Minutes of Trustees Meeting 13th July 2015

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday July 13th 2015

Present:  D Ives (DI), A Smallman (AS),T  Smallman (TS), W Warwick (WW) D Meakins (DM), N Pidgley (NP), H Hedges (HH), J Leahy (JL), D Leonard (DL)

89. Apologies: Received from C Wright, R Driver, D Freeman, R Cornell, T Chown

  1. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on June 15th having been circulated were accepted and signed
  1. Matters Arising: 73 (12) Cheque signatories now in place. It was agreed that the Treasurer proceed with the proposal that BAC’s facilities be investigated through the appropriate business Manager at Barclays Bank, Bognor Regis. ACTION POINT. TS
  2. Alan Johnson now monitoring and cutting the grass around the Centre
  3. Defribulater. Parish Council to purchase and donate to community. Unit to be securely mounted outside Centre in porch area
  4. Access Cards. J Leahy reported all in hand. Item closed

76 ( c)    Snooker Table. Following inspection it was agreed that a full refurbishment of the table, new cloth be carried out next year, 2016, at a cost of £800.00. The inspection and running servicing for this year cost £135.00. Agreed.  ACTION POINT. HH

76 ( e)  and 76 (g). Both items completed.

84 (j) On going (JL)

84 (k) On going (HH)

88 ( e) Outside Noticeboard. On going but with an estimated cost of £350-£500 (AS)

  1. 92. Correspondence: 17/16 Southdown Velo Cycle Club: Booking dates July 26th, 30th August, 20th September

18/16     Correspondence dealing with the removal of VAG copier in small meeting room.

On going

19/16   Letter from P Conway re cancelling of future “Wing Song” bookings in main hall.

20/16     Barnham Trojans re hiring fees for Sports Field.   DL declared interest Treasurer’s Report  refers

21/16     Correspondence re value of Community Asset of ACSC.

  1. Public Session. No members of the public present
  2. Chairman’s Report. DI reported that he had attended two recent meeting: Finance and ACSC/BRMRC Lease meetings

95. Secretary’s Report:  AS reported that he had noted “paint” on the radiators following use of the hall by Hopscotch. HH stated paint had been removed but it was agreed that AS contact Hopscotch to remind them of the requirements of hiring the hall.

Redecoration:  The Probation Service has nearly completed the agreed work.  AS to write to the organisation/ managers thanking them for their assistance.

Query raised on TV licence requirement for Centre. JL confirmed that ACSC do not need same, no TV.  ASC purchase their own licence.

Furniture. A small number of new chairs had been left with dry food/dirt on them following recent hire.  HH stated that he would clean same and it was agreed that the situation be monitored for future hires.


  1. Financial Report. a) Draft Account for year ending January 2015 are to be emailed/delivered to all Trustees. Trish Smallman was thanked by all present for her carrying out the work needed to get the accounts up to date and ready for the AGM
  2. b) Finance sub committee: Hiring fees. Proposed that the fees be increased in line with discounted market rates at 3% per year over a five year period. Confirmed and agreed by those present.
  3. c) Barnham Trojans FC re charges for field/hall hire Presentation Day at £250.00. Finance Committee considered that this was a reasonable charge for the day.

The charge of  £500.00 for the two day Tournament was considered and adjusted to £400.00 for the two days. Again this was felt to be a fair charge.

Proposed AS, 2nd HH.  Both amounts confirmed by those present.

DL declared an interest during the discussion and abstained on the vote

DL also reminded Treasurer that a meeting needed to be arranged to discuss pitch fees for the coming season.

  1. d) Folding chairs. TS reported that on delivery a small number of chairs were slightly damaged.

A refund of £36 had been agreed. Likewise a refund of £42 had been agreed for damage to meeting room chairs.

  1. e) Centre redecoration. The amount of paint required for the work had been underestimated and substantially more had been required. However the cost benefit for the Centre needed to be taken into account and TS stated that we had benefitted enormously by contracting to the Probation Service as opposed to a private contractor. The whole of the outside walls, inside walls and surrounds, changing rooms and outside toilets had been redecorated.

AS proposed, HH 2nd that a sum of £300.00 be donated to the probation service. Unanimously agreed.

  1. f) Out of pocket expenses. Currently Secretary and or Treasurer have to wait for Trustees meeting in order to invoice for “small” out of pocket expenses. It was proposed by HH , 2nd JL that a sum of £250.00 per annum be made available to cover such costs. AS/TS abstained on vote.


  1. Parish Council report. No representative present


  1. Bookings. HH reported that very few Saturdays were left this year. A number of weddings were already booked in for 2016.
  2. a) Thursday evenings. A newly formed Ukulele Club has requested hire of the main hall on Thursday evenings. With the demise of the current users HH confirmed the availability.

It was agreed the 1st  Thursday be free of charge.

Consideration be given to some form of soundproofing for main hall doors.

  1. b) Sunday 19th HH asked that consideration be given to free use of the main hall for the 60th birthday party for A Burrows, 1pm to 5pm. Andy Burrows has been a long time supporter, user and former chairman of the ACSC.  JL proposed , HH 2nd , unanimously agreed.

99 Date of next Meeting.  AGM 27th July 2015. Immediately followed by ACSC Committee meeting.  Trustees reminded that they should notify AS if they intend to stand as Trustees for their respective organisations.  All those present confirmed their continuing appointments.

  1. Any Other Business: a) DM requesting information on to be forwarded to the Bowls Club on ASC events . HH stated notification is normally available on website but will ensure Bowls Club is kept fully informed.
  2. b) WW Thanking Trustees for servicing of Snooker table
  3. c) DL. Kitchen Fridge . Although usable was alarmingly noisy when switched on
  4. d) DL. Main Hall doors. Could consideration be given to replacing same with more suitable and modern doors. The current doors are of poor quality and give the wrong impression especially following the redecoration of the centre.
  5. e) Maintenance Committee. Following recent meeting AS presented a list of works


  1. i) Gas Boilers:                 Service required. Necessity.
  2. ii) Toilet Handrails                       To be fitted

iii)        Kitchen Oven              Agreed unit needed to be professionally cleaned


  1. iv) Snooker Room             Table refurbishment    In hand
  2. v) Sports Field Entrance   The current signage board needs refurbishing.

To be arranged following cost estimate

  1. vi) Bar Lights                    DI/HH to action

f).  Budget. Estimates required for outstanding items as listed above but Trustees must consider with immediate effect a fundraising project

  1. g) Lease: ACSC/BRMRC. The recent negotiation meeting chaired by Louise Beaton and attended by ACSC, BRMRC and the PC had been very successful and most of the itemised amendments, corrections had been agreed. The document had been returned to J Dawson for final draft.

It was confirmed that the document be displayed on the ACSC notice board for public comment for a period of one (1) calendar month.

  1. h) ACSC. JL proposed that the following items be investigated and put in place if required.
  2. i) Privacy Policy.
  3. ii)        Child Protection Policy. A number of user groups do have a policy and trained

Child Welfare Officers in place

iii)        A Vulnerable Adults Policy.

Items to be considered by new ACSC Trustees  Committee post AGM.


Meeting closed at 9pm

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