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Registered Charity No. 276055
Minutes of the Trustees Meeting held on Monday 19th August 2013
Present: A Taylor (AT) Chairman. , J Leahy (JL), A Smallman (AS), David Ives (DI),
D Freeman (DF), R Cornell (RC), R Driver (RD), T Chown (TC), J Weston (JC)
D Leonard (DL). Aldingbourne Alive Co-opted Trustee Co-Ordinator. T Smallman (TS)
117. Apologies; Received from P McColluch, C Wright, J Smith.
118. Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on June 17th were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
119. Matters Arising. 106/58 Fire Safety. As A Zealand has resigned and is no longer a Trustee it was decided that AT would follow up on the Fire Safety requirements as they now stand and follow up on any actions that needed to be carried out.
Action Point: A Taylor
106/77 Website. JL stated that this is still a work in progress. Identified as:- www.
Action Point: J Leahy
106/93. Play Area. Carried forward .
Action Point: G Draper (PC Rep)
106/101. Completed, Aldingbourne Alive leaflets have been distributed
106/101a. Display Board. TC confirmed that the proposed siting area is West Sussex County Co land and permission has to be sort
Action Point: T Chown
106/102: Traffic Bollard. The damaged bollard at the entrance to the playing field has been removed. It was agreed that a new bollard was not a necessity in that the car park bays themselves need relining and directional arrows can be painted in at the same time .
The area around the Bowls Club entrance barrier area has been identified as a hazardous parking area and it was agreed that cross hatching (yellow) be lined on this entrance to the field.
J W offered the services of the Bowls Club in identifying and carrying out the necessary work
Action Point: J Weston (Aldingbourne Bowls Club).
106/102a. First Aid Box. On going.
Action Point. T Chown. R Diver
116 c. Window Cleaning. H Kingswell, a local window cleaner, had been approached and was prepared to carry out the required cleaning twice annually at a cost of £30.00 per session. Agreed.
116d. Rubbish bins; The existing bins are falling apart and the actual internal containers have rotted at the bottom. It was agreed that as the cost for 6 new bins and 3 new dog waste had been quoted at between £2500. 00 to £3000.00 we approach the Parish Council for assistance.
Action Point. J Leahy
116h. Hopscotch. On going AT/JL
116 Signal Box privacy filters/blinds. On going JL
120: Correspondence: 246: Hopscotch re rent
247: BRMRC ? Re Drainage problems around the Barn. Quotes are required before any action can be taken to cure this problem
Action Point: J Leahy, T Chown
248: Aldingbourne Alive letters to the Oliver Meadow residents
249: BRMRC Update on barn refurbishment
250: Letter from the Friday Street Dance group informing ACSC that they will be finishing in September.
251: Letter re continuing dog fouling. AS to request Arun DC for information leaflets for posting around the playing field.
252: BRMRC? Re tree cutting around the barn
253: Letter re leases and rent valuation.
121. Public Session: Co-opted Trustee Trish Smallman stated she would not be staying on once Aldingbourne Alive had been completed. Refer to minute 125.
122. Chairman’s Report. Nothing to report
123. Treasurer: TC reported that J Vinsom had not yet fully passed over the books. The year end Accounts for the AGM were still to be circulated although they had been forwarded to the Charity Commissioners.
It was confirmed that the Trustees require a monthly statement at meetings.
Action Point; T Chown, J Leahy, J Vinsom to meet within the next 14 days.
124. Secretary’s Report; Nothing to report
125. Aldingbourne Alive: Trish Smallman reported that final notification of grants had been received, the event was now fully funded.
The final meeting of the coordinators was scheduled for Friday 24th Aug.
Amongst a number of items and action points required it was noted that volunteers were still required for car parking ( BRMRC). The admission tent required manning, it was agreed Bill Warwick be approached. Further “volunteers” were still to be approached.
TS stated that following receipt of a letter containing certain unfounded allegations following the emergency arrangements that had to be made re the printing of the Aldingbourne Alive leaflets she will not organize any further events for the ACSC. It was also stated that Julia McCulloch will not offer her services to the ACSC as a volunteer fund raiser in future.
A number of Trustees commented on the amount of work that has gone into the Aldingbourne Alive event and it was unanimously agreed that the emergency actions taken by T Smallman were fully encompassed within her remit as Co-opted Trustee and Coordinator for the event.
The Chairman was instructed by the Trustees present that a letter of apology be forwarded to A Smallman and J McCulloch re the unfounded allegations.
Action Point: A Taylor
126: Leases and Rent Valuation Report. JL, still waiting for Leases to be resolved. Matter remains ongoing.
127: PC Report: DL appraised those present of a report in the Observer newspaper re the building of 268 houses around the Nyton Road/Northfields Lane area in which was stated that one of the benefits to the area would be a multi-use games area (MUGA) at the ACSC. Neither TC (Parish Council) or any others present were aware of this. All agreed that a MUGA on the
sports field would be of immense benefit to local users but were mystified as this was our first knowledge of any such plan . DL was asked to write a letter in response to this report, to the Observer, pointing out that it might help planners if they approached the appropriate organizations before making statements.
128. Bookings: TC reported that a new Martial Arts group (Mini Tigers) were requesting permission to book the hall. Children and Adults were involved.
129. Next scheduled meeting. Monday 23rd Sept, 7.30pm
130. Any Other Business: Bowls Club Rep ( JW) reported that they had not received an electricity bill for some 2 years. JL and DL were both aware that Jon Vinsom had regularly sent invoices to the Bowls Club. The meter was in the main cupboard in the changing rooms.
Action Point: JL to contact JV.
JW reported that a “footballer” had requested permission to use the Bowls Club toilet.
DL asked to remind Trojans Team managers that the changing room outside toilets should be opened on match days.
Closure: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.