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Registered Charity No. 276055
Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – August 13th 2012
Those present: Adrian Taylor (AT) Chairman, Jon Leahy (JT), Jon Vinsome (JV) Alan Smallman (AS), Tom Tappenden (TT), Derek Freeman (DF), Tony Chown (TC), Angela Zealand (AZ), Rob Driver (RB), Alex Gladman (AG), Chris Wright (CW), David Ives (DI), Bill Warwick (BW), Dennis Leonard (DL)
Meeting opened at 7.05pm. The Chairman, Adrian Taylor, introduced himself to all present and gave a short resume’ of his role in the village and involvement in the ACSC. All others present likewise introduced themselves and their roles in their respective organisations. It was noted that AT, DI and Dl needed to sign their Trustees Declaration. AS to arrange.
- Apologies. Chris Blows (CB)
- Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of June 10th were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
- Matters Arising from June 10th .
- Action Point 3. Appointment of Fire Officer. JL explained the necessity of this post following a meeting with and report of inspecting Fire Safety Officer. AZ offered to take on the responsibility of this role and was duly nominated and elected.
- Action Point – JL to handover information to AZ
- Action Point 13. Dog Fouling /Control. On going, ACSC awaiting response from Parish council and Arun DC.
- Action Point – CB to update at next meeting
- Action Point 17 Draft Agreement for Peppercorn Rent – 0ngoing. JL brought the Trustees up to date with the current situation and confirmed that the draft agreement was in the process of being drawn up. DL clarified the meaning of “Peppercorn Rent” for new trustees.
- Action Point – JL to update at next meeting
- Minute 4. Item 166. On going. PC Trustee
- Action Point – CB to update at next meeting
- Minute 4 Item 187. It was agreed unanimously that renewal cost of the Planning Application relating to the new building for Hopscotch be paid. £200.00.
- Action Point – AS to confirm with Mike Burton.
- Minute 7 Treasurers Report.
i). JV confirmed that Hopscotch had paid the outstanding hire charges within the required time frame.
ii) Insurance claim re damage to ASC carpet. Treasurer outlined his concerns re submitting a large claim (in excess of £6000.00) to our insurers following their initial settlement for damage claims following the burst pipes. DF stated that two quotes had been obtained through Harry Hodges. Following lengthy discussion it was agreed that further quotes been obtained before a final decision is made. Sept meeting being the deadline for decision.
- Action Point – TC and JL to obtain 2 further quotes
- Minute 11. Post of Centre Manager. It was agreed this be held over for future reference if necessary.
- Minute 12. BRMRC- The Barn. AT,AS and DI declared interest.
AS expressed his concern at the intended use of the Barn as a workshop and for meetings and also commented on the use of the compound for storage and the number of people who may have access to that area having a direct view into his home in Oliver’s Meadow itself.
AT in his capacity as Chairman of the BRMRC explained that the Barn would be mainly used as a storage area for the Model Railway layouts with a small workshop for repair and maintenance of same layouts. The Barn would be soundproofed. The upstairs of the Signal Box is intended to be set up as the Clubs meeting room and in itself has no direct view of any properties in Oliver’s Meadow.
The compound would be used for storage for goals and (initially) training equipment for Barnham Trojans FC. A limited number of people would have access to the area and normally only at weekends . AT did state that hedging could be planted along the boundary fence if required.
AT stated that BRMRC Ltd and AS would liaise further re the use of the barn.
The current state of the Barn. It had been gutted prior to commencement of refurbishment. The shed had been re-erected outside in the compound and the roof re-felted at a cost of £85.50. It was agreed that the BRMRC be reimbursed that amount.
- Minute 14. Action Point completed.
- Minutes of the meeting of July 25th.
Proposed JL and seconded TC the minutes were accepted and signed by JL.
- Matters Arising from July 25th.
- Correspondence.
ACSC had received an offer of a number of stackable chairs from ?
- Action Point – JV to pursue
- Public Session.
The reason for this item being included was briefly explained to the new Trustees but as there were no members of the public present the item was closed.
- Chairman’s Report.
AT stated that he and the outgoing Chairman (JL) had met prior to handing over. There was one item of concern in that it appeared there was no trace of the lease, if any, for the current BRMRC buildings. A new lease would need to be raised for BRMRC and the Barn. It was hoped it could be in the form of a “simple lease”. Likewise when BT’s take over the existing BRMRC premises for storage a new lease in kind would also be needed. AT and JL had also discussed the positions of Harry Hodges and Alan Johnson. Further discussion was required but it was indicated that HH would become an employee of the ACSC and AJ a “contractor”.
- Action Point – JV to look at the employment requirements re HH.
- Action Point – JL to draft letters to HH and AJ
- Treasurers Report.
As circulated. JV commented on the Income and Expenditure Accounts for the last month.
- Barn Changing Room. It was agreed that the £1250.00 set aside for the refurbishment of this area be changed from ACSC expenditure to a grant to the BRMRC so that the work could go forward BRMRC to ensure a full statement of expenditure and costs up to £1250.00 be forwarded to the Treasurer.
DL, AT and DI declared an interest. The remaining trustees voted unanimously in favour.
- Secretary’s Report.
No report given.
- Parish Council Report.
No report given.
- Booking Secretary.
TC requested that a £10 a month mobile phone be made available for his post. JV stated that there was one already in house and would check on current availability. Bookings:
- Aug 26th. Cycle Club Veterans Time Trials. 5.30 to 11.30. TC to open and close.
- Sept 9th. Cycle Club. 6.00 am to 11am JV to open, TC to close.
- Sept 9th. 70th Birthday Party. 12noon to 12 midnight. TC to open. JL to close.
- Sept 15th. Charity Fund Raising event. 7pm to midnight.
- Tennis Club Extension.
CW raised this item. PC has discussed this request and the outline as per Minute 13 of June 10th.
- Action Point – CW to update at next meeting.
- Date of Next Meeting.
Agreed Monday Sept 10th. 7pm
- Any Other Business.
a) Aldingbourne Village Hall Trust Fund (VHTF). DL explained the role of this Charity to the Trustees and its responsibilities to the ACSC. DL, JL and JV would remain as Trustees of VHTF.
b) Cycle Rack. RD asked if it were possible to purchase a more secure Cycle Rack in place of the current concrete blocks which only “parked” cycles without security.
- Action Point – RD to pursue
- Action Point – TC to discuss with Cycle Club when opportunity arises
c) Aldingbourne Social Club (ASC). DF pointed out that the social Club has seen a drop in income from use of the bar for private hire functions in the main hall. There did not appear to be as many bookings as in the past and wondered if the cost of hall hire was too high. TC commented that even in his short tenure as Booking Secretary he had felt that our charges were comparatively low when compared to other venues. TC did suggest that if there were no functions on any particular weekend the ASC be given the opportunity to use the hall, at no cost, for a function they wished to put on. JV suggested the hall hire should be set at the same discount as Friday Bingo; agreed unanimously (DF declared an interest).
- Action Point – DF to pursue through ASC committee
d) AG declared an interest. AG reported that rats and other vermin had been detected around the barn and Community Centre. He was prepared to set up a cost effective scheme for both buildings. The main cost would be the cost of the bait. He did assure Trustees present that the amounts of bait used in any given area would not have a detrimental effect on domestic animals, cats, dogs etc. The trustees unanimously agreed that AG could approach user groups, including the ACSC, based on the information provided to us with a quote for the contracts.
e) Rent and Hall Hire review. Officers to meet to further discuss. AT/JL/JV/TC/AS/AZ
f) TC reported that “food” was being left in the kitchen fridges following functions.
- Action Point – JV to contact hirers re cleaning and emptying of food from kitchen.
g) JV reported that two new signatories were required for the cheque accounts. AT and AS were nominated and confirmed.
- Action Point – JV to circulate necessary forms.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.
____ / ___ / 2012