Minutes of Trustees Meeting 17th June 2014

Meetings , Regular Minutes


Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday 16th June 2014

Present. A Smallman (AS), D Ives (DI), D Meakins (DM), R Driver (RD), W Warwick (WW)

D Leonard (DL)

  1. Apologies. Received from C Wright, T Chown, R Cornell.
  1. In the absence of the Deputy Chairman and any other Officer A Smallman was nominated to chair the meeting. With only 6 attendees there were insufficient members present to form a quorum. (2/3rds of total membership)

It was agreed that any decisions reached will need confirmation at the next ACSC meeting.

  1. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of 19th May having been circulated were signed as a true record.
  1. Maters Arising. Kitchen First Aid Kit: On going. Action Point. DL

Minute 199(f). Electricity Supply, Changing Rooms. 2 of the three required companies had been contacted. Bradley’s and Enticotts. DL waiting for inspection dates for both.

204 Correspondence. 49. Urban Dynamics again informing ACSC that they had yet to received an Invoice for outstanding hire fees.  This is now some 12 months overdue. Action Point; AS to pursue matter.

  1. Small Model Club reporting that property they had left in the small meeting room had gone missing.

AS reported that the missing equipment had been found.

Club also requested that the poor lighting in this room be investigated and whether increased wattage tubes or new fittings could be arranged..  Action Point.  AS

  1. Hop Scotch Pre school. (16 June) Apologies for the outstanding late payment totalling £3243.00. West Sussex Co Council has yet to forward the necessary rebate to the pre school. It is expected in the next 7 days.

Question raised as to the May 1st 2013 Trustees decision re hire charges being applied on a pro-rata basis to the pre school. Action Point. AS to arrange meeting with Teresa Heaton

205: Public Session. No members of the public were present.

206: Chairman’s/ Secretary’s Report. AS reported that the Insurance Company Assessor has  site visited and confirmed that the Company will cover the costs of replacement alarm system, updated to latest standard

Quotes obtained from Chubb’s and The Lock Centre. The Lock Centre submitted a more favourable quote with better Annual Service statement (£300.00). It was agreed that we recommend that The Lock Centre be contracted. It was noted that Chubb’s require three months termination of contract.

207:  Treasurer’s Report. In the absence of the Treasurer AS was able to summarise the current financial situation

Current Account                                  £  1000.00

Business Savers Account                   £19500.00

No 2 Business Savers Account         £  2000.00

208:  Lease Update: DI reported that BRMRC had received the final version of the Lease and this had been returned to J Dawson following confirmed value of the compound area.

The formal and official signing of the Lease with the necessary parties has to be arranged.

It was noted that the Insurance Premium  of the site has to be paid by ACSC however it was confirmed that the BRMRC will in effect make the necessary payment to ACSC.

209:  Parish Council Report. No PC member present. No report.

210:  Bookings. H H now in post as Bookings Secretary, new phone supplied.

It was confirmed that the hourly hire rate for the main hall was now effective. At existing rate.

New ACSC website has been set up by J Leahy.

211:  Date of next meeting;   Annual General Meeting: 7.30pm July 28th.

  1. Any Other Business: DI informed those present of a recent confrontation with a “dog walker” who when asked to put his dog (Doberman) on a lead impolitely refused to so do. It agreed we revisit the siting of the notices and consult with the Arun DC Dog Warden

RD asking if anything could be done re the upstairs storage area which is in a mess.

Action Point. AS/DL to check and clear as necessary.

Meeting closed at 8.35pm

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