Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 11th March 2012

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the Trustees Meeting – 11th March 2012


Those Present:


Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Mike Burton (MB), Dennis Leonard (DL) and  Tom Tappenden (TT),



Those absent : Alan Johnson (AJ), Bill Warwick (BW), Philip Pilcher (PP), Alex Gladman (AG),  Pete Austin (PA) and Chris Blows (CB)



Meeting opened at 7:04pm.


1.         Apologies        None.


2.         MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE 29th January 2012 .


Minutes agreed correct. Proposed MB, seconded DL


3          MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 29th January 2012 .


8.  Chairman’s Report


Discussion regarding hall hire fees set for next Agenda


ACTION POINT JL to inform relevant persons of meeting to discuss hire fees

ACTION POINT MB to place on next Agenda


MB proposed the following changes to the hall hire rates for weekend hire


Minimum charge                                    £25.00

Weddings – All day hire                          £180

Evening Hire (Midday-Midnight)               £150


New charges to be effective as of 12th March 2012


Above proposed by MB, seconded JV. Unanimous vote in favour.


ACTION POINT JV to amend hire rates on the web site.







ACTION POINT CB to make a presentation to the Parish Council on behalf of the Rifle Club regarding their proposed extension and connection to the common sewer.


JL stated that CB had mentioned this issue to the PC who had raised no concerns



ACTION POINT JL to contact AJ regarding the post of Fire Officer


JL stated he had not seen AJ but was now of the opinion that this matter should be dealt with by the committee following the AGM


ACTION POINT  MB to advise new Secretary of the need to deal with this matter.



ACTION POINT CB to raise this point at the next PC meeting on behalf of the ACSC  –Ongoing  MB stated that the PC were looking to ARUN to create a Dog Control Area of Olivers Meadow



ACTION POINT MB to contact Parish Newsletter

MB stated the matter had been raised in the Parish Magazine

ACTION POINT JL to create and distribute notice throughout the parish

JL stated the leaflet was ready to go to the printers and then to be distributed



ACTION POINT JL/MB to liaise with JV and by use of e-mails etc propose some form of assistance for the ASC.

ACTION POINT CB to raise the matter at the next PC meeting

            JL informed the meeting that this matter had been raised by CB at the PC meeting who

            were dealing with the ASC direct with regards to support.



ACTION POINT JL to draft agreement for Peppercorn Rent

ACTION POINT MB to contact the PC for their approval of the matters agreed.

JL reported matter in-hand. MB stated he had contacted the Clerk who apart from being advised thought it was a matter to be dealt with by the two parties (Corres Item 173)


18         BOOKINGS

ACTION POINT MB to contact Bowls and Tennis to confirm the best day for this event.


            It was agreed that the Open Day, for all of the centre should be the 22nd April 2012


            ACTION POINT MB  to notify all User Groups











20         AOB



2          ACTION POINT DL to raise the question as to whether the BT wished to dedicate a further bench

DL stated the Barnham Trojans were looking to purchase a bench to be placed alongside the main pitch.

ACTION POINT MB to supply DL with details regarding bench purchase



3          LF raised the query about the Tennis Club extending into the children’s play area in order to provide space for a new and larger club house.

            ACTION POINT CB to raise this question with the PC at the next meeting

            JL stated this matter was raised with the PC who decided they did not want to relinquish any land for this purpose.





Item  162-165    Four letters from younger parishioners requesting that the Trustees and PC consider installing a BMX  and Skate Park.

Item 166           Reply to Items 162-165

MB stated the letters had been forwarded to the PC. Councillor Blows was looking at the possibility of a Park being erected near to the new allotments at the end of Ivy Lane. The PC did not consider the Olivers Meadow site suitable. Requests had also been made for a new ‘kick wall’. It was agreed this should be built to stop the new extension wall being used.

ACTION POINT MB to draw up plans and obtain quotes

Item 167/168     Quotes from Well Plumbed for restoring the showers and toilet facilities

In the barn.

DL stated the BTs would make use of the showers possibly for the match referees

MB stated the Railway Club had also made enquiries regarding the use of

The toilet facilities with a new entrance being cut into the rear wall of the barn

MB also stated he was obtaining quotes to insert a postern door in the

Sliding door of the barn

JV stated there was currently funds available for these projects.

Item 169           Letter from ASC regarding alcohol consumption at Harry’s CDs

Item 170           Letter to Harry’s CDs regarding Item 169

Item 171           Letter from Big Lottery Fund requesting End of Grant Report

Item 172           A quote for the pruning, by 50% of the Silver Maple in front of the barn







            No public in attendance








            No Report




            JV informed the meeting that the accounts were now with the Auditors.

There had been no significant outgoings over the last few months there was therefore some money available for minor works such as those previously mentioned regarding the barn.

MB informed the meeting that there were three matters involving plumbing, the leaking radiator in the hall, a dripping tap behind the bar and the toilet in the disabled toilet. The latter would involve removing some of the wall paneling and some electrical work-the installation of a Fire Exit sign in the extension


JV confirmed he believed there were sufficient monies to undertake all these tasks.




            Dealt with in previous Items




            Parish Council rep not in attendance


10        HALL HIRE FEES


            Dealt with at 3 above


11        THE BARN


            Dealt with at Treasurer’s Report




MB stated that the tree in front of the barn had now reached a dangerous height with regards to the adjacent houses. He had received one quote for £400.

The meeting agreed that the tree should be pruned but that a further, comparative, quote should be obtained.


ACTION POINT MB to obtain further quote









13        BOOKINGS


            Sat 17th March    10-1pm Children’s Party  (Ref 12/038)                  MB to cover

Sat 17th March    5-Midnt 30th (Ref 12/037)                                    JL to cover

Sun 18th March   Bethany’s Fete Charity Function (Ref 12/035)       MB to cover

Sun 25th March   Barnham Trojans                                               DL to cover


Sat 31st March    Parish Council (Ref 12/044)                                 PC to cover


1st April             ASC AGM                                                           ASC to cover


7th April             Wedding            To Be Confirmed                        MB to cover


Sat 21st April      11:30-14:30 Children’s Party                               MB to cover

Sat 21st April      6pm-Midnt 70th                                                   JL to cover


Sat 5th May        Wendy Hedges Quiz Night                                   MB to cover


JL stated he was concerned that cover was being left to just MB and himself.

DL and TT offered their apologies that they were unable to assist due to other commitments etc.




            10TH JUNE 2012


15        AOB




Meeting ended at 19:40 hours




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