Minutes of Trustees Meeting 13th June 2016

Meetings , Regular Minutes


Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday June 13th 2016

Present: Messrs D Ives (DI), T Chown (TC), A Smallman (AS), N Pidgeley (NP), W Warwick (WW)

D Meakins (DM), S Kennedy (SK), H Hedges (HH), J Leahy (JL),  R Driver (RD) D Leonard (DL). 

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Lease x 3 for the APC, ACSC and BRMRC and  Barnham Signal Box and the BRMRC Goods Shed were signed.

Adrian Taylor and Derek Ives signed the three copies on behalf of the BRMRC.

Dennis Leonard and Harry Hedges signed the three copies on behalf of the ACSC.

The independent witness to the signatures was Mr Alan Johnson

The Parish Council copies had been signed by K Turner and S Foot at the APC meeting of  Tuesday June 7th. The Independent witness was Mr Michael Kennedy.

APC copy handed over to T Chown to deliver to APC Clerk.

A Taylor received BRMRC copy and A Smallman as Secretary of ACSC received the third copy.

  1.  Apologies. Received on behalf of M Woodcock

79  Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of April 25th were accepted and signed                              

  1. Matters Arising.

  1. Correspondence; A number of emails received re the signing dates for the above Lease, inc availability of proposed signatories. DL apologised to those present in that he considered the delays had gone on too long and felt the matter needed to be concluded. With the agreement of J Leahy, DL had arranged for the APC at their meeting of June 7th sign 3x copies of the Lease.
As itemised above the ACSC and BRMRC signed copies x3 June 13th.

All present hoped that this was the conclusion of a long drawn out saga and all parties could now move forward.

  1. Public Session. There were no members of the public present

  1. Chairman: JL reported that he had yet to arrange a meeting with the newly appointed ACSC Book Keeper but would do so before the next meeting.

84 Secretary: A S reported that Team Brown had failed to make their payments as requested and owed the ACSC £700.00+ in unpaid hire fees. It was confirmed that the club be given 30 days from date of posting of letter to pay or notice to quit will be issued. All in agreement.
  1. b) H Hedges. Trustees had agreed in April that they would review the hourly rate paid to HH for his duties in the Centre. At that time his (self employed) hourly payment was raised to £8.00.


After lengthy discussion it was proposed TC and 2nd SK that the rate be increased to £10.00 per hour effective from July 1st. All trustees were unanimous in the agreement

HH was not present during the discussion or vote but confirmed on return that he was contracted to 16 hours per week.

AS also reported on the current finances: Two invoices outstanding.

M Kennedy: 2 x grass cutting at £396.10 and £427.18.  Payment agreed.

  1. APC Report: PC has agreed to pay £100.00 per month for the 1st three months from date of initial agreement, towards the fees for the ACSC book keeper. TC to check with Clerk re current status of the minute.
Westergate Recreation Ground Fund. TC reported that there was still nothing forthcoming from the APC regarding this charity. It was stated that the value of the fund had decreased  due to the volatility of the stock market. This was met with some disbelief from Trustees present who understood there was some £7000.00 outstanding from the fund which was due to the ACSC in backdated payments.

  1.  Bookings. HH reported steady bookings and was having difficulty in fitting in request almost to the end of November.

  1. Date of next meeting.: Trustees meeting Monday July 11th with the AGM scheduled to be held on Monday July 25th. Both to commence at 7.30pm.

88: Any Other Business: a) AS (privately) Happy that the leases had been signed but emphasised that he hoped the blinds would be maintained closed as required.
  1. b) It was requested that the Signal Box Trustees confirm in writing that they wished to erect a marquee in the compound in time for the proposed Open Day on June 24th. As of this date (June 13th) it was noted that that was the intention. It was clarified that it was a one off for the Open Day and the Trustees confirmed that area in the compound is to be landscaped as previously agreed.
  2. c) HH. The centre windows had recently been cleaned both inside and outside.
  3. d) Door alarm. One of the Hall fire doors is warped/damaged due to being forced closed. This has caused problems with the alarm sensor on the door. HH to contact “Lock Centre” re repair or re siting of the sensor. HH also reported that all sensors were working efficiently following annual service.
  4. d) Snooker table . Service required as previously agreed and minuted. BW stated the table is in good condition but the pockets do need servicing. Agreed to defer decision on service to next meeting.
  5. e) RD. Nursery School continue to block access to the Model Car Club storage cupboard.
HH to pursue.
  1. f) SK: The bath to the Rifle Club is becoming overgrown. It was suggested that working party , Trustees and Rifle Club be arranged to clear the path.
  2. g) NP. Requesting permission to borrow 3-4 folding tables for and off site Aldingbourne Model Club offsite exhibition: Agreed.


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