC. JL to continue investigating.
Access System: Camera in porch replaced. JL said not to worry about the camera near the defibrillator at the moment. With regards to grants for the system this is still ongoing.
Drones on the field: No update from DL or JS. JL to write to Aldingbourne Parish Council for correct definition of drones and other aircraft to put on to signage for the field. It was noted that there was a possible change in the law for drones.
Correspondence: AT to contact Parish Council to discuss a joint working party with other halls in the area 
ACSC Licensing: DF reported that they are still waiting on the council to respond to them. It was suggested Personal licenses for some bar staff/personnel.
Blockage from outside toilets in field: DI and Alan Johnson resolved the blockage by removing manholes in the field. It was noted by Alan that one manhole cant be opened and that the wrong pipes have been installed. JL suggested not to worry about it at the moment.
Radiators: These have new valves, new thermostats, one in main hall is still leaking and it has been noted that the water pressure in the hot water tap can be inconsistent so this may need looking at too.
Carpets: DF gave update. HH is still getting quotes together. AT suggested putting Car Park lining on hold and we focus on carpets inside. AT has suggested that he can also obtain some quotes and work together with DF And HH.
Phones in the centre: These are no longer ringing or making outside phone calls so will be replaced. DF to buy these.
Public Session
Alan Johnson suggested that a new bench seat is needed and that he can fix this for us and this was agreed to.
Chairman’s report
It was stated that 2 user groups had cleaned their own signage and although we are aware that it needs replacing it was not ‘community-minded’ to only clean theirs.
Secretary’s Report
A thank you was said to SW for clearing the toilet in preparation for the building works, JL for sorting the computer and office equipment and the social club for helping with the meeting and greeting of builders.
Bowls club: It was mentioned to Bowls club that the car park will be in use for coach pickups by the Walberton Art Society on various dates in May, July and October but these should not impact the club or user groups.
Childrens Air Ambulance: They have requested that a textile bank be put alongside our bins for people to recycle clothes. This was agreed if there was a fire extinguisher nearby. DI to write back and agree.
Treasurer’s Report
Creditors are ok. A few user groups including Hopscotch and Barnham Trojans owe rent and statements have been given to those that owe money.
Aldingbourne Social Club have not been notifying the bookings clerk if they are using the room and also wasn’t informed that a quiz was cancelled on Saturday when the hall could have been re-hired out.
There has been little response to requests of opening or closing up. The Treasurer has stated that if she does not receive help with some of these then she will have to stand down as bookings clerk as these take up a considerable amount of time.
It was discussed that a volunteer was needed to take meter readings. DI said that he can take these although there was some discussion over the bowls club meter readings and picture evidence needed for records for bowls club. It was suggested that they take their own meter readings.
A few bookings for December. Fundraiser 2nd Dec. JL to cover closing up. Lesley Oldham practising Saturday afternoons. Kerry Hillier 11am-1.30pm Saturday 9th Dec another fundraiser which SW will cover. ASC has 31st booked for New Years celebrations. No bookings for 16th, 23rd or 30th. Sunday 24th empty also.
PAT Testing: JL to sort before Christmas. 
AT wanted to reminder the committee that we are all volunteers and should work together. Secretary to email reminders to user groups and it may be recommended that some user groups should be charged full commercial rent (Chairman to send)
Dogs on lead or lack of was discussed and whether we can get a dog warden to come down. Maybe we can have better signage?
Leases will be looked at and is on the agenda for the next meeting.
New road sign. D from Bowls club put forward that the bowls club are willing to pay for the road sign at the top of Olivers Meadow be adjusted to read ‘Olivers Meadow, leading to Aldingbourne Community Sports Centre and Bowls Club’ This brought about a debate concerning the bias towards one club and that it wouldn’t be fair to all the user groups based on the grounds. There were complete objections to this.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm
Next Meeting: January 8th 2018 at 7.30pm

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