Minutes of the Trustees emergency meeting held on Tuesday August 27th 2013

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055


Minutes of the Trustees emergency meeting held on Tuesday August 27th 2013.


Present:  J Leahy (JL), A Smallman (AL) T Chown (TC), B Warwick (BW), D Ives (DI)

C Wright (CW). R Cornell (RC), T Smallman (TC), D Leonard (DL)


131: Apologies: Received from R Driver, P McCulloch


132: Resignation of Chairman of Trustees.  Deputy Chairman Jon Leahy had called the meeting following receipt of the letter of resignation from Chairman Adrian Taylor for family reasons. The resignation was effective immediately.

It was agreed that a letter was to be sent to Adrian thanking him for his service to the ACSC.


132: The current officers of the ACSC are J Leahy, Deputy Chairman, A Smallman, Secretary and T Chown, Treasurer and Booking Secretary.

It was agreed unanimously that the Office of Chairman of Trustees be filled with immediate effect.

DL therefore proposed that J Leahy be nominated, seconded  by TC. Unanimously agreed.

JL then requested permission to speak to P McCulloch requesting him to take on the role of Deputy Chairman. Agreed.

There was discussion on the role TC has as both Treasurer and Hall Booking Secretary and Rachel Cornell offered to take on the role of Hall Booking Secretary. TC and RC to liaise and report back to next meeting.


133: Trustee Documents. Those present had signed and returned to the Secretary.


134. Aldingbourne Alive: As the main coordinators were present it was deemed an appropriate time to finalise arrangement for Sunday September 1st. .

TS reported that as much had been done as was possible and it was now just a matter of having sufficient volunteers to set up the field and man the stalls etc.  People were still coming forward and she was optimistic that all would be covered.

One major disappointment was the lack of participation of the Bowls Club.

It was unanimously agreed that a letter be sent to the Bowls Club expressing our disappointment in their non-participation on the day.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 820pm.






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