Minutes of Trustees Meeting 14th January 2019

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Messrs A Smallman (AS) J Sopp (JS), M Woodcock (MW), D Leonard (DL), S Kennedy (SK) S Waller (SW), M Warden (MWa)
2 members of the Tennis Club Mr Dennis Cote (DC) and Mr Terry Booker (TB), 1 member of the Social Club A Norfolk (AN)
In the absence of the Chairman the Secretary A Smallman was nominated to assume the role of Chairman until such time as J Leahy arrived.
AS welcomed three new attendees Messrs A Norfolk, D Cote and T Booker

Received from A Taylor, N Pidgely, M Graves, R Driver, D Ives.

The minutes of the meeting of Nov 5th 2018 were accepted and signed by the acting chairman

Matters Arising
Referees changing room. Although on going investigation and DL awaiting reply from Trojans insurance company (Blue Fin) DL was satisfied that the football Clubs public liability insurance covered any damage or injury that may possibly occur whilst visiting referees were using the Railway Club changing room.

Fire Safety Report
Report by MWa: All groups should have received their individual reports and the necessary actions they were required to carry out there remained a number of items to be initiated. The questions of the fire proofing condition of the hall (window) curtains and the main stage curtains remained to be resolved. The recommendation was that the window curtains be replaced with roller blinds and arrangements be made for the stage curtains to be re fire proofed.
Fire Evacuation Plan: Has been posted but further actions remain outstanding.
Refer APC Report minute for further comments.
ACTION POINT: AS – follow-up remaining actions

Hall Floor: Quote received for proposed deep cleaning. SW confirmed that Hopscotch were not in situ on a Friday therefore it was agreed that the above action be organised asap.
ACTION POINT: JS – confirm deep clean with Green Clean
AVHT: The re- appointment of AS and DL to this charity for a 4 year term each was confirmed.

Secretary’s Report
Nothing further to report.

Treasurer’s Report
Report by JS: There was a £370 surplus of income over expenditure December – January
Community Account: £2,334.72.
Capital Res Account: £10,000.00
Working Capital: £10,004.99
£1000.00 had been paid out for the Fire Risk Assessment and Report
There were a number of outstanding debtors however these were mainly from January released invoices.

Maintenance Report
Report by AS: Thanks to SK for the water meter checks and necessary works. The following work to be carried out.
Disabled Toilet: AN to replace existing disabled toilet door with sliding door. Extractor fan to be replaced.
Ladies Toilet:Toilet seats to be repaired/replaced.
Car Park: sleeping policeman potholes to be filled. ACTION POINT AS/SK
It was agreed that a working party be organised and date arranged in order to clean out and reorganise filing cabinets in small meeting room. Parish Council to be contacted re planning application documents/plans etc left loose in room.

APC Report
Report by MWa: Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Trustees Meeting of Nov 5th November recommended that ACSC convert to the above.
i) Relieves the User Group Trustees of the responsibility of running the Centre.
ii) Allows for an elected body of Trustees to take on the above responsibilities .
iii) The fund raising requirements would be part of the responsibilities of the new Trustees.
iv) Facilities Manager : The APC were looking into the possibility of funding (initially) the appointment of a Centre Facilities Manager.
The proposal placed before Trustees present was that the ASCS does transfer to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. That Louise Beaton be asked attend a meeting with all user groups and Trustees at a date time and time to be arranged within the next 28 days
All Trustees present confirmed their agreement to the above proposal and it was passed unanimously.
NB. Confirmation that the CIO Presentation has been arranged for Monday 18th February,
7 – 8.30pm. All Trustees/Groups/Clubs have been notified and asked to confirm their attendance.

Officers Meeting
Friday 11th Jan 2019. Attendees. JL, AS, Dl. JS attended as Acting Treasurer
Report by JL: Meeting dealt with a number of items that needed resolving and reporting back to the full trustees meeting.
i) Policy documents. Standing orders need reviewing and updating.
ii) Roles and responsibilities applicable to current management of the centre.
It was agreed that the following fire safety responsibilities be delegated.
All involved to maintain the required records and any deficiencies and faults be reported to the Secretary (AS) without delay.
Hall and Kitchen. Hopscotch already maintain and inspect these areas as part of their responsibilities. SW confirmed that Hopscotch would continue to cover these areas.
ASC Lounge and Bar area. Social Club to responsible for these areas. This to be initiated and record book to be supplied.
The remaining areas of the centre to be responsibility of maintenance group.
Hall private hire documents and safety docs to be updated and supplied to all hirers.
A fire extinguisher to be supplied for the changing room area.
Fire Safety doors. Quotes are in the process of being received for Hall fire doors, courtyard exit fire doors and lounge area exit doors. The cost is expected to be high and it is hoped the APC will help toward the sums involved.

JS reported that there are a number of weddings booked. Birthday Parties continue to be regularly booked.

Date of next meeting
Monday FEB 4TH. 7.15 Main Hall.

SK requested information of the building insurance status of the shooting club. Whether the building was covered under the ACSC general insurance policy. To be investigated.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.15.

___________________________ Chairman

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