Minutes of Trustees Meeting 12th September 2016

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday Sept 12th , 2016


Present: Messrs J Leahy (JL), D Ives (DI), D Meakins (DM). M Woodcock (MW), D Freeman (DF),

S Kennedy (SK), , H Hedges (HH ) A Taylor (AT). P Pilcher (PP), D Leonard (DL)

Mrs C Betsworth

Casual Vacancies,  Elected Members.  Constitution Item 4

Chairman opened the meeting by introducing Jacqui Sopp who had volunteered  to join the Trustees as Treasurer. Proposed by J Leahy and seconded by H Hedges, Jacqui Sopp was welcomed onto the ACSC Trustees Committee and took over the post as Treasurer with immediate effect.

Mr Alan Smallman. Letter received from Alan volunteering his services as a Trustee under Constitution Item 4, Casual Vacancies, Elected Members. Proposed J Leahy, seconded D Leonard

Alan was unanimously elected back to the ACSC Trustees Committee.

Both Trustees signed the CC Trustees Declaration

  1. Apologies. T Chown, R Driver. W Warwick, N Pigeley

  1. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday August 22nd were accepted and signed by the Chairman

  1. 17. Matters Arising: SSE. Secretary was able to report that he had managed to unlock the meter cupboard and after passing the latest reading to SSE the ACSC were in debt to the company to a total of £8.06 as of Sept 8th There is no need to increase our Standing Order payments of £187.00 per month.
The current agreement is due to expire Oct 31st and DL had requested information on whether was a better tariff agreement available. He was still waiting for details but proposed that if it was found this was the best tariff that we renew for a further period to be determined.

Moving forward and in an attempt to rationalise the existing situation DL stated that he would be taking monthly readings from the main meter and asked that clubs who had their own meter do the same and feed that reading back to him. Effective from Oct 1st. He will contact each club nearer the dates.

Bowls Club, Tennis Club, Shooting Club and BRMRC. At present there is no arrangement for clubs to be paying their share of electricity used and the ACSC as a whole is bearing the annual cost for electricity.

It was confirmed that SSE also supply gas to the centre.

Minute 11/17a  Mrs P Smallman re matters at the AGM. Letter had been acknowledged, contents noted.


11/17b. Stage Floor. Further investigation had determined that the Stage floor was correctly re-laid and as the original floor was fireproofed it was not essential that we add further fire proofing to the new top surface. However it was agreed that we do paint with a non-slip surface paint as a safety matter as the proposed children’s drama group would soon be using the stage.

Action Point HH/DL

A member of the BRMRC was prepared to re-face the stage floor and had submitted a provisional cost for materials. It was agreed that a maximum amount to £50.00 be made available.

  1. Public session: There were no members of the public present

  1. Chairman’s Report JL had nothing to report

  1. Secretary’s Report.
                Defibrillator. Unit is sitting the office waiting to be fitted into the cabinet.

                DL and DI agreed to fit asap.

                Biffa waste. New contract needs completing, existing contract expires Oct 1st


 11/17. T Smallman re AGM matters

 12/17. Donation of £500.00 from BRMRC to CSC funds. Greatfully received

 13/17. Number of emails re VAC group duplicator (currently in Snooker Room) and relocation in Centre.  M Turner, J Leahy, M Beaton. On going

 14.17.  Cheque received from for 17 weeks hall hire from the Wednesday Whist Drive

 15 & 16 /17 Correspondence from APC Chairman re complaint about alleged high noise levels

               from a recent evening function in the CC. JL had replied. Further correspondence

                between above member of the public and JL. HH also commented on the letters and

               stated that the hall gets very hot during summer months and the fire doors are

 occasionally opened to allow in fresh air. It was agreed to monitor the situation and

 ensure that hall hirers are made aware of the situation when live music is being played.

18/17.   Fire paint information from Brewers.

19/17    Annual Fire extinguisher inspection certificate  (8 July 2016

20/17    Cheque from Aldingbourne District Target Shooting club re fees.

21/17    Cheque from Bognor Regis Cycling Club re hall hire fees outstanding

22/17    Cheque received from Barnham Trojans, Sept 1st quarterly payment for pitch hire.

  1. Accounts: Book Keeper. C B presented draft accounts for year ending January 2016 ready to be sent to Adams Beaney. Trustees accepted the draft accounts and thanked Caroline for the hard work she had been required to put in to raise said accounts. There were a couple of questions which were cleared up.
Bank Statements. JL gave the up to date accounts as follows

Community Account:                     £  8109,72

Aldingbourne Comm IAS              £12526,70

Aldingbourne SPR IAS                    £  2012,60

DL stated that all cheques itemised above in correspondence had been paid into the bank.


JS and CB confirmed that they would work together to ensure the ACSC accounts were maintained in and orderly and satisfactory manner.

  1. APC report Nothing to report.

  1.  Bookings. HH reported that October and November hall bookings we almost full.
There were Sunday Cycle Club meetings scheduled for the next two weeks.

JL to open centre 18th and DL to open 25th.

Billiard Table had been refurbished at a cost of £619.00. cheque for payment required

The hall floor had also been refurbished and polished.    

ACSC Insurance due 18th Nov.

Action Point HH

CCTV. No action had taken place re the loose “swinging” camera at the edge of the sports field.

SK stated the cherry picker was available and would liaise with JL for repair work

The Annual gas boiler service is due, New certificate required.

Action Point HH

  1. 24. Date of next meeting: Monday 17th (subject to Model Car Club) 7.30pm

25 Any Other Business

     DM . Bowls Club still waiting for collation re meter readings. Refer to 17

      MW Tennis Club: On going discussion over children’s play area. Whether to close completely or fencing off working areas when work is going on.

      JL did state that the Tennis Club needs to discus this with the APC not ACSC.

      Team Brown. Catch up payments are still being made
  1. Compound. BRMRC and BT have agreed an outline plan for a compound within the existing compound for large goal storage. SK is helping out re the fencing required.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

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