Minutes of Trustees Meeting 11th July 2016

Meetings , Regular Minutes


Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday July 11th, 2016


Present: Messrs J Leahy (JL), D Ives (DI), D Meakins (DM). M Woodcock (MW), D Freeman (DF),

S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgely (NP), H Hedges (HH), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT). P Pilcher (PP)

D Leonard (DL)

Members of the public present. There were two members of the public present.  

89) Apologies:   Received from T Chown,

90) Public Session:  a) Mr Martin Beaton, Chairman of APC, addressed the assembled Trustees and stated that both he and the APC considered the position of Community Centre in the local community to be the main activity hub in the area. There were considerable challenges arising for both the APC and the ACSC.

He itemised a number of the active facilities and wondered whether the sports field and centre were running to capacity as they should.

He reminded and stressed to the trustees that they were not representing just their club but were trustees of the ACSC and questioned whether there was enough or indeed any input from some of the trustees and their clubs toward the ACSC. Their support needed to be improved because if the ACSC should fail to function then all the clubs and societies using the centre and sports field itself would be homeless. 

Mr Beaton also mentioned the proposed housing developments in the Parish and local district and emphasised that the challenges in front of both APC and ACSC were considerable and would continue to grow with the growth of the community.

A number of questions were raised by those present and it was apparent that some trustees still considered that their club was their priority rather than the Community Centre. Mr Beaton again emphasised that thinking and operating along those lines was not in the best interest of the community and the Community Centre itself and those clubs, Trustees, thinking along those lines need to reconsider their attitude.

JL thanked Mr Beaton for his comments and confirmed that the APC and ACSC would be holding a meeting on July 22nd to discuss the financial situation and future development of the ACSC.

(JL, HH and AS to attend)
  1. b) Adrian Taylor (Chairman BRMRC) stated that the club had agreed to sell the “garage”
 to Barnham Trojans for a nominal fee of £1.00, through a formal agreement. BT were prepared to refurbish the unit and use it for storage purposes. Currently the changing rooms were unusable in at there were a large amounts of the club  kit and equipment stored in the area.   

  1. c) Mr Taylor also mentioned the necessity to prune a number of trees at the back of the good shed as they were already overgrown and could lead to damage to the building. A Tree Surgeon would be asked to assess the situation. Local residents had been notified as any work involved may mean the contractors may need to enter their properties.
Mrs T Smallman stated that she had received the notification email and agreed to the work being a necessity.
  1. d) Mr P Bartram. Project manager re the future development of the Aldingourne Tennis Club.
He stated that in approximately one month the club will be dismantling the existing clubhouse.

The new clubhouse would be erected but he asked that the CCTV cameras be relocated.

JL to contact Defensor.

Mr Bartram also asked if it would be possible to store an amount of equipment in the Centre whilst there rebuilding work we on going. HH  agreed that room could be found.

91) Minutes. With 3 minor amendments, correction to David Ives (not Derek), J Leahy arrived at 8,30pm and correction to minute 88f (path rather than bath) the minutes of the meeting were signed.

  1. Matters Arising : Book Keeper: JL confirmed that he had met Mrs C Betsworth and she was currently working on the books
  2. ii) Hopscotch. It was confirmed that the group do pay a set rate per week.
iii) Team Brown; AS stated that notice had been given to the club re the amount of hire fees outstanding. Following discussion with the group leader it was agreed that the debt be cleared at the amount of £50.00 per week until the debt is cleared.
  1. iv) M W re Lack of invoices for clubs re hiring/rental fees. JL stated that this was a problem because we did not have a Treasurer in place, however it was confirmed that those clubs that were aware that the annual/monthly rental was due should be in a position to pay same and forward that payment to AS whose was currently banking cheques and payments as they were delivered.
88d) Door alarm: HH stated that the situation was on going although interim repairs had solved the immediate problem

88e) Snooker Table. Service engineer has stated that the table does need recovering.

Cost. Cloth, pocket repairs, general service £550.00 + VAT, total £620.00.

HH proposed, DL seconded that the required servicing of the snooker table be agreed. All agreed. HH to Action.

HH also raised the situation regarding the main hall floor. Last refurbished in May 2014. He had received a quote from Hutchinsons of £937.20p for two days work.  It was noted that the AVHF had just donated £960.00 to the centre and it was agreed that this be used to pay for the necessary work to the hall floor.

88f) Path clearance: AS to contact probation service for possible working party.

93)   Correspondence: 81a) Book Keeper re invoice list

81b) A Taylor blinds and signal box

81c) AS blinds and signal box, blind closure

81d) Book Keeper re SAGE program subscription. Agreed this be paid

81e) TS re blinds and signal box. JL had replied at length and this elicited further discussion.


Nb) At this juncture AS was asked to leave the meeting. Following further discussion D Ives left the meeting and in so doing declared that the situation was farcical re the continuing alleged problems with the Signal Box blinds and he therefore resigned his position as Deputy Chairman.

81f) AGM re positions vacant

81g) A Taylor re “blind watch”

81h) JL to APC re finance meeting APC/ACSC

81i)  JL. Re Social Club licencing hours

81j) Re tree cutting BRMRC

81k) Grant report now complete

81l) Transfer of Garage to BT and further comment on proposed Tree Cutting.

  1. Chairman’s Report: JL only commented on the Social Club licence queries which HH had actioned.

  1. Secretaries Report: AS requested info on the two bags of soil sited on the west corner of the CC. DL confirmed they were the responsibility of BT and apologised for the long delay in moving. They were intended for pitch repairs and whilst some had been used last season it was intended to use the remaining this close season. Failing that the bags and contents would be moved.
Open and broken plastic drainage cover situated edge of path outside bowls club. SK agreed to look at the broken cover and replace.

The old rubbish bins at the back of the centre were causing problems and needed to be disposed of.  It was agreed that if any trustee could pick up one or more they do so and dispose of at the community tip.

96) Parish Council report. TC not present, nothing to report

97) Bookings. HH. New Fire Safety Certificate due.

AS to clarify the Centre licence renewal dates. Electrical PAT Testing, Gas Boilers, Alarms.
  1. New children’s Drama Group will be in situ Sept/Oct and it was confirmed that the stage will need clearing. Room needs to be found in storage area.

98: Date of next meeting: AGM Monday July 25th following which will be the first meeting of the new trustees.


99)  Any Other Business: a) SK raised the question of “drones” being used on the sports field.

JS to check with local authority.
  1. b) DF. Social Club smoking area. Club wish to extend the covered area at a cost of £1200. There is a formal agreement between the ACSC and ASC that any works of this nature (building) be shared at on a 50-50 basis. However the Social Club, bearing in mind the financial situation the ACSC find themselves in, are prepared to meet the full cost and negotiate payment from the ACSC at a later date.
  2. c) DM re Treasurers position. A number of Trustees commented that it would be hoped that amongst the many members that the Bowls Club have a suitably qualified person could perhaps step forward to assist.
  3. d) DM re electricity meter readings. Bowls Club still awaiting a reading and invoice.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

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