Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 9th May 2010

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting –9th May 2010.


Meeting started at 18:50hrs


Present , Jon Leahy (JL), Alan Johnson (AJ), Jon Vinsome (JV), Mike Burton (MB), Dennis Leonard (DL), Linda Fromant (LF), Helen Wright (HW), Bill Warwick (BW), Tom Tappenden (TT)

Mark Wilcox (MW), Derek Freeman (DF). Philip Pilcher attended on behalf of the BRMRC


JL welcomed the two new Trustees, MW-Parish Council and DF-Aldingbourne Social Club

and explained the role and responsibilities of a Trustee


JL proposed a vote of thanks to John Penfold upon his retirement as the Parish Council Representative. He thanked him not only for his help but his enthusiasm and advice.


1          Apologies   None


2          Minutes of the 11th April 2010


            The minutes were agreed correct. Proposed DL, seconded HW.


3          Matters arising from the minutes of the 11th April 2010


                        Item 3 Matters arising from the minutes of the 7th February 2010.

14 MB stated he had written to the ASC regarding their ideas concerning                    the stage bar divider. Defer to Correspondence Items 91 and 96.

16 AOB

HW stated she had contacted a contractor regarding the construction of                 the path around the signal box he now needed further details.


ACTION POINT HW to liaise with MB regarding information required.

11  Report on Barnham Signal Box

      ACTION POINT JL to arrange meeting with BSBT


14 JV stated the CCTV camera had been installed in the Snooker Room



5 Bookings/Booking Secretary Post


The matter regarding wine/corkage to be included in the booking form deferred to AOB


6 Correspondence


MB stated he had written to the Clerk of the PC regarding invoicing and reclaiming VAT

Deferred to Correspondence Item 89


9 Treasurer’s Report


JV stated he had not yet written to the VHTF but would do so in the next few days


ACTION POINT JV to write thanking the VHTF


13 Stage Curtains


MB stated the matter of the invoice/VAT reclaim had all be referred to the Clerk of the PC

Deferred to Correspondence item 89


15 Boiler Quotes


MB stated he had not yet contacted the user groups regarding arranging a suitable time for the boiler replacement


ACTION POINT MB to write to user groups regarding arranging a date for the commencement of works.


16 Electrical Quotes


MB confirmed he had contacted Regis Electrics and all that now remained was the erection and connection of the lamp post planned for this coming Friday.


18 AOB


b) New Mower


The pricing of a new mower has not yet been done.  PP stated that he would assist in this.

MB stated that he had been approached by the Bowls Club who had offered to pay half towards the cost of a new mower if they could also use it. This offer was accepted.

A total value of £500 was agreed with the ACSC and the Bowls Club each contributing £250.


ACTION POINT TT to confirm the bowls Club’s agreement to spending £250

ACTION POINT AJ and PP to liaise with regards to the purchase of a new petrol mower












            Item 89. Correspondence from the Clerk of the PC regarding invoicing via the PC and the    reclaim of VAT. The clerk has stated that whilst the PC has special status to recover VAT            this only works when the PC fully purchases goods or services and then donates them to           the ACSC. He noted the following ‘Rules’

1) The PC must place the order  with the supplier

2) The related invoice must be made out to the PC

3) The PC must settle the invoice from their own funds

4) The PC must not receive any contributions or payments in kind towards the purchase

5) The council must donate all the goods/services

Item 90. Letter from ASC re changes of bookings-copied to Booking Secretary

Item 91. Letter to ASC requesting their views with regards to the Stage Bar partition

Item 92. Notification of a Grant Award from ARUN re £1,000 towards front stage    curtains.

Item 93. Letter from Halsey re AL/6/10

Item 94. Letter from Walker re AL/6/10

Item 95. Letter re refusal by ARUN to award a Grant towards the new building.

MB explained this related to the first (refused) application for a modular building

Item 96. Reply from ASC regarding 91 above stating

a) The ASC proposed the use of a ‘mobile’ partition which could enlarge or                                         decrease the size of the stage bar area as required and that this should be

trialed before deciding to remove the existing partition.

b)  They were in favour of a hatchway in the wall depending upon security and                                    cost.


ACTION POINT JL/JV to discuss with the ASC









JL thanked everyone for their involvement in the Aldingbourne Alive Event. The event was an overwhelming success. He gave special thanks to LF as the main organisor

With regards to the Access Control System JL reported that there had been a ‘glich’ in the system but hopefully this had now been overcome. He was still waiting for a third quote but so far both companies had agreed the wiring used in the present system needed to be replaced. A separate quote had been obtained to incorporate the Tennis Club into the system.




Income this month looks very healthy this is mainly due to this months and next months incomes from the users groups being combined. The figures also include a budget for the stage curtains but not the grant obtained (Corres. Item 92) In total there was a surplus of £4,300.

JV reported that the Aldingbourne Alive Event, although not staged as a fund raising event, had raised £3,060.

JV explained, for the benefit of the new Trustees how he budgeted for items approved by the committee and that we were required to retain a minimum of £10,000 in reserve.

Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report was proposed by HW and seconded by DL. The report was accepted unanimously.



MB stated he had attended the PC Annual General Meeting where he gave a general report on what had been achieved over the year. Following that he attended the monthly PC meeting and obtained a grant of £1,000 towards the construction of a path around the Signal Box.

During the month the electrician had been busy installing the outside lights on the side of the hall and it now only remained to site the double-headed lamppost for the far side of the car park.

During the month an engraver had been purchased and he hoped to start a key inventory in the near future.




Mark Wilcox introduced himself as the new Parish Council Representative; he was also the new Chairman of the PC.




LF informed everyone that the event had gone well. As reported by the Treasurer over £3,000 had been raised from what had never been a fund raiser but simply an information day. Lesson had been learned which would be carried forward to any future events of a similar nature.

She thanked everyone from the centre especially AJ, HW, JV and DL. Although no specific project had been named she hoped that the monies raised would go towards refurbishment of the kitchen.




MB stated that with the £1,000 grant received from ARUN DC we were now in a position to go forward with the replacement of the front of stage curtains, provided the additional monies, some £350, were made available.

JV stated since this refurbishment project had already been agreed the money had been budgeted for in full.

MB reminded everyone of the colour chosen.


ACTION POINT MB to raise an order for front of stage curtains




MB stated he had only raised this as an agenda point in that John Penfold was obtaining a further quote. The work would have to be organized for the summer holiday period


ACTION POINT MB to contact JP for the further quote.




MB stated that this matter had been raised at the Parish Council meeting by Richard Beresford who was currently responsible for the refurbishment of the play area. In essence with the size of the costs involved and that many thought, on H&S ground the area being ‘hidden away’, the money would be better spent in creating a new area. The opportunity had arisen with the movement of the football pitch westwards to locate a children’s play area immediately on the left as one entered the site. This was an adequately sized area which, with a little landscaping, could be equally acceptable. The area would have the overall feature that it would be open to public view and whilst it would need to be fence gates could be locked at night giving adequate security to the equipment. The current area, once vacated, would lend itself to an enlargement of the Tennis Club and even a Muga, the site however would be fenced off and could be secured of an evening preventing its miss-use as occurred a few weeks ago when it became an impromptu party site.

The Trustees agreed that this proposition should be put forward for further exploratory discussion with the PC.




Dealt with above at 3. 18(b)




MB appraised everyone that now the planning permission had been obtained there was a necessity to start applying for grants.

He outlined that there were two ways to proceed, a) to wait until all the money had been raised and tender for one company to do all the work or, b) divide the project into stages or individual projects with each stage being completed as money was obtained to cover it.

However it was early day yet and it would be necessary to first see how easily grants could be obtained.

On a positive note the RDPE Leader EU grant, administered by the WSCC, had invited us to re-apply for a grant. With the previous application the RDPE had granted us £27,500.

MW stated that there was the possibility of approaching ARUN for a loan on advantageous rates against which could be set the rental income.




MB and JV explained that they had met with the architect and plans had now been produced to extend the front of the hall for storage purposes.

MW asked if this included the PC Office as historically this had been a concern and it was not sure if a PC office were required. The PC would need to canvass the parishioners.

JV stated that the possibility of an office had been catered for but was not a specific item within the plans.

LF asked if this development was a priority in lieu of other requirements such as a new kitchen

BW enquired would it not be better to extend the rear of the hall.

MB outlined a general plan which included extension of the hall to the rear, an enlarged kitchen,

Further storage areas, new toilets and better facilities for the ASC with a larger cellar/storage area.

JV explained that everything needed to be dealt with as the opportunity arose and whilst we would like to do the whole lot in one go the money was simply not available at the moment.

LF referred to the Business Plan drawn up by Tony Dixon as a blue print to follow

MB stated he would look at this and if necessary update it as it was now over three years old


ACTION POINT MB to look at and if necessary update the Business Plan




Sunday 16/5 05:30 opening (Cycling)   AJ


(Second booking 26th September)


Saturday 29/05 All day Wedding Set-up 08:30 MB to close.

HW to open

Bar required from 6:00pm

Cleaner to be notified


Saturday 29/05 East Sussex Caravan Club on field  (Still to be confirmed) Possibly arriving Friday evening to Monday pm?????





Sunday 6th June 2010 at 6:30pm


18 AOB


a)         Kitchen. MB proposed that JL and JV should look at refurbishment of the kitchen with a        maximum budget of £3,060. Seconded LF Approved unanimously


ACTION POINT  JL/JV to prepare costings for refurbishment of the kitchen area for next meeting


b)         AJ raised the question of siting the benches, ACSC & PC benches. It was agreed the            bench to be dedicated to Bertha Watson should be placed in front of the     snooker/committee room, other benches should be placed alongside the main pitch     adjacent to the centre and 2 should be held in reserve for the children’s play area


c)         TT asked if First Aid course were still being arranged


ACTION POINT DL to arrange First Aid courses for those requiring them


d)         DF asked if the ASC could have an override key for the front door

ACTION POINT MB to supply override key to ASC


JL explained that once the new card entry system were agreed upon and installed this         would incorporate n override switch to be placed behind the bar which might also          incorporate some sort of timer.


e)         DL asked if the Trustee would agree to a paper dispenser being erected in the ladies          toilets The ASC had offered to pay for the dispenser.

It was agreed the ASC could go ahead on this matter


f)          The ASC wished to resurface the floor in the outer cellar room. The present wooden                       ramp, used for bringing in barrels, was unsafe. The ASC had offered to pay for the            necessary changes.

It was agreed the ASC could go ahead on this matter.


g)         DL reported that the current sanitary bins in the ladies toilets were not being used and as    a consequence the toilets had become blocked although on the last occasion this was      due to someone attempting to flush a nappy down the toilet.

The ASC asked is the Trustees could supply disposal bags and label the bins provided.


ACTION POINT MB to try and obtain signs and disposal bags for the cleaner to display




h)         DL asked if a meeting could be arranged between the Barnham Trojans, Mike Kennedy       and Trustees (MB/JV) with regards to field maintenance. DL pointed out that whilst the           Trojans were responsible for the cost of the pitches Mike Kennedy had recently     confirmed all of the field area needed spraying.

The meeting confirmed those Trustees involved were able to take decisions regarding         expenditure up to the £500 ceiling figure set for Officers.


ACTION POINT DL to arrange a meeting and inform MB/JV



Meeting ended at 8:20pm




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