Minutes of Trustees Meeting 16th January 2017

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Minutes of the Trustees meeting held on Monday January 16th 2017

D Ives. Deputy Chairman (DI), J Sopp (JS), M Woodcock (MW) S Waller (SW) A Smallman (AS), S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgley (NP), D Meakins (DM), D Freeman (DF) D Leonard (DL)

There was one member of the public present. Mrs T Leighton (Hopscotch)

Apologies: Received on behalf of J Leahy, R Driver, T Chown, W Warwick, A Taylor
  1. Minutes.

    The minutes of the meeting held on Dec 12th were accepted and signed by D Ives.
  2. Matters Arising:

    Stage Floor. On going but it is proposed to paint the floor over half term which is scheduled to be week commencing 20th Feb. Action: DL.

    Solar Panels. DI and JL to complete paper work and forward to SSE. Action: DI & JL.

    CC Cleaning. A number of quotes have been received and representatives interviewed , there is still time for more to me sent in. Finance Committee to meet Wednesday 25th Jan to review. It is expected that the successful company will start their cleaning on February 1st.
  1. Public Session:

    Teresa Leighton from the Hopscotch playgroup was present to discuss the proposed permanent fenced off play area behind the Community Centre. A diagram was supplied. Hopscotch had approached two local companies and were awaiting quotes. They proposed a 3’ high picket fence to corner off the back of the centre along to the changing room wall and taking in one of the outside toilets. Access gates were included. Following discussion the Trustees were in favour of the plan. It was suggested that Hopscotch also approach Aldingbourne PC for financial assistance.
  1. Chairman’s Report.

    The Audited Accounts for year ending Jan 2015-Jan 2016 were submitted, on line, to the Charity Commission. Acknowledgment had been received
  1. Secretary’s Report.


    50/17: BT Local Business, Fibre Broadband and improved website broadband speeds. Action: JL

    51/17: Various Emails/quotes re tendering for CC Cleaning. Action: ACSC Accounts group

    52/17: As above. Tenders Received

    53/17: Barnham Trojans FC re Goals Compound. Partially assembled, awaiting gate. Quoted Price Knights Fencing is £2834.00. BT have approached APC for financial assistance/grant. To be further discussed at ACSC meeting Feb 16th.

    54/17: Hopscotch Play Group re Child Safety. Refer minute 52

    55/17: Charity Commission acknowledgement of receipt of Annual Return 2015-2016.

    56/17: Barnham Trojans FC requesting permission to use the sports field for their annual Presentation Day on Sunday May 14th and Tournament Weekend June 24th/25th. Agreed.
  1. Treasurer’s Report.

    JS stated that she had become aware that the information she had received meant that some invoices sent out did not match with the particular groups hire dates. All had been corrected. Provisional figures for accounting year ending Jan 31st 2017 showed an income £43769.53 with expenditure of £32689.65. Surplus for year £10439.98. In future regular hall user groups will be invoiced on a monthly basis.
  1. Bookings.

    JS was able to report that bookings were being received on a regular basis and in particular for children’s parties on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The Little-Big Drama Group were now in place and advertising through ACSC on Facebook. They wished to put on their first show Thursday 6th and Friday 7th April with a time span between 17.30 to 20-30. There was some discussion re groups already using the hall at those time periods but it was agreed to approach same and check availability and possibility of allowing the Drama Group those times.
  1. Date of Next Meeting

    Monday February 20th. 2017
  2. Any Other Business.

    a) SW: Door to the main hall is not lockable. Action JL & AS

    b) Main Entrance door camera was showing poor quality “pictures” and it was suggested that a night vision camera replace the existing camera. The outer door camera was now situated behind the Defribulator and was therefore of no use whatsoever. It was confirmed that JL was investigating the situation re all the CCTV system. Matter to be further discussed at February meeting. In the meantime DL/AS/SK will check current camera sites and report back Feb 20th.

    c) Aldingbourne Shooting Club. The club wishes to carry out a number of internal improvements to the range. Their lease requires that they meet annually with the ACSC and any works they wish to carry out have to be agreed and confirmed by the ACSC. The Trustees present confirmed that the necessary improvements be agreed.

    d) SK also stated that their current Lease expires in Sept. JL to be notified.

    e) ASC re Locking up of CC after late evening functions. DF stated that it was not the responsibility of the Bar Staff either to ensure the hall is locked up after functions and it was not their responsibility to lock the main entrance. It is the responsibility of the ACS Trustees. After some further discussion it was confirmed and as previously agreed JL and AT would meet with the ASC committee at their next meeting.

    f) SW. Disposal of the broken old rubbish bins littering the rear of the CC. They would fall within the area of the proposed Hopscotch fenced area with a proposed working party set for Saturday February 4th this would be looked at
Meeting closed at 8:50pm

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