Minutes of the AGM held 24th July 2017

AGM Minutes


Minutes of the 20th Annual General Meeting held on Monday 24 th July 2017 at the Community Centre, Olivers Meadow, Aldingbourne.
Messrs, D Ives (DI), J Sopp (JS), A Smallman (AS), D Leonard (DL), S Kennedy (SK), D Meakins (DM), N Pidgley (NP), D Freeman (DF), M Woodcock (MW), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT), P Philcher (PP) , W Warwick (WW)
There were no members of the public present
Meeting opened at 7:35pm.
1. Apologies 
Received from J Leahy, R Driver
2. Minutes
The minutes of the 19 th AGM, having been circulated were proposed by SK and seconded by DF as a true record of that meeting and were signed by the Acting Chairman.
3. Matters Arising 
There were no matters arising
4. Chairman’s Report
JL, in his absence, had submitted a written report which the Secretary read out.
Opening statement:- 2017 has been a rebuilding year for the ACSC with new Trustees to help us get our invoicing and accounts up to date. User groups have been reporting problems with the hall and facilities and the Trustees have produced short term and medium term maintenance projects and tasks lists which will need to be worked on for
the remainder of 2017 and beyond.
Thanks and Recognition: I’d like to thank all the Trustees who have helped with working parties this year. I’d also like express my thanks to Jacqui Sopp who has done a sterling job bringing our accounts up to date and introducing new improved processes and also reviewing contracts with suppliers and making a number of savings which resulted in over £3000.00 being reimbursed by SSE.
Outstanding Maintenance and Tasks Projects:-
 - Short term (up to £2000.00 per project or previously approved)
 - Central Heating Update. (Boilers, Radiator replacement and thermostatic valves etc)
 - Hall floor repairs and annual maintenance
 - Car Park maintenance
 - Storage improvements and new furniture
 - Internal CCTV repairs
Medium Term: (Over £2000.00 per project)
 - CCTV Upgrade. (approx. £5000.00 - £6000.00 to be raised
 - Corridor and Lounge carpets (approx. £6500.00 - £7000.00 to be raised)
Long Term Projects:
Longer Term Projects will be agreed jointly through a working party with the Aldingbourne Parish Council.
The Chairman’s report was accepted.
5. Treasurers Report
Treasurer J Sopp presented the Financial Statements for year ending 31st January 2017. JS was able to answer the queries raise on trade liabilities and accruals. J Sopp proposed the accounts be accepted, 2 nd DL. Unanimously agreed
6. Nomination and appointment of 5 Elected Trustees
The following nominations having been received were duly appointed vote of those present.
MESSRS, J Leahy, D Ives, A Taylor, A Smallman, J Sopp were duly elected.
6. Nomination of Representative Trustees
The following Representative Trustees having been nominated by their respective groups/clubs were accepted.
Aldingbourne Bowls Club: Mr Derek Meakins
Aldingbourne & District Shooting Club: Mr Simon Kennedy
Aldingbourne Social Club: Mr Derek Freeman
Aldingbourne Tennis Club: Mr Michael Woodcock
Barnham Trojans FC: Mr Dennis Leonard
Bognor Regis Model Railway Club: Mr Phillip Pilcher
Hopscotch Playgroup: Ms Sara Waller
Model Car Club: Mr R Driver
Men’s Snooker Club: Mr W Warwick
NB. There were a number of clubs/groups not in attendance. It was agreed they be contacted with a view to there being an appointed representative trustee if they so wished. Sunday Choir, Drama Club, Bugs (Ukulele Club) Pilates group.
NB: It was noted that the APC Representative Mr T Chown had attended two meetings only in the past year. Therefore there was a lack of information being passed to and from the APC to the Trustees unless a Trustee happened to attend any given APC meeting. Trustees considered this not acceptable and even though TC had tendered his apologies for meetings it was felt that a new appointee from the APC was required. Secretary to approach APC asap.
7. Any Other Business
The Chairman accepted the following items:
Nick Pidgley was Co-opted onto the board of trustees as per the ACSC constitution.
AS thanked the Trustees for the use of the main hall for the Aldingbourne Primary School function.
Chairman JL had requested, in writing, that the Trustees consider raising a Standing Order with specific reference to the financial donations from ACSC funds to other charities. The matter was deferred to the Trustees meeting scheduled to be held in September.

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