Minutes of the Trustees Meeting - Sunday 17th April 2011

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting

Sunday 17th April 2011



Those Present:


M Burton, Tom Tappenden and Philip Pilcher



Apologies: Alan Johnson, Linda Fromant, Denis Leonard


The meeting opened at 6:45 and was closed immediately due to non-attendance of Trustees.


Item 12 on the Agenda – Front Hall Extn. Quotes and start time.


Due to a time constriction on the £9,000  grant (Expiry date 15th May 2011) awarded to the Charity by the Henry Smith Charitable Trust a decision needs to be made urgently with regards to choosing a contractor and agreeing a start date.


This decision needs to be taken in the light that not all the funds to complete the project are currently in place. The remainder of the funds needed for this project are being obtained in the form of a loan by the Parish Council. This loan is not yet in place.


The options are as follows:


1          The work can start but can only continue up to the limit of the £9000 and can only proceed further once full funding is in place


2          We wait to start work until all the funds are in place. However if this course is taken there is the possibility that if the loan does not materialize before the expiry date of the grant then we will lose the grant.






With regards to contractors I have received the following quotes:


1          Mayoss            £28,464


2          Burrows          £22,000

3          Fordon                        £23,500



I do not have the authority to make the above decisions in isolation. Please can all Trustees reply to me asap giving me either their choices or declining to make a decision until a further meeting of the Trustees is held


The next scheduled meeting of the Trustees is 8th May 2011




Mike Burton








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