Minutes of the meeting of 8th November 2009

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Registered Charity No. 276055

Minutes of the meeting of 8th November 2009.


Meeting started at 18:35pm


Those Present


Jon Leahy (JL), Jon Vinsome (JV), Alan Johnson (AJ), Mike Burton (MB),  Linda Fromont (LF), Tom Tappenden (TT), Bill Warwick (BW) John Penfold (JP). Alex Gladman (AG), John Wakeham (JW)


  1. Apologies


Helen Wright (HW), Dennis Leonard (DL).


  1. Minutes of the 11th October 2009.


The minutes were accepted as correct Proposed JV, seconded TT.


  1. Matters arising 11th October 2009.


  1. Litter Bins – JV reported that he believed litter bins had been ordered following Richard Beresford’s visit to the children’s play area.


Utility prices deferred to Treasurer’s Report


First Aid MB stated e-mails had been sent to all user groups- hard copies to TT and JW


  1. AOB

a. Basketball Net – JL stated he believed this was now being dealt with by the PC as part of the children’s playarea

g. Electrical work – BW stated he had not received notification of the proposed works. HW not present.

h. Lights for ASC – purchased

j. Use of the Centre by the PC – deferred to Item 10

k. Signage  JV – Done


  1. Chairman’s Report


  • Keys to Snooker room cupboard –  BW and JL dealing
  • Quotes re ‘reader cards and ‘card readers’ – JL stated he had found a supplier for the card reader but there was currently a problem identifying the type of cards we used. In addition he had purchased and received the large green ‘Exit’ button for the front door but was waiting for instructions on how to connect this to the current wiring.


  1. Secretaries Report


  • Tree trimming. JP reported that he had walked the field with someone and asked them to contact MB. MB stated he had not had any contact, he had also spoken with Mike Kennedy but had also not received any reply from him either.
  • Signage – MB/JV in hand
  • JDAC cheque/Bench purchase – MB stated the cheque only arrived on 7/11/09. Cheque handed to JV




  1. Stoolball – JV stated he had met with the stoolball club but no decision had been made.


  1. AOB


  1. Barn new padlock – HW not present  MB stated padlock had been purchased.
  2. Rabbits – AG stated culling of rabbits had begun.




Item 37   E-mail to Mike Kennedy re trimming trees on Nth & West boundaries

Item 38   E-mail to user groups re first aid course

Item 39   Article for Parish Magazine

Item 40   Letter from ASC re closing times

Item 41   Letter from ASC re front door bell

Item 42   Reply to items 40 & 41

Item 43   Letter to HMRC from Hon Treasurer

Item 44   Renewal of advert in Parish Magazine plus copy new advert

Item 45   e-mail re rabbit problem

Item 46   e-mail re rabbit problem // Bowls Club

Item 47   Letter from 38 Olivers Meadow re Oak Tree plus application to Arun dc

Item 48   Letter from JDAC re award of £925 towards the purchase of benches

Item 49   Copy of corres re Aldingbourne Alive

Item 50   E-mail from Hon Treasurer re electricity price negotiations

Item 51   Corres/advertising literature re metal building costs

  • Item 52  Letter received from ASC regarding children at the New Years function and their accommodation in view of the ‘Adult’ entertainment arranged for the night. JV stated the ASC were proposing that a gazebo should be erected in the court yard. It was thought that this was a matter for the ASC committee to decide but various trustees understood that the ASC committee had already ‘voted’ on this matter and decided that in view of the adult entertainment it  would not be appropriate for children to be in the building. JV and JL stated that a vote had been taken reversing this decision. JP and AJ asked if the ASC had considered Health & Safety and CRB checks in their decision. The matter of supervision by a CRB checked person, heating and supervision when entering the building should all be considered.
    • ACTION POINT: MB to write to the ASC.


MB left the meeting at 1900 hours. JL took over minutes.




No members of the public in attendance.




No report given.




JV stated the Charity had made a £3,700 surplus so far this financial year. October accounts were accepted- proposed AJ, seconded JW.




  • Electricity- JV stated he had negotiated with a number of suppliers and had received quotes between 9.4 and 13.9 pence per unit. Following further negotiation with our current supplier, Southern Electric, he has achieved a price of 5.4 pence per unit for the next 12 months.
  • Gas- JV stated he had achieved a small reduction in our charges for the next 12 months with British Gas.


AJ proposed a note of thanks be minuted for the Treasurers hard work and excellent achievements with his negotiation with suppliers. Seconded JP. Agreed unanimously.




No report.




JP gave a report on the last Parish Council meeting:


  • Card from family of Aidan Craig thanking the Trustees for the use of the hall for training.
  • JP attended the AIRS conference and raised the concern regarding online banking for Trustees. JV stated that ACSC does not use online banking; the issue is the requirement for two signatures for all payments and transactions.
  • Outdoor seating- JP stated that additional seats will be ratified at the next meeting of the Finance Committee
  • Aldingbourne Alive- JP stated that the PC had agreed to make a donation for the event.
  • Bertha Watson Memorial- a plaque for the hall would be ordered soon.
  • Playground- Richard Beresford was progressing with the Playground refurbishments. There will now be weekly inspections. JP stated the PC had not taken on grass cutting yet and requested the Charity continue with Mike Kennedy cutting the grass until spring when it is hoped the PC will be in a position to take over.




Covered under item 11.




JL stated that he, JV, and MB had had a prior discussion regarding maintenance and refurbishment projects for the coming year:


  • Water and electricity for the Tennis Club
    • LF stated that the Club were looking at a macerator and pump. AJ gave BW information on a supplier (Saniflo) for a macerator and pump capable of pumping waste water up to 100 metres.
    • JL stated that an additional pipe would need to be considered if a macerator and pump would be used to dispel waste water.
    • ACTION POINT: BW to check specifications and report back at next meeting
  • Hall redecoration and new curtains.
  • Stage redecoration and refurbishment of lighting.
  • Kitchen refurbishment.
    • JV stated this would not be a commercial kitchen, but a modernisation of the existing kitchen making better use of the available space.
  • Snooker room redecoration, carpet tiles, and furniture.
  • Modernisation of electrics.
  • Modernisation of heating and boilers, including building insulation.


MB rejoined the meeting at 1930 hours.


  • Hall extension
    • JP suggested the area next to the existing Trustees office would be suitable for a Parish Council office and would allow for their own entrance. This would be in addition to the proposed extension at the front of the hall behind the stage. He had added the idea of an extension for an office for the PC to their next agenda but required quotes to get things moving.
    • ACTION POINT: MB to obtain quotes ASAP and pass to JP.
    • AJ stated the existing flower bed would need to be relocated.


The schedule of works was accepted unanimously as high priority projects for the coming year, including the ongoing project for a dedicated pre-school and education building.




Covered under item 11.




MB informed everyone that everything appeared to be going according to plan. The blocks had arrived and the bricklayer would be on site next week.




MB reported that this project appeared to have stalled. He stated whilst he was awaiting.technical drawings from the building supplier he had applied for further quotes from other suppliers for grant application purposes. It would appear that our supplier had gotten wind of these further applications and had now taken umbrage to the point that he was demanding a deposit before he undertook any further work. MB stated that he had written to the supplier to reassure him but as yet had received no reply.


MB stated that JV had suggested an alternative in that with the addition of a couple of container to accommodate the Barnham Trojans there was the possibility of converting the barn although when the original proposal to site the Hopscotch building in that corner of the field had been suggested there had been a number of complaints from residents of Olivers Meadow. The idea was discussed.


ACTION POINT MB to approach Hopscotch to consider if the building were suitable.




  • 14th November (private party)-  JV to open, JL to close
  • 12th December (BLS)- No Trustee assistance required
  • 19th December (private party)- deferred to next meeting


JL stated that the 3 year licence review was due with the ASC. This would involve JL/JV and probably Harry and Moira from the ASC. He wanted to use this opportunity to discuss hall bookings, including times and joint working on any other issues


JW left the meeting at 1955 hours.


  1. AOB


  1. JV stated that the last valuation, by Todd Miller was in 2006. He requested authority to approach Todd Miller to carry out a further survey on which we could base realistic rents for user groups. Agreed unanimously. ACTION POINT: JV to contact Todd Miller
  2. LF gave a very positive message concerning the planned ‘Aldingbourne Live’ event. A meeting had been held to which everyone had attended. Everyone appeared to be ‘on-board with the idea and a number of tasks had been allocated. In addition regular meetings were being held. It was a priority to contact local schools


The meeting ended at 8:02pm






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