Minutes of Trustees Meeting 1st October 2018

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Messrs J Leahy (JL), J Sopp (JS), D Ives (DI), A Smallman (AS), M Woodcock (MW), D Freeman (DF), S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgely (NP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT), M Warden (MWa), M Gray (MG), D Leonard (DL)
Also present was Mr Renford Marsden who has been appointed by the Aldingbourne Parish Council as Project Manager and Facilitator for the proposed redevelopment of the Community Centre and associated clubs, where applicable.   
Received from W Warwick, R Driver.
The minutes of the meeting of 29th Aug were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
A) JS was able to report that the Solar Panel overdue payment to the amount of £21083.38p had been received from SSE.   Next meter reading is scheduled for Nov 10th.
B) An up to date email list had been distributed. 
C) Hopscotch. JL reported that Hopscotch were now a featured advert on the ACSC website
D) Village Hall charges. Following investigation it appears we are basically in line with and charging a fair rate compared to other Community Centres/Village Halls in the area. One of the drawbacks with ACSC is the lack of facilities, mainly the kitchen area. It was agreed that the current charges for hall hire remain as is.
E) P.A.T Electrical Testing. JL is now qualified to carry out the necessary testing and will arrange a suitable date and time for checking Centre equipment. 
 - Action Point: JL to arrange date for testing.
F) Car Park repairs. Quote has been received totalling £876.00 for repairs to the pot holes and sleeping policemen.  AS suggested that as he with the assistance to SK had repaired other potholes and they had not deteriorated in the meantime the work be carried out in house. A number of clubs had contributed to the cost, others remain outstanding. 
 - Action Point: AS/SK agreed to carry out the required repairs.
G) The signage at the entry to the car park had been completed. User group sign still to be completed.
Public Session
Mr Renfold Marsden introduced himself to the Trustees present and outlined his remit and responsibilities as Project Manager and Facilitator for the APC with regard to the redevelopment of the Community Centre/facilities at Oliver’s Meadow. 
He hoped to meet all groups and clubs over the next 4-6 weeks with a view to obtaining their views and requirements, improved facilities etc for the ACSC and neighbourhood. 
He emphasised that this was not a short-term project and the APC were determined that the Centre would be redeveloped in order to meet the needs and requirements of the parish and its inhabitants in the future.
The Parish Council had registered their interest and stressed the need for S106 money to be allocated (by Arun DC) to the Parish and had been in discussion with Eastergate PC on the subject.
Mr Marsden intended to send out an email to all trustees/groups the following day in order to arrange suitable dates and times for them meeting individually before reporting back to the APC and ACSC re his conclusions. 
 - Action Point: JL to contact all user groups and advise of third party contact.
 - Action Point: JL to provide Mr Marsden with email addresses of all user group contacts.
Appointment of Treasurer
JL addressed the Trustees present emphasising the need for a Treasurer to be appointed and to liaise between that post and the book-keeper, hopefully from within our own ranks. There were no immediate volunteers, however AS did state he was prepared to take on the responsibility short term and until such time as an appointment could be made.
Chairman’s Report
JL. The revised public Wi-Fi network still requires work. On going.
 - Action Point: JL to resolve.
Shooting Club Lease. On going in that the new Lease may need to be sent to a Solicitor for review. JL noted that with the retirement of J Dawson (Solicitor) we currently do not have a named solicitor. 
 - Action Point: JL to contact Louise Beaton for assistance.
Secretary’s Report
Apart from correspondence as listed nothing further to report
i) A Johnson. Requesting Payment for works carried out.
ii) Car Parking/Cycle Club/Football. A situation had arisen whereby the car park was overloaded when the Hampshire Cycle Club , Barnham Trojans FC and other users were all parked or were attempting to park at the same time on a Sunday morning. Cars had used the approach road, Oliver’s Meadow, to park causing problems for the residents. 
Part of the problem was caused by the cycle club overrunning on time and one of the football teams switching a fixture from away to home at short notice.   
DL confirmed that providing sufficient notice was given it was possible to postpone any given Sunday morning matches to ease the problem.
Treasurer’s Report
JS reported as follows: Account Balances
Current Account: £4,978.00
Savings Account No 1: £12,100.00
Contingencies Fund: £10,000.00
Petty Cash: £248.00
Year ending Sept 30th showed a surplus of income over expenditure of £1134.00
The refund from SSE of £2183 (Solar Panels) had been received
Debtors stood at £1867.00. Creditors; £4877.00 (Building and contents Insurance due)
NP suggested that an expense sheet / invoice for signage payment be raised for clubs. (agreed)
Parish Council Report
MWa. Following the address by R Marsden there was nothing further to report apart from MWa emphasising that the APC were determined to ensure that the redevelopment of the centre was of high priority.
Maintenance Report
Leaking Tap in bar cellar. 
Lighting bulbs replaced as necessary.
Hall lighting. It was noted that a number of the florescent tubes no longer function and that the light covers were also noted to be faulty.  8 tubes, and it was agreed, the covers need replacing.
A quote of £850.00 had been received and it was confirmed as this was a health and safety issue the work should go ahead asap. 
Kitchen. Cooker head/extractor needs adjustment
Disabled toilet. It was agreed that the existing door needs to be replaced with a sliding door, health and safety issue had arisen.  
Water Leak, bottom corner of the field at entrance. SK and DL had investigated and determined that the leak was the cause of the large puddle/mud bath at the corner of the field. SK had contacted Goodrow’s  who quoted £350.00 to investigate and repair. Confirmed.
Inspection of the Centre roof had confirmed it was in a satisfactory condition and did not need ongoing repairs at present.
Gents toilet. Quote for toilet flushing electrical fault £115.00
Extra lights were required for lighting the stage for darts tournaments £115.00 
It was proposed AS, 2nd MW that all the above necessary repairs were carried out. 
 - Action Point: Maintenance subcommittee to arrange
Licenses and certificates report
JL, carried over. 
 - Action Point: JL to complete by next meeting.
JS reported Oct/Nov/Dec well booked. Social Club had a number of functions booked, 
Children’s parties and christenings were booked and there was also a charity quiz night arranged. A number of wedding were also booked for next year.
Date of next Meeting
Monday 5th November 7.15pm. To be held in small meeting room.
Any Other Business
a) Derek Freeman announced he was standing down from his responsibilities with the ASC and would therefore no longer be the appointed Trustee for that club. JL thanked for him for his long service to the Committee and for his assistance during that time. ASC to be reminded that a new Trustee was required. 
 - Action Point: JS to advise ASC committee of need for new representative trustee.
b) MW. Dog fowling on the sports field. Dl had obtained a document highlighting measures that could be taken to obtain Public Spaces Protection Orders re dogs.
It was agreed that JL/DL meet with a view to investigating and reporting back.
 - Action Point: JL and DL to review before next meeting.
c) MG reported that the Bowls Club AGM was due and new officers may be elected to post.
d) DL reported that the APC confirmed permission for the goals compound extension and work would start mid November.
e) AT asked that we consider including a Trim Trail around the Sports Field as part of the “redevelopment” of the area. Mr Marsden noted that this was precisely the sort of project that he was interested in and would include in his report to the APC. 
f) AT asked that with the request of use of the Referees changing room by BTFC an assessment of the insurance risks be noted. Neither club were sure if their public liability insurance covered this area. 
 - Action Point: DL to check with BTFC insurance for guidance.
 - Action Point: AT to speak to existing insurer and request quotation if required.
Closed Session
Agenda Items 4b/4c. Appointment of Bookkeeper and Appointment of Bookings Clerk
JS left the meeting.
Abbreviated minutes for public distribution. Contact Secretary for full minutes.
The Trustees resolved that:
1. A letter of thanks be sent to JS following her time with ACSC as Treasurer and Bookings Clerk (unanimous).
 - Action Point: AS to write to JS.
2. Following quote from JS to take over bookkeeping and management of centre bookings in a professional capacity for £272.70p per month, decision to agree to subcontract at the quoted amount for a 3 month period while a longer term decision can be made, or a new volunteer steps forward (majority, 3 abstentions).
 - Action Point: JL to inform JS to subcontract for 3 months as quoted at £272.70p per month.
3. JL to approach Chairman of Eastergate Parish Council regarding their existing Village Hall Manager to determine if ACSC can subcontract them on a part time basis (unanimous).
 - Action Point: JL to approach Chairman of Eastergate PC and report back at next meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm.

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