Minutes of Trustees Meeting 21st May 2015

Meetings , Regular Minutes


Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2015

Present: A Smallman (AS), T Smallman (TS),  B Warwick (BW),  S Kennedy (SK),

R Driver (RD),  D Freeman (DF),  D Meakins (DM), H Hedges (HH),  N Pidgley (NP representing the Aldingbourne Model Makers Club), D Leonard (DL)

  1. Apologies: Received from D Ives, J Leahy, C Wright, T Chown

NB: In the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman A Smallman (Secretary) was nominated to Chair the meeting

67: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of April 13th were accepted

68: Matters Arising:  Lease. J Leahy pursuing. Held over to next meeting

Min 65: Obsolete Rubbish Bins. AS to contact ADC re disposal

65b. Hopscotch storage. The emptying of the outside storage areas has been started.

H H monitoring

65c  Music Night. In the absence J L there was nothing further to report

65d. S K reported that the required rental invoice had been received from ACSC

65e. Snooker Cues. DF reported purchase of new cues was in hand

65f. Social Club smoking area: On going.

  1. Correspondence:

1/16  JD to JL regards leases.

2/16 ADC to JL Regards Social Club licensing hours

3/16 JL to ADC Regards Social Club licensing hours Matter has been resolved

4/16 JL to EBF regards Access Cards Quote. The new cards and system is compatible to the existing cards. Price quoted for the new cards accepted.

5/16 JL to JD concerns over leases.

6/16 BRMRC to JL,APC. Concerns over leases and Nuisance claims

7/16 APC to JL Regards leases.

8/16 JL to BRMRC asking for confirmation of who would attend a leases meeting

9/16 MB of APC to BRMRC replying to a letter from BRMRC.

10/16 AT of BRMRC to MB replying to a previous letter regards legal action and leases.

70: Public Session; No members of the public were present

71: Chairman’s Report: No report available

72: Secretary’s Report:  Centre redecoration. The Probation Service will be carrying out the decorating and will be working on site on Sundays only.

AS has completed fitting new hand driers in both the Ladies, Gents.

The new tables and chairs for the meeting room and main hall were on order. The tables for the meeting room delivered.

Stage floor in process of being repaired and resurfaced, backcloth to be repainted

Social Club will be carrying out their own redecorating.

Grass cutting and revamping of front and surrounds of Community Centre. SK agreed to submit quote for grass cutting long term. Verbal quote (£12.00) to cut grass within next week was accepted.  It was agreed that AS obtain (quote) information on clearance of grass surround and replace with gravel.    Actin Points: AS and SK

Defibrillator:  DL was able to supply an FA priced unit through the Sussex Co FA at less than 50%  cost. The Parish council had be appraised of the cost. It was agreed that ACSC wait until next PC meeting. It was hoped that the cost (£986.00 inc VAT) could be split equally between PC, Barnham Trojans, Bowl Club and ACSC. The unit would need to be mounted outside the Centre and available for all to use.

Action Point: DL   

  1. Financial Report. As notes and Statement presented by AS. Please refer to Treasurers Report with reference to the following items.

1) 2015 accounts; situation noted

2) Agreed that the independent examiner be Adams Beeny for the 2015 accounts. Unanimous

3) Rent reviews:  Held over to next meeting

4) Insurance: HH stated that a proper valuation not available. The Financial sub-group to take this onboard. Item carried forward to next meeting.

5) held over in absence of RC

6) Hopscotch payments now up to date. Agreed that the current arrangements remain in place for balance of the current school year. To be reviewed for start of year 2015-2016

7) Financial position. As balance sheet

8) Grants/Business Plan/ Fund Raising. The Business Plan group to meet asap. (TS/JL/TC)

9) It was agreed that the sum of £650.00 be allocated to purchase of paint for the Centre.

10) Access cards: Cost of £2.15 per, 150 in hand to be charged at rate of £3.00 per

Cost of repairs to control panel to be reviewed

Action Point JL 

11) Further discussion on purchase of main hall tables and chairs. TS requested to purchase as agreed.

Action Point: AS

  1. Cheque Payments. AS asked that she be allowed to look into a better method of paying retailers when invoices received in that currently it is necessary to chase around for signatories and their availability is not always immediate. Agreed

Action Point: AS

 Parish Council report. No report from TC however AS was able to report that he had attended the Annual Parish Assembly meeting and was able to thank Alan Johnson (present at meeting) for all his hard work at the Centre before his retirement.

75: Bookings. HH was able to confirm that bookings continued to be buoyant and had considerably increased in volume through the past year. .

Premier Sports had requested information on hiring charges for use of the sports field through the summer months for “sports camps”. They were prepared to use the centre and field from Mondays to Fridays. To be confirmed

  1. Any Other Business: a) DL asked that the sports field be used on Saturday July 4th for a Schools mini soccer tournament as part of a campaign to raise funds for a young lad ,Toby Booker, in order that he be funded for an operation a that the NHS was not able to fund. The Observer newspaper group is leading the campaign. The tournament would be run under the auspices of Barnham Trojans but organised by parents from Barnham Primary School. It was agreed that the use of the field be free of charge.  DL to keep ACSC appraised of situation.
  1. b) BW asked that the cabinets stored in the snooker room be moved as they were an accident waiting to happen. Agreed. Action Point AS
  2. c) Snooker table. Pockets damaged although the cloth is in good condition. It was agreed that a service be arranged. Action Point HH
  3. d) DF Rubbish Bins. It was confirmed that the large rubbish bins can be opened up on BT Tournament days.

DF also thanked AS and TS for all their hard work in and around the centre over the past 12 months. Unanimously endorsed by those present

  1. e) RD reported that the dimmer switch in the hall was not functioning properly.

Action Point AS  

  1. f) Cycle Rack. This action had been agreed some months ago but no progress had been made.

Rd to forward quotes to AS for further assessment

  1. g) DL. There is a large and potentially dangerous pot hole edging the ramp at the exit to the car park. AS agreed to purchase the necessary tarmac to repair. SK offered same from stock held

As thanked all the Trustees for their help over the past year.

  1. Date of Next Meeting: Monday June 8th. 7.30.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

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