Minutes of Trustees Meeting 14th November 2016

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday November 14th 2016


Present: Messrs J Leahy (JL), D Ives (DI), D Meakins (DM). D Freeman (DF), J Sopp (JS)

S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgely (NP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT). W Warwick (BW) R Driver (RD)

D Leonard (DL)

Aldingbourne Parish Council. Mr M Beaton (Chairman). Ms J Brown (Clerk)  5 members of the APC present.

Before the meeting started JL welcomed the members of the Aldingbourne PC to the meeting.

  1.  Apologies; Received from H Hedges, M Woodcock

  1. Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on Oct 17th were accepted and signed by the Chairman (JL)

  1. Matters Arising. Min 28a) Stage Floor. The front edging had been repaired thanks to the efforts of a member of BRMRC. Floor remains to be painted. ACTION POINT DL. HH
Trustees Indemnity Insurance. ACTION POINT.  HH  

CCTV Update. SK reported that two quotes were awaited.  ACTION POINT JL

Gas Boilers. The Boiler service had been carried out but HH and SW were aware that a number of radiators in the main hall required bleeding. ACTION POINT HH

Min’s 31/27/17: Solar Panels  (BRMRC Goods Shed). Referring to the SSE letter of Sept JL noted that insufficient information allegedly had not been supplied. That was rectified. October. 2nd letter from SSE requesting information already supplied.  On Going:

Min 31. Goals Compound:  On Going. Barnham Trojans awaiting fencing quotes.

New Electrical supply contract agreed with SSE. Unit Tariffs had increased in price but DL was able to report that as a Registered Charity we should not have been paying VAT @ 20% only 5% and that we should not have been paying the climate change levy. SSE will be forwarding the appropriate claims forms and ACSC should receive a rebate on payments made.


  1. Aldingbourne PC/ ACSC. APC Chairman Martin Beaton opened the discussion on the joint vision and future development of Aldingbourne Community Sports Centre. All present were acknowledged to be volunteers and it was appreciated that most did contribute both time and effort in their respective roles. There appeared to be a lack of communication between ACSC and APC which needed to be addressed.


The Trustees present introduced themselves and itemised their clubs activities to the APC Councillors.

Summary: The majority of clubs and societies were flourishing but the Community Sports Centre still lacked volunteers to help out with organising events and fund raising activities

Points raised. AT felt that there was a lack of awareness within the parish that the CC existed.

MB:  Centre needs to promote itself more as a centre for all, should be the heart of the activities in the village and should be the heart of the community, and whereas individual clubs and organisations had representatives on the ACSC it appeared for some of the clubs it was more for “me” than “us”

The APC Clerk stated that the PC can facilitate grants to assist ACSC and reiterated that the PC can and will assist.

JL on behalf of the Trustees informed the PC that the roof was fast approaching life expiry and would need replacing at a minimum 5 figure sum. The funds available would not cover the costs and he asked that the PC consider adding a sum to the precept to assist with the repairs.

Action Points Joint Working Group. It was agreed that a Feasibility Study and a Working Business Plan looking at the next 5-10 years be initiated as a joint exercise between the ACSC and APC.  AT/DL/SW on behalf of ACSC.  APC will nominate volunteer/s following the December PC meeting.

Points of interest: Extension and redevelopment of the Centre incorporating a new kitchen area with a view to the opening of a daily café and meeting area for parishioners during the day.  Another meeting room was also a priority.

Barnham Trojans FC are in the process of investigating the potential and ideas to redevelop and extend the changing rooms and with the vacant area at the rear of the centre, at present not used, it was considered a joint exercise between ACSC/APC and BT could lead to a joint application for funding for the re development of the area and the extension. The prospect of working together and joint application could open up multiple funding opportunities.  Any architect fees could be met with assistance from APC  

Investigate the construction of a fitness path around the recreation ground.

It was agreed that the joint working party prepare a questionnaire for inclusion in the March Parish Magazine on what the inhabitants want and expect from their CC,  including the question:- “Are you aware there is a Community Centre and Sports Field/facilities  in the Village”.

Should there be more involvement with the Aldingbourne Trust?

Cluster Parishes. MB had already held conversation with Eastergate and Barnham PC’s. Are we competing with each other, do we need to centralise facilities and market the facilities available on a joint basis.  

Those present agreed that the positives outweighed the negatives but also that the Community Centre needed to promote itself more and ensure that any future development means larger numbers of the inhabitants can use the venue for leisure time activities.

The Aldingbourne Social Club representative Derek Freeman made the point that the past difficulties between the ASC and ACSC had largely been resolved and as the major user of the CC the Social Club was more than prepared to assist in any fund raising and management requirements.

Before the APC Councillors left the meeting both JL and MB thanked those present for their input and agreed that the joint working party meet as soon as possible in the new year and report back respectively to the APC and ACSC on the initial proposals and suggested remit/s for the working party 

  1. Secretary’s Report. Incorporating Finance Sub Committee meeting November 11th
  2. a) A number of items were discussed inc items listed under Correspondence
  3. b) The role of Centre Bookings Secretary was discussed and the Treasurer J Sopp asked that the finance committee consider whether this be part of the Treasurers role. JS was prepared to take on the role. Unanimously agreed.
  4. c) Centre Cleaning. It was agreed that the cleaning of the Centre should be contracted out to a cleaning company. JL to notify HH that we would be terminating his duties effective Dec 1st.
The FSC agreed to place this suggestion before the Trustees. AT stated he would be able to contact a local company re quote.

Action Point JL.    
  1. d) Kitchen Fridge. The Appliance Centre in Bognor Regis was able to supply an upright fridge for the kitchen at a greatly reduced price that obtainable from Curry’s. DL to arrange purchase and disposal of current unit.
  2. e) Accounts books and documents should be in the hands of the auditors and ready for deadline date from Charity Commissioners.
The recommendations were unanimously agreed and will be placed before the full Trustees meeting


39/17. Compliant received re hall hire 25th June: Contents noted: Secretary to reply and offer refund of £25.00 plus free hire of hall to complainant at a future date.

40/17. Emails and letters re SSE Electricity contract. New contract agreed however at higher unit tariff costs. The Standing Charge remains same.
  1. As a registered charity ACSC should not be paying VAT at the full rate of 20% but just 5%. The climate change levy is also not applicable to charities. SSE have agreed to refund the payments made since the last contract was agreed. ACTION POINT DL.
41/17. Arun DC Pest Control. Hornets nest.

42/17. Key Audit. JL requesting all user groups to notify him of Centre Entry keys, barrier keys, internal keys etc.

43/17. Reminder letter from Charity Commissioners re Annual Accounts

44/17. Biffa re change of service day (bin emptying) Now Monday’s

41, Bookings. In the absence of the bookings secretary there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business: RD stated MCC are having problems bringing their track equipment down from the upstairs storage area because of the chairs stacked in front of the stairs.
JL and DL to investigate, however it was provisionally agreed that shelving/racking be purchased and used to store loose boxes and items upstairs. Action Point JL.DL
  1. The heavy snooker table iron has disappeared. Agreed we purchase a new one.
Action Point ? 

Table Cloths. Not sure who is dealing with the large table washing at present.

Elm Tree Stores operates a cleaning service as does Walberton Laundry. JL to investigate.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

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