Minutes of AGM 25th July 2016

AGM Minutes

Minutes of the 19th Annual General Meeting held on Monday 25th July 2016 at the
Community Centre, Olivers Meadow, Aldingbonre.

Present; Messrs, J Leahy (JS) D Ives (DI), A Smallman (AS), D Leonard (DL), S Kennedy (SK), D Meakins (DM), N Pidgley (NP) , H Hedges (HH), D Freeman (DF), M Woodcock (MW), S Waller (SW),

There were 12 members of the public present
Meeting opened at 7:35pm.
1. Apologies Received from T Chown
2. Minutes 
The minutes of the 18 th AGM, having been circulated were proposed by D I and seconded by DF as a true record of that meeting and were signed by the Chairman..
3. Matters Arising
Question raised on the responsibility for emptying of the rubbish bins around the sports field. It was agreed that any Trustee who sees a full bin should take on the responsibility for emptying. BRMRC agreed to take responsibility to empty the bin nearest the entry to the field.
4. Chairman’s Report
JL read through his report for the past year, highlighting the objects of the charity and asking all to seriously consider the remarks made by the APC Chairman at the Trustees meeting of July 11th. A number of objectives for the coming year were recommended.
5. Treasurers Report
In the absence of an appointed Treasurer JL was only able to give out the current state of the ACSC funds held by Barclays Bank:
  • Community Account £ 9,138.40
  • Aldingbourne Comm IAS £12,525.14
  • Aldingbourne Comm SPR IAS £ 2012.35
6. Nomination and appointment of 5 Elected Trustees The following nominations having been received were duly appointed on a majority vote of those present. There was one objection and a number of abstentions. MESSRS, J Leahy, D Ives, A Taylor were duly elected. There remains 2 vacancies 7. Nomination of Representative Trustees The following Representative Trustees having been nominated by their respective groups/clubs were accepted.
  • Aldingbourne Bowls Club Mr Derek Meakins
  • Aldingbourne & District Shooting Club: Mr Simon Kennedy
  • Aldingbourne Modeler's: Mr Nick Pidgley
  • Aldingbourne Parish council: Mr Tony Chown
  • Aldingbourne Social Club: Mr Derek Freeman
  • Aldingbourne Tennis Club: Mr Michael Woodcock
  • Barnham Trojans FC: Mr Dennis Leonard
  • Bognor Regis Model Railway Club: Mr Phillip Pilcher
  • Hopscotch Playgroup: Ms Sara Waller
NB. There were a number of clubs/groups not in attendance. It was agreed they be contacted with a view to there being an appointed representative trustee if they so wished. 8. Date for AGM 2017 It was agreed the provisional date as July 24th . 7.30pm at Aldingbourne Community Centre. 9. Any other Business There had been no other notified business the meeting closed at 7.50pm.

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