Minutes of Trustees Meeting 27th January 2014

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday 27 th January 2014

Present: Messrs T Chwon (TC), P McCulloch (PM), A Smallman (AS), D Meakins (DM), D Ives (DI), R Driver

(RD), Mrs R Cornell (RC). D Leonard (DL). J Leahy

There was one member of the public present.

160: Apologies: Received from Messrs.’ B Warwick and D Freeman

In the absence of the Chairman Mr T Chown was nominated and chaired the meeting.

161: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on November 18 th 2013 were signed as a true record of that meeting.

162. Matters Arising: 146 (i) Bike shelter. RD reported that he had investigated and produced a number of available stands. It was agreed to purchase a either a 4 or 6 Bike stand depending on available space at the 
front of the Centre. It was not felt necessary to have a covered stand as that would increase costs outside of funds available.

163: Correspondence;
17: Jan 1 st Big Lotto Fund re Audio/Visual equipment. Retrospective dated April and May 2013
18; Jan 2 nd Communication between Mb and JL re Air Source heat Pump. Retrospective Oct 2103
19: Jan 3 rd Application to SITA re Barn heating/water system. Retrospective 18/3/2013
Query was raised by AS over SITA grant for barn cladding and ASHP for Signal Box.
Clarification to be sort as ACSC, Signal Box Trust and PC all involved.
Action Point: ?
20. Jan 4 th Chub Maintenance Fire Extinguishers Due Feb 3 rd . Action Point: TC. .
21. Jan 25 th Jhai Ltd re fire door requirement to main hall storage area. Letters dated 21 Sept, 18 Dec
Fire safety requirement. Action Point: AS.
22. Jan 27 th Royal Mail credit note for £432.44 re Aldingbourne Alive.
It was agreed that a credit note was not a suitable way for ACSC to receive reimbursement as the consensus was that we were unlikely to use the Royal Mail services
again. Cheque repayment to be pursued. Action Point: TC and AS
23. Nov 29 th Letter from Barnham Trojans FC requesting Agenda item for discussion on banning of dogs from sports field. Refer Minute 169
24. Nov 26 th . Letter raising public concerns over alleged noise emanating from ASHP. Situation has been clarified with assistance of appropriate authorities.
25. Jan 18 th . Letter suggesting a Road Traffic link be itemized on ACSC website. Agreed not to be proceeded with.
26. Jan 26 th Letter of resignation received from JL.
NB: it was at this juncture that the Chairman, J Leahy, attended the meeting and took over as Chairman.

164. Public Session. 

a) Mrs T Smallman (TS) explaining her reasons for letter re noise from ASHP. Unit is also, apparently running outside of stipulated hours. Discussion on noise level, timing and explanation from DI and JL re ambient temperature levels. TS agreed that all the planning and environmental concerns had been dealt with by the appropriate authorities.
b) TS expressed concerns over rumored future uses of the barn and signal box. JL determined that until such time as the Lease/s and the contents thereof were determined and itemized any rumors were exactly that.
c) Aldingbourne Alive; Accounts still need clarifying . TS to contact J Vinsom.

165: Chairman’s Report. 

Jl addressed the meeting regarding his reasons for resignation. He was prepared to continue as a co-opted member and to continue dealing with the required Leases. Minute 168 refers.

166: Treasurers Report. 

TC stated that Hopscotch payment is due at the end of this term. He is still waiting for a response from Teresa. It was therefore agreed that the proposed discounted rent not be implemented until contact is received from Hopscotch. Action Point JL

167: Secretary’s Report. 

a) Letter of thanks sent to gentleman who supplied Christmas tree.
b) Application Grant for new tables and chair was refused as it was submitted at the end of the grant period. AS to resubmit (Lottery “Awards for all”) Action Point AS
c) As stated that he intends to write to all who volunteered their time and assistance to the Aldingbourne Alive event. Action Point AS

168: Leases. BRMRC and BSBT. 

a) JL had met with Adrian Taylor and Mike Burton for further discussion on the way to proceed. Despite other interested parties quoting prices JL recommended to the Trustees present that the ACSC engage Mr Jonathan Dawson (JD) and had initially contacted him to re costs. JD has dealt with previous lease and agreement requirements for the ACSC (Barnhan Trojans FC) and was fully versed in the necessary requirements and stipulations. His costs were also less than other parties.
JL proposed, TC seconded that the ACSC engage JD to draw up the necessary draft lease/s
Agreed unanimously. Action Point JL
b) JL also recommended and proposed that the ACSC authorize one Lease for the whole compound, which will include both the Barn and Signal box, rather than 2 separate leases. The Signal Box trust is standing down at some future date and the BRMRC will run the two buildings. There will be members of the BSBT on a managing committee. Questions were raised re the conditions of use and the times of use of the Signal Box.. Particular concerns were also raised at “rumored” plans for use of the compound. DL pointed out that these would and should all be qualified and itemized in the Lease agreements. JL proposed , TC seconded,, that one Lease be raised for the area. 5 in favour, 2 abstentions , 1 against
(AS) (conflict of interest) and DI declared interest.
c) Jl recommended that the ACSC charge a peppercorn rent for the site. Questions arose on whether a peppercorn rent should apply when other organisations on the sports field were paying full rent and hire charges. After further discussion JL proposed and TC seconded that a peppercorn rent (yet to be determined) be levied on the site. 4 in favour, 2 abstentions, 2 noted objection (AS) DI declared an interest. It was also agreed that the BRMRC are fully responsible for any necessary insurances for the site area. The ACSC will in no way be responsible or contribute towards same.

169: Dog Fouling. 

DL had written asking that the ACSC seriously consider banning dogs from the sports field because of the continued indiscriminate fouling of the field by uncontrolled dogs. Some dog owners ignore the request to keep their dogs on leads and allow them to roam at will. Football Teams are having to clear amounts of dog mess before they can both train and play their matches. RC informed those present that Arun DC Dog Wardens are aware of the situation and can impose immediate fines. New dog waste bins and litter bins are on order (PC meeting cost of same) Decision on banning dogs not discussed.

170. Bookings. 

TC reported there was an increasing request for use of the hall. The Martial Arts groups are now regular users on Saturday mornings. Nothing further had been hard from the Barnham Scout Group.

171: Any Other Business: 

a) Bowls Club. DM asked who is paying the Bowls Club Electricity bill. The Club were not aware of having received or paid an invoice for up to three years. JL stated that as far as he knew J Vinsome had set up a direct debit arrangement with the Club. But DM informed the Trustees that that was not correct. There was nothing in their accounts to confirm this. Action Point. DL, DM and TC to check meters 28 th Jan and report back .
b) DL informed Trustees that Barnham Trojans would be running a six a side tournament on Saturday June 14 th followed by the clubs Presentation Day on Sunday 15 th . They would use the complete field and car parking.
c) Aldingbourne Village Hall Fund. JL agreed to continue as ACSC appointed Trustee. AS to replace JV on same.
d) Flooding and drainage on sportsfield. RC reported that the Environment Agency are not interested in the situation, albeit this does arise from the overflowing Rife. They consider that ACSC are responsible for their side and the landowner responsible for the opposite side. There is a marked lack of information from WSCC apart for the information that funds from the “Watershed” project have run out. TC to meet with M Kennedy to review the situation of the Rife and consider possible remedial action. Closure. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.55pm.

Next scheduled meeting Monday 10 th March 7.30pm


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