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01) Present Messrs D Ives (DI), J Sopp (JS), D Meakins (DM). M Woodcock (MW), D Freeman (DF), S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgly (NP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT). P Pilcher (PP), A Smallman (AS), M Woodcock (MW), D Leonard (DL) Apologies Received from J Leahy, R Driver.
02) Election of Officers for 2017-2018 Chairman: J Leahy had indicated that he was prepared to continue in post for a further year. Proposed by SK, 2 nd DI, J Leahy was duly elected as Chairman of Trustees Deputy Chairman: D Ives was proposed and seconded as Deputy Chairman. Elected Secretary: A Smallman was proposed and seconded as Secretary. Elected Treasurer. Mrs J Sopp was proposed and Seconded as Treasurer. Elected. Booking Secretary. Mrs J Sopp agreed to continue in post and was duly elected. Sub Committees Finance & Business: JL, JS, AS, AT, DL, DI Maintenance: AS, DI, MW, NP, SK, DL Marketing & Fundraising. To be determined Sept meeting Data Protection: JL Fire Protection: NP, SK Child Protection: SW, DL.
03) Date of next meeting Monday Sept 4 th 2017. 7.30pm
04) Any Other Business Further concerns expressed at the number of dog walkers not keeping their dogs on leads and not picking up the mess their dogs deposit on the field. It was felt that the notices/signs needed to be larger. To be investigated. Notice Board, field entrance. The individual Club/Group boards are barely readable. It was agreed that they need to be cleaned and new boards purchased as necessary. Further discussion on proposed idea of a “shared” Caretaker/Booking Secretary with other Community Centres. Barnham, Eastergate Village Hall. To be discussed with APC. DF informed trustees of further events organised for the ASC celebration August Bank Holiday weekend.