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Registered Charity No. 276055
Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – September 10th 2012
Present: Adrian Taylor, AT (Chairman), Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Alan Smallman (AS), Tony Chown (TC), David Ives (DI), Chris Wright (CW), Derek Freeman (DF), Dennis Leonard (DL)
- Apologies. Received from Rob Driver, Tom Tappenden, Bill Warwick
- Minutes: With a correction to minute 3/12(both paragraphs should refer to the Cornfields and not Oliver’s Meadow) the minutes of the meeting held on Aug 13th were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
- Matters Arising:
- Min 3 Action Point 3. Fire Officer; JL has yet to meet with Angela Zealand.
Action Point – JL
- Min 3 Action Point 17 Peppercorn Rent. On going.
Action point – JL to update next meeting.
- Min 3 (June Min 4) Item 166. Parish Council Trustee. DL reported that having spoken to Chris Blows it appears he is to continue as the Parish Council Trustee. In the absence of CB at this meeting this still needs to be confirmed.
- Min 3 (June Min 4) Item 187) AS confirmed that MB had cleared the renewal Planning Application re Hop Scotch.
- Min 3 (June Min 7(i). Social Club carpet insurance claim. JL and DF still pursuing. Action Point – JL, DF, TC. Further Quotes required before submitting claim to insurers.
- Min 4 (July) Stackable Chairs. On going.
Action Point – JV to pursue
- Min 8 (July) Employment Requirements. On Going.
Action Point – AT and JV to pursue employment requirements re Harry Hedges.
Action Point – At and JL to draft letters to HH and Alan Johnson.
- Min 13 Tennis Club Extension. Matter was still on-going in that the Parish Council were still in discussion as per minute 13 of the meeting of June 10th.
Action Point – CW to report back on progress at next meeting
- Min 15B. Cycle Rack. Held over.
Action point – TC to update
- Min 15c. Social Club. On going. DF to report back following Social Club end of year financial year report and budget meeting. Refer also to Minute 27e this meeting.
Action Point – DF
- Min 15f. Finalised.
- Min 15g. Cheque Book signatories. On–going.
Action Point – JV
- Correspondence.
- Item 188 Copy notification of Planning Amendment regarding the Signal Box
- Item 189 Request from BR MRC regarding Lease for the Barn
- Item 190 Letter to Whist Club re Non-availability 25/7 due to AGM
- Item 191 Email from JV withdrawing earlier notification of resignation as Treasurer
- Item 192 Advice to data Controller of delay in notifying them, due to AGM, of our Data Controller. JL informed the Trustees that this was the Chairman’s Responsibility. JL to pass over the necessary information to AT.
Action Point: AT and JL
- Item 193 Further correspondence with BRMRC re the barn
- Item 194 Notice from CHUBB re inspection and service DAT Req
- Item 195 Letter to Whist Club re cancellation of 5/9/2102 due to Public Meeting
- Item 196 Letter to VAG re future booking of hall. Poss unable to comply and/or charging.
- Item 197 BRMRC re Barn
- Item 198 Indication from JL that he was not able to stand as a Trustee and therefore Chairman but offering himself as a Co-opted Trustee to deal with access control, Internet connectivity and multimedia.
- Item 200/201 – Marketing mail
- Item 202 Letter from Defensor Security
- Item 203 Fontwell Flooring re quote for Social Club carpet
- Item 204 Biffa Waste Disposal ?
- Item 205 Complaint re hourly rate for a Sunday Hall Hiring. Inadvertently charged at Saturday rate but also charged from 8pm rather than 7pm. Agreed difference be re-imbursed to hirer.
Action Point – JV to pen letter of apology.
- Public Session. There were no members of the Public present
- Chairman’s Report. Nothing to report
- Treasurers Report.
- As Statement
- JV reported that our Insurance Premium for Building and Contents Insurance had increased by £1,700.00 for 2012-2013 to a total of £6215.93. (Royal & Sun Alliance through our Brokers Coversure) JV explained it was in all probability because of the number of claims we had made over the past 5 years and Coversure stated that this was the best quote available.
Action Point – JV to pursue further quotes. However it was agreed that if there are no further or more favourable quotes obtainable JV to pay premium as required by the due date of Sept 22nd.
- Our Public Liability insurance had also increased by £2.34 to £549.90.
- Secretary’s Report. Nothing To Report
- Parish Council Report. With no Trustee from PC present JV reported that he had attended but there was nothing to report.
- Booking Secretary. TC. Sept 22nd. 70th Birthday Party. Entry and closure covered. TC also reported that the Bognor Vintage Car Club were looking to relocate to ACSC.
Action Point: JV to investigate further.
- Date of next meeting: Monday Oct 8th. 7pm.
- Any Other Business.
- AS asked who the security fencing around and in the compound belonged to. It was confirmed that it was the property of the ACSC.
- Vermin. Reports that rats had been seen around the barn and near properties.
Action Point – JL to contact Alex Gladman, Pest Controller
- Compound. Goalposts. Following question raised by AS re goalposts in the compound DL explained that the large aluminium posts would remain in the compound but once the barn was ready for use by BRMRC and they had moved over from their current building (garage) it was hoped that the Mini Soccer goals would be broken down after each match and stored in the garage.
- AT, JV, JL, AS and DL to meet Monday Oct 1st to review situation with the group leases. i.e BRMRC.
- JL had met with the Social Club re the Occupation Licence which currently runs from January 2010 – December 2012. It had not been signed by both/either party.
Items for discussion: Social Club had asked that the Current Rent calculation be amended when the new Occupation Licence was discussed. JL and JV proposed to recommend that there be no increase in rent while the ASC has asked that there be an actual decrease of £2600.00 per annum. The reason behind the request was Bar takings were down, and they felt the current rent too high. So far the Social Club has increased Membership Fees and bar prices but no action had yet been taken to promote the Club to the local Community.
JL suggested fund raising events including a fireworks display and fair on the field in time for Guy Fawkes “celebrations” in Nov. DL raised strong concerns re the idea of a fair being held on the field especially on the football pitches. The damage to both the pitches and the field itself could be considerable especially if the weather was inclement. DL highlighted the damage caused to the Yapton playing field by the siting of a fair. The football pitch was now unfit for use.
Action Point – JL, DF to pursue ideas for events.
- The Village Action group had used the photocopier in the small committee room to run off leaflets for the recent meeting. In so doing they had emptied the toner. Agreed that we would not charge for use.
- Mobile phone for Booking’s Secretary. It was agreed a phone be purchased.
Action Point – JV
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.