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Registered Charity No. 276055
Minutes of the Trustees Meeting
Sunday 7th November 2010
Those Present
Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Mike Burton (MB), Linda Fromant (LF), Bill Warwick (BW). Jenny Hamilton (JH) Dennis Lennard (DL) and Alan Johnson (AJ)
Meeting started at 18:40pm
MB advised the meeting of a conflict of interest with Item 11 on the Agenda (Compound Fencing)
1 APOLOGIES – Helen Franklin (HF), Philip Pilcher (PP), Alex Gladman
Not in attendance – Chris Blows (CB)
2 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE 10th October 2010.
The minutes were accepted as correct. Proposed DL, seconded JV.
2.2 The matter of obtaining a quote for cupboards in the committee room – Ongoing
Both JL and AJ stated they would approach people for quotes.
ACTION POINT MB/JL/AJ to obtain quotes for next meeting
2.8 Contact made with the Rifle Club and the new Licence Agreement had now been signed
7 MB explained he had been in contact with the Environmental Agency who had referred him to a web site regarding becoming part of the scheme to create a pond. In essence this was an involved project which would need input from local people including schools. It was far too much work to take on at the moment but should anyone wish to push it forward he had all the information required.
Front of Stage Hall curtains now installed
8 Bookings Item deferred to Item 9 of the Agenda
10 Kitchen Refurbishment JV explained due to the work involved with renewing the floor and other matters this had not been progressed. Progression was also awaiting a reply from the Directors of Lidsey Landfill with regards to the re-allocation of the £5.000 granted previously given to the new building project.
MB stated he had written to the Manager at Lidsey and was still awaiting a reply
11 Business Plan MB stated that the version of this, drafted in May 2010, was now hopelessly out of date. He suggested a further draft should be made ready in time to coincide with the end of the Financial year. This was agreed by all those present
13 Tree Cutting MB stated he had received a quote from Mike Kennedy an as a result had entered a grant request to the Parish Council at their last meeting. The PC had requested a further quote which he was now attempting to obtain.
15 Benches Installed. The cost of installation was £350.
Roger Ayling, Chairman of the Aldingbourne & District Target Shooting Club, presented a letter
and plan (Correspondence Item 36) to the club proposing an extension to the Rifle Clubhouse to provide toilet facilities.
Following discussions it was agreed that the Trustees had no objection to the proposed extension.
ACTION POINT MB to seek the approval of the Landlord – Aldingbourne Parish Council
Item 23 Letter to the Directors of Lidsey Landfill 12/10/2010
Item 24 E-mail to Environment Agency requesting info’ on Million Pond Project
Item 25 E-mail to Sarah Manning, Irish Dancing, re hall flooring
Item 26 Letter to ASC re use of lounge by Hopscotch
Item 27 Copy grant app to PC re £1500 for security fencing
Item 28 Letter from BLF re application for grant
Item 29 Friday Night Snooker Club fixture list current to 10/12/2010
Item 30 Thank You letter to Chair of JDAC re £1500 award towards Security Fencing
Item 31 Letter from JDAC confirming award of £1500 towards security fencing
Item 32 Copy grant app to PC Re £500 for tree surgery
Item 33 Letter from Scottish Power rejecting application Re New Building/Hopscotch
Item 34 Letter from BLF rejecting application Re New Building/ Hopscotch
Item 35 Cert from ICO Re Data Protection Act
Item 36 Letter and Plan from Aldingbourne & District Target Shooting Club dated 5/11/10
No Report
JV stated that moneys owed at the end of last month had now been received and as a result we were in surplus.
That the account were accepted was proposed by AJ, seconded DL
JV proposed opening a 5 Year Bond with Barclays Bank into which the £10,000, we were obliged to retain, should be deposited. Currently the £10,000 attracted an interest rate of 0.025% whereas the Bond would attract 4%.
Proposed JV seconded MB Agreed by all those present.
JV outlined that he had spoken with a curtain supplier regarding the hall window curtains. The quote was in the region of £3000, due to the cost of installing suitable tracking. As a result it had been decided to apply for a grant to cover this expense
MB stated three quotes would be required by any funding body and to this end he had already contacted a number of local companies who would be attending the centre over the next two weeks
Concern was expressed that this purchase should not be allowed to ‘drag on’.
AJ and JH with MB volunteered to attend when these contractors arrived on site.
JV advised following negotiations with Covers he had obtained a 40% discount on the purchase of wooden laminate doors to replace those in the centre. The total cost was just over £660.
MB stated it had been the intention to seek a separate grant for this project but as the cost was so reasonable he proposed that the money should be allocated immediately and the doors purchased and stored pending their fitting
Proposed MB, seconded DL. Agreed by all those present
ACTION POINT AJ/JL to obtain quotes for fitting
JV asked for volunteers to redecorated the hall, lower walls and woodwork, in the coming week
ACTION POINT JV to let everyone know the date and time re decoration of the Hall
JV thanked BW for his help and support with regards to the leaking radiator in the hall last week.
JV explained that following discussions with the Rifle Club concerning building insurance it appeared that the insurance agents had ‘jumped the gun’ and gone ahead and organised building insurance cover for the Rifle Club under the present ACSC policy. JV had since requested that the new addition should be made easily identifiable, under a separate sub-heading within the policy, for the allocation of costs etc.
Roger Ayling apologised that this had occurred and assured the Trustees that the premium had been paid by the Rifle Club. He also thanked the Trustees in that with the ‘joining’ of the insurance the Rifle Club had saved over £250 on their previous best quote.
Following discussions it was suggested that all user groups with separate buildings, Bowls, Tennis, BRMRC and Signal Box should be advised of the potential savings in joining under one policy.
ACTION POINT JV to write to all User Groups
MB thanked JV, BW DL and LF for their help with the setting-up and taking-down for Hopscotch whilst they used the lounge area due to the hall floor repairs. He also thanked the ASC for their cooperation and the initial idea of using the lounge.
MB informed everyone that he had written an article for the Parish Magazine making all aware of the new benches and notifying readers they could sponsor a bench if they wished. He also commented about the work of the Charity including a request for further Trustees.
MB stated he had attended the PC meeting to support two grant applications, £1500 for the security fencing around the Barn and Signal Box which was granted and £500 towards the cost of tree management where the PC requested further quotes.
The matter of asking the PC about the legal side of controlling dogs/dog owners with respect to dog fouling did not arise
ACTION POINT MB to raise the issue of dog fouling controls at the next PC meeting
With regards to the Hall window curtains appointments to obtain quotes had been arranged as follows
Tuesday 9th November 9:30 Curtain Calls
Wednesday 10th November Curtains by Carole
Saturday 20th November C&H Curtains
(AJ, JH and JV aware)
JV and MB explained that HF had resigned, due to pressure of work as the Booking Secretary, she would continue as a Trustee until the AGM.
In order to simplify the whole system it had been agreed that those involved would control the process via the office. Potential hirers would be invited to attend the centre on a Thursday evening, between 7-8pm whereupon they could be shown the facilities and could complete all the necessary forms. New paperwork had been created which hopefully would encompass all eventualities including liaison with the ACS for use of the bar, this would include a dedicated diary and wall calendars. There would also be a dedicated mobile phone for hirers to contact during an event which the ‘on-call’ Trustee would carry
JV stated that BLS were at the centre on the 20th Nov, Harry’s CDs on the 27th
The only booking requiring supervision was an 80th Birthday on Saturday 4th December JV/JL to see in and out.
JV confirmed the availability of 4 tables for the use of the Bowls Club
DL requested clarification over the £5.00 hire charge of the Committee Room where the proposed meeting exceeded numbers and therefore transferred to the Hall. He stated this had happened on one occasion to the Barnham Trojans whereupon HF as the Booking Secretary had still only charged £5.00, The matter was discussed and it was agreed in such circumstances such a meeting should only attract a charge equivalent of 1hr hall charge, £10:40p.
JV stated that interest in using the hall by new user groups had occurred in the last few weeks including the Line Dancing, which had just moved away to a hall in Chichester wishing to return for a new fixture.
JV stated a new Street Dancing group would now occupy Tuesday Evenings with the exception of the first Tuesday of the month when the PC were in the hall. Irish dancing were increasing their hours by starting earlier and the Line Dancing Groups request would, on this occasion have to be refused.
JV informed the meeting that BLS were impressed with the new floor and had sent a letter expressing their thanks. Both BLS and Harry’s CDs had already notified JV of their bookings for the forthcoming year.
Hopscotch having accepted that a new building was would not be readily available due to lack of funds wished to explore the possibility of increasing their hours to cater for Breakfast and After School Clubs. They were contemplating these might begin in the New Year.
Storage was still a problem at the centre. JV suggested that enquiries be made to see if two or possibly three temporary garage type buildings could be erected out the back of the hall to replace the caravan
ACTION POINT JV/MB to explore the costs of erecting two/three temporary buildings.
MB explained the history behind the project to fence in the Signal Box and Barn as part of the planning application for the former and that as the project involving the Signal Box had evolved so the potential for an outside storage area had arisen and has thus been ‘taken-over’ bt the ACSC as of beneficial use to them and user groups. To this end he explained he had since obtained two £1500 grants, form JDAC and the PC, to erect the security fencing. He was now requesting that the ACSC raise the remaining £700 required to enable this project to go forward.
Following discussion the granting of £700 for the erection of security fencing was proposed by BW, seconded by AJ. The matter was agreed by everyone (MB and DL refrained from voting)
Previously discussed. JV to pursue once a reply from the Directors of Lidsey Landfill has been received giving permission to use the £5,000 previously given for the new building/Hopscotch project
Previously discussed. New plan to be readied for discussion at end of financial year
13 BRMRC – No one in attendance
14 TREE CUTTING – Previously discussed MB to obtain further quotes
15 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 12th December 2010.
16 AOB
- DL reported that the veneer on the doors in the changing rooms were peeling off
ACTION POINT MB to contact THS Services
- JH complained of foxes causing a nuisance in the area of the Bowls Club
MB requested Roger Ayling to contact Alex Gladman to exercise his to deal with this and the problem of rabbits in the area who were again inflicting serious damage on the fields
ACTION POINT MB to issue and Authority to Alex
- JV informed everyone that the Christmas Tree would be arriving next week. Volunteers were
required to lift it into place and decorate it. DL, MB.AJ to assist.
- AJ thanked everyone, on behalf of his wife, for the flowers upon her return home from
- BW enquired if the over ride key for the snooker room had been returned.
ACTION POINT MB to make enquiries
- DF asked if the timer to the street lights could be reset for just past midnight.
ACTION POINT AJ to adjust timer device
- AJ asked about the Key register if this were in operation yet
MB replied that it had been started but was still a work in progress.
- JV proposed that when Trustees substituting for the cleaner when away should be paid.
Proposed JV, seconded DF Agreed by all present
- LF enquired if the Trustees should not take advantage of the upcoming Olympics to arrange fund raising activities on behalf of the charity
MB stated he believed the Trustees should be looking to run one fund raising night a quarter
and suggested a quiz, racing nigh of gambling night
JL suggested this be discussed in greater depth at the next meeting with a view to selecting
an Entertainments Sub-Committee
Meeting ended at 20:05hrs
Registered Charity No. 276055
Minutes of the Trustees Meeting
Sunday 7th November 2010
Those Present
Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Mike Burton (MB), Linda Fromant (LF), Bill Warwick (BW). Jenny Hamilton (JH) Dennis Lennard (DL) and Alan Johnson (AJ)
Meeting started at 18:40pm
MB advised the meeting of a conflict of interest with Item 11 on the Agenda (Compound Fencing)
1 APOLOGIES – Helen Franklin (HF), Philip Pilcher (PP), Alex Gladman
Not in attendance – Chris Blows (CB)
2 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE 10th October 2010.
The minutes were accepted as correct. Proposed DL, seconded JV.
2.2 The matter of obtaining a quote for cupboards in the committee room – Ongoing
Both JL and AJ stated they would approach people for quotes.
ACTION POINT MB/JL/AJ to obtain quotes for next meeting
2.8 Contact made with the Rifle Club and the new Licence Agreement had now been signed
7 MB explained he had been in contact with the Environmental Agency who had referred him to a web site regarding becoming part of the scheme to create a pond. In essence this was an involved project which would need input from local people including schools. It was far too much work to take on at the moment but should anyone wish to push it forward he had all the information required.
Front of Stage Hall curtains now installed
8 Bookings Item deferred to Item 9 of the Agenda
10 Kitchen Refurbishment JV explained due to the work involved with renewing the floor and other matters this had not been progressed. Progression was also awaiting a reply from the Directors of Lidsey Landfill with regards to the re-allocation of the £5.000 granted previously given to the new building project.
MB stated he had written to the Manager at Lidsey and was still awaiting a reply
11 Business Plan MB stated that the version of this, drafted in May 2010, was now hopelessly out of date. He suggested a further draft should be made ready in time to coincide with the end of the Financial year. This was agreed by all those present
13 Tree Cutting MB stated he had received a quote from Mike Kennedy an as a result had entered a grant request to the Parish Council at their last meeting. The PC had requested a further quote which he was now attempting to obtain.
15 Benches Installed. The cost of installation was £350.
Roger Ayling, Chairman of the Aldingbourne & District Target Shooting Club, presented a letter
and plan (Correspondence Item 36) to the club proposing an extension to the Rifle Clubhouse to provide toilet facilities.
Following discussions it was agreed that the Trustees had no objection to the proposed extension.
ACTION POINT MB to seek the approval of the Landlord – Aldingbourne Parish Council
Item 23 Letter to the Directors of Lidsey Landfill 12/10/2010
Item 24 E-mail to Environment Agency requesting info’ on Million Pond Project
Item 25 E-mail to Sarah Manning, Irish Dancing, re hall flooring
Item 26 Letter to ASC re use of lounge by Hopscotch
Item 27 Copy grant app to PC re £1500 for security fencing
Item 28 Letter from BLF re application for grant
Item 29 Friday Night Snooker Club fixture list current to 10/12/2010
Item 30 Thank You letter to Chair of JDAC re £1500 award towards Security Fencing
Item 31 Letter from JDAC confirming award of £1500 towards security fencing
Item 32 Copy grant app to PC Re £500 for tree surgery
Item 33 Letter from Scottish Power rejecting application Re New Building/Hopscotch
Item 34 Letter from BLF rejecting application Re New Building/ Hopscotch
Item 35 Cert from ICO Re Data Protection Act
Item 36 Letter and Plan from Aldingbourne & District Target Shooting Club dated 5/11/10
No Report
JV stated that moneys owed at the end of last month had now been received and as a result we were in surplus.
That the account were accepted was proposed by AJ, seconded DL
JV proposed opening a 5 Year Bond with Barclays Bank into which the £10,000, we were obliged to retain, should be deposited. Currently the £10,000 attracted an interest rate of 0.025% whereas the Bond would attract 4%.
Proposed JV seconded MB Agreed by all those present.
JV outlined that he had spoken with a curtain supplier regarding the hall window curtains. The quote was in the region of £3000, due to the cost of installing suitable tracking. As a result it had been decided to apply for a grant to cover this expense
MB stated three quotes would be required by any funding body and to this end he had already contacted a number of local companies who would be attending the centre over the next two weeks
Concern was expressed that this purchase should not be allowed to ‘drag on’.
AJ and JH with MB volunteered to attend when these contractors arrived on site.
JV advised following negotiations with Covers he had obtained a 40% discount on the purchase of wooden laminate doors to replace those in the centre. The total cost was just over £660.
MB stated it had been the intention to seek a separate grant for this project but as the cost was so reasonable he proposed that the money should be allocated immediately and the doors purchased and stored pending their fitting
Proposed MB, seconded DL. Agreed by all those present
ACTION POINT AJ/JL to obtain quotes for fitting
JV asked for volunteers to redecorated the hall, lower walls and woodwork, in the coming week
ACTION POINT JV to let everyone know the date and time re decoration of the Hall
JV thanked BW for his help and support with regards to the leaking radiator in the hall last week.
JV explained that following discussions with the Rifle Club concerning building insurance it appeared that the insurance agents had ‘jumped the gun’ and gone ahead and organised building insurance cover for the Rifle Club under the present ACSC policy. JV had since requested that the new addition should be made easily identifiable, under a separate sub-heading within the policy, for the allocation of costs etc.
Roger Ayling apologised that this had occurred and assured the Trustees that the premium had been paid by the Rifle Club. He also thanked the Trustees in that with the ‘joining’ of the insurance the Rifle Club had saved over £250 on their previous best quote.
Following discussions it was suggested that all user groups with separate buildings, Bowls, Tennis, BRMRC and Signal Box should be advised of the potential savings in joining under one policy.
ACTION POINT JV to write to all User Groups
MB thanked JV, BW DL and LF for their help with the setting-up and taking-down for Hopscotch whilst they used the lounge area due to the hall floor repairs. He also thanked the ASC for their cooperation and the initial idea of using the lounge.
MB informed everyone that he had written an article for the Parish Magazine making all aware of the new benches and notifying readers they could sponsor a bench if they wished. He also commented about the work of the Charity including a request for further Trustees.
MB stated he had attended the PC meeting to support two grant applications, £1500 for the security fencing around the Barn and Signal Box which was granted and £500 towards the cost of tree management where the PC requested further quotes.
The matter of asking the PC about the legal side of controlling dogs/dog owners with respect to dog fouling did not arise
ACTION POINT MB to raise the issue of dog fouling controls at the next PC meeting
With regards to the Hall window curtains appointments to obtain quotes had been arranged as follows
Tuesday 9th November 9:30 Curtain Calls
Wednesday 10th November Curtains by Carole
Saturday 20th November C&H Curtains
(AJ, JH and JV aware)
JV and MB explained that HF had resigned, due to pressure of work as the Booking Secretary, she would continue as a Trustee until the AGM.
In order to simplify the whole system it had been agreed that those involved would control the process via the office. Potential hirers would be invited to attend the centre on a Thursday evening, between 7-8pm whereupon they could be shown the facilities and could complete all the necessary forms. New paperwork had been created which hopefully would encompass all eventualities including liaison with the ACS for use of the bar, this would include a dedicated diary and wall calendars. There would also be a dedicated mobile phone for hirers to contact during an event which the ‘on-call’ Trustee would carry
JV stated that BLS were at the centre on the 20th Nov, Harry’s CDs on the 27th
The only booking requiring supervision was an 80th Birthday on Saturday 4th December JV/JL to see in and out.
JV confirmed the availability of 4 tables for the use of the Bowls Club
DL requested clarification over the £5.00 hire charge of the Committee Room where the proposed meeting exceeded numbers and therefore transferred to the Hall. He stated this had happened on one occasion to the Barnham Trojans whereupon HF as the Booking Secretary had still only charged £5.00, The matter was discussed and it was agreed in such circumstances such a meeting should only attract a charge equivalent of 1hr hall charge, £10:40p.
JV stated that interest in using the hall by new user groups had occurred in the last few weeks including the Line Dancing, which had just moved away to a hall in Chichester wishing to return for a new fixture.
JV stated a new Street Dancing group would now occupy Tuesday Evenings with the exception of the first Tuesday of the month when the PC were in the hall. Irish dancing were increasing their hours by starting earlier and the Line Dancing Groups request would, on this occasion have to be refused.
JV informed the meeting that BLS were impressed with the new floor and had sent a letter expressing their thanks. Both BLS and Harry’s CDs had already notified JV of their bookings for the forthcoming year.
Hopscotch having accepted that a new building was would not be readily available due to lack of funds wished to explore the possibility of increasing their hours to cater for Breakfast and After School Clubs. They were contemplating these might begin in the New Year.
Storage was still a problem at the centre. JV suggested that enquiries be made to see if two or possibly three temporary garage type buildings could be erected out the back of the hall to replace the caravan
ACTION POINT JV/MB to explore the costs of erecting two/three temporary buildings.
MB explained the history behind the project to fence in the Signal Box and Barn as part of the planning application for the former and that as the project involving the Signal Box had evolved so the potential for an outside storage area had arisen and has thus been ‘taken-over’ bt the ACSC as of beneficial use to them and user groups. To this end he explained he had since obtained two £1500 grants, form JDAC and the PC, to erect the security fencing. He was now requesting that the ACSC raise the remaining £700 required to enable this project to go forward.
Following discussion the granting of £700 for the erection of security fencing was proposed by BW, seconded by AJ. The matter was agreed by everyone (MB and DL refrained from voting)
Previously discussed. JV to pursue once a reply from the Directors of Lidsey Landfill has been received giving permission to use the £5,000 previously given for the new building/Hopscotch project
Previously discussed. New plan to be readied for discussion at end of financial year
13 BRMRC – No one in attendance
14 TREE CUTTING – Previously discussed MB to obtain further quotes
15 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 12th December 2010.
16 AOB
1. DL reported that the veneer on the doors in the changing rooms were peeling off
ACTION POINT MB to contact THS Services
2. JH complained of foxes causing a nuisance in the area of the Bowls Club
MB requested Roger Ayling to contact Alex Gladman to exercise his to deal with this and the problem of rabbits in the area who were again inflicting serious damage on the fields
ACTION POINT MB to issue and Authority to Alex
3. JV informed everyone that the Christmas Tree would be arriving next week. Volunteers were
required to lift it into place and decorate it. DL, MB.AJ to assist.
4. AJ thanked everyone, on behalf of his wife, for the flowers upon her return home from
5. BW enquired if the over ride key for the snooker room had been returned.
ACTION POINT MB to make enquiries
6. DF asked if the timer to the street lights could be reset for just past midnight.
ACTION POINT AJ to adjust timer device
7. AJ asked about the Key register if this were in operation yet
MB replied that it had been started but was still a work in progress.
8. JV proposed that when Trustees substituting for the cleaner when away should be paid.
Proposed JV, seconded DF Agreed by all present
9. LF enquired if the Trustees should not take advantage of the upcoming Olympics to arrange fund raising activities on behalf of the charity
MB stated he believed the Trustees should be looking to run one fund raising night a quarter
and suggested a quiz, racing nigh of gambling night
JL suggested this be discussed in greater depth at the next meeting with a view to selecting
an Entertainments Sub-Committee
Meeting ended at 20:05hrs