Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday 17th June 2013

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday 17th June 2013


Present:  Adrian Taylor (AT) (Chairman) Messrs J Leahy (JL), A Smallman (AS), T Chown (TC),

D Ives (DI), D Freeman (DF) R Driver (RD). Bill Warwick (BW), G Draper (GD, Rachel Cornel (RC)


104.        Apologies: received from J Vinsom, J Smith, A Zealand, A Gladman, C Wright.


105.        Minutes. The minutes of 20th May 2013 were accepted and signed by the Chairman


106.        Matters Arising. 101 Bookings: Newspaper adverts !!

Min 103. AS introduced Photograph re the colour of the cladding on the Barn wall facing the Cornfields. The photo to be noted as correspondence. The colour scheme proposed by the residents was not rejected but would go back to the BRMRC membership for further discussion.

58 3/2 Fire Safety. Subject on going.  JL still pursuing fire safety/access control and security company.

Action Point  AZ/JL

51. Leases. Master Lease. This was still with the sub-committee (3 weeks) but the members were having difficulty getting a meeting together. It was agreed that it may be possible to use “master lease” for all groups. Two extra Trustees were co-opted onto the sub-committee, D Ives and LJ Leahy with J Smith to be asked to join.

77. Website. Still a work in progress

Action Point: J Leahy

93.  Land Registry. Play Area. There is a possibility that the Play area may be leased back to the Parish Council. GD, Parish Council Rep to pursue

Action Point: Graham Draper.

98. A) Barnham Rife or B) Aldingbourne Rife.  The Environment Agency  identifies the waterway as A) whilst local inhabitants identify same waterway as B). Environments Agency states that we have shared ownership re maintenance with the west side landowner.  (O’Hea’s).

101.TC requested that Aldingbourne Live leaflets be placed on PC Notice Boards.

Action Point: TChown  

101. Display Board.  TC suggested that a display board listing Centre Users and facilities available be positioned on land just inside Oliver’s Meadow and adjacent to the A29. The land  appears to be the property of W Sx Co Council. It was agreed that the current display board at the corner of the playing field be refurbished and possibly be repositioned.

Action Point T Chown

102. Keep Left bollard at entrance to field. West Sussex Highways department to be approached to see if newer bollard could be made available.  Current bollard not fit for purpose

Action Point. J Leahy

Replacement First Aid Box. Kitchen.  On going.

Action point. T Chown


107         Correspondence:  243/245. BLS Dance Club. Complaint re condition of hall floor. Too slippery and dangerous to dancers. There were also loose tiles and damage to the floor around the entrance to the storage area. AS has subsequently carried out repairs to this area.



                245. Hutchinson Flooring have been approached re the loose tiles. Repairs can be carried out but they also recommend that the floor be deep cleaned and buffed/ The hall would be out of use for 72 hours whilst work is carried out. Quote of £781.00  plus VAT  received.

It was agreed that the work be carried out during school holidays. Action required was unanimously agreed by those present.

244. Valuation Office Agency re Storage Container on site, rear of Centre. AS to pursue.


108.        Public Session.   There were no members of the public present


109.        Chairman’s Report.  Thanks to AS, JL and TC and the Social Club staff for gate duties whilst travellers were/are in the area.


110.        Treasurers Report . JV had forwarded complete Income and expenditure account.

DF and TC proposed and seconded acceptance of the accounts. Agreed.


111.        Secretary’s Report.  As to request M Kennedy to clear the debris left on the field following clearance of the stream .Refer to Matters Arising Minute 101.

Moles. M Kennedy had spoken to DL re the numerous mole hills on the field and  agreed that he would deal with. (As minuted previously)


112.        Fund Raising/ Aldingbourne Live 2013. TC and RC

Fontwell Racecourse had offered sponsorship. Spirit FM were prepared to cover the event (at cost of £1500.00). TC to pursue as there was some dispute over cost.

All user groups had been contacted

Stage area being provided by ROCKS a s a charitable donation

Patricia ? contacting suitable food venders.

Facebook page being set up.

TC commented on the action of the BRMRC in intending to charge people an entry fee to the BRMRC facility. Fundraising Committee were somewhat put out because there had been no previous discussion with Trustees on charging for entry to BRMRC.

None of the other groups, Bowls, Tennis, shooting Club were charging.

AT stated that it was not intended to come across as a fund raiser for the BRMRC but purely as a means of raising funds for the charity


113.        Parish Council Report. GD stated that he had nothing to report affecting the ACSC.


114.        Bookings. TC reported all bookings were covered.


115         Date of next meeting.  ACSC Annual General Meeting. Wednesday July 24th.  19.30.

AGM.  Election of  Officers            DL asked if all the current Officers were prepared to continue in office for the coming year.

Chairman (AT) Secretary (AS) Bookings Secretary (TC) all prepared to continue in post. All three are Elected Trustees. There are 2  vacancies as Elected Trustees

JL to continue as Deputy Chairman  (Co-opted Trustee)

J Vinsom wishes to stand down as Treasurer. Because of work commitments he finds it increasingly difficult to attend meetings.

JL had spoken to JV re his accounts company managing the ACSC accounts. JV offered a preferred rate of £30.00 per months (£360.00 per annum)

The position of Treasurer would not remain as is but would run only as a collection point for cash/ cheques/ invoices etc. Proposed JL, seconded AT that the role of Booking Secretary encompasses

the role of ASCS Treasurer. TC was prepared to carry out this role.

It was proposed JL, seconded AT that the proposal be accepted. Unanimous.

Angela Zealand; Not present, but AS to check status.




AGM. The Annual Reports to be presented by Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.


116. Any Other Business. a) DL reported on the Barnham Trojans FC use of the pitches for next season.

To meet with JV to discuss re pitch fees.

b) Snooker Club. Thanks for fixing snooker room light

DF. Plastic covers for the curtains have gone missing. Where? and why not fitted.

(JL subsequently found them in the storage area and they were fitted after the meeting closed.)

c) Window cleaning. Comments have been  made by users re the dirty state of the hall windows both inside and outside. AS to investigate the job description of the Centre cleaning staff . Not sure if window cleaning is part of the remit.

d) Field rubbish bins. Currently these are emptied on an ad hoc basis. DL usually empties  the ones around the football pitch when they are full. DL described the job as disgusting because of the refuse and other contents left in them. People did not always use the dog bins for the disposal of their dog waste. The bins were damaged to the extent that the doors could not be opened and they had to be emptied by reaching inside. TC volunteered to contact ADC to see if newer bins could be made available. Further investigation required.

e) RC. Hall internal door. Continuing problem with the lock. Door being forced by some users.

RC offered to fit metal plate to prevent door overrun

f) DI requested info on the water bowser seen filling his tanks at the entrance to the field. DL was able to assure all present that the water was not being run off from our metered supply.  There is also mains supply separate to the centre supply which the bowser drivers have authority to use.

g) Further discussion on colour scheme proposed for the Signal Box Trust. Various comments made on decisions previously made.  Independent advice had been sought from Louise Beaton  whose suggestions were being considered by both the Signal Box trust and the BRMRC.

Cladding suggested for the barn included either Southern Railway green or a grey finish, Netting could be used to support suitable climbing plants.

A question arose as to whether the  Human Rights Act (8)  was applicable regarding local residents with respect to the requirement for privacy filters being fitted to the windows on the Signal Box.

The terms of use were believed to be correct but ADC would be asked to further clarify said terms of use.

It was also noted that the application for a SITA Grant for the BSBT had been acknowledged.

h) AT. HopScotch had asked for a review of their payment terms and agreement for rental of the hall. Teresa Leighton requested that they be allowed to pay rent on a pro rata basis. i.e on the number of children attending as opposed to the number registered. The two figures do not always match and income was falling short and she was having difficulty meeting the rental payments.

AT and JL confirmed that it would keep the pre-school running and would maintain a steady income for the centre

It was agreed that a further meeting be arranged with TL

Action Point: AT/JL

Closure. Meeting closed at 21.10









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