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Messrs D Ives (DI), D Meakins (DM). M Woodcock (MW), D Freeman (DF), S Kennedy (SK), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT). P Pilcher (PP), W Warwick (BW), J Sopp (JS), D Leonard (DL), J Leahy (JL)
75. Apologies:
Received from R Driver, A Smallman
76. Co-Option:
N Pidgley. Following his resignation as Representative Trustee for the Aldingbourne Modellers it was proposed that NP be co-opted onto the Board of Trustees. The vote was unanimous
77. Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting held on March 20th 2017 were accepted and signed by the Deputy Chairman
78. Matters Arising:
Trustees Indemnity Insurance: JS has taken on responsibility to investigate further. ACTION JS Radiators: There are faulty and leaking radiators in the main hall (2) and the ladies toilet. DL to contact minimum of three local central heating companies with a view to obtaining quotes for repairs. It was confirmed that this now becomes a priority. ACTION DL Finance Sub Committee. No decision has been reached on Wordpay or Pay Pal for our credit card payment facility, it was further suggested that we consider SAGE as a supplier. ACTION JS Car Park Lining: T Chown had agreed to consult APC on responsibility for maintenance and whether the APC would consider financial assistance. In his absence JL was able to inform Trustees that it appears the full responsibility lies with the ACSC. On Going Smoke Alarms. DI reported all cleared with new batteries fitted where required. At present there is no smoke alarm fitted in the kitchen. ACTION DI Green Clean: DL met with supervisor and had raised a number of points although the general situation was satisfactory. The hall floor remained a problem but it was agreed that the situation had improved. “V Sweepers” had been purchased by RD. ASC: ACSC meeting still to be arranged.
79. Chairman’s Report (J Leahy):
JL concentrated on raising a priority list of repairs or refurbishments that were required at the centre. The costs involved were both based on quotes received or estimations whilst quotes were awaited. CCTV renewal: 2 quotes received. £5500.00 to £7000.00. A 3rd quote was awaited. WSCC to be approached to determine if there are any grants available. Storage works: £2000.00 quote received. Further quotes required. ACTION JL Car Park Maintenance and relining: Quotes received £1000.00 - £1400.00. Trustees agreed to wait for decision from APC on financial assistance before final decision. ACTION TC Carpeting: Quotes received £9000.00. Further quotes required. Lottery Fund to be approached to see if grants available. ACTION JL Access Control System (refurbishment): estimated at £5500.00. Quotes required. WSCC to be approached re grant. ACTION JL ASC Bar Security Shutters: 1 quote received to date: £4500.00. ASC to obtain further quotes. WSCC (Sussex Police Crime Commission) to be approached to determine if grants available. ACTION ASC It was agreed that the central heating system and radiator repairs and possible replacements becomes our top priority. Financial Assistance needed and TC be asked to approach APC. ACTION DL
80. Secretary’s Report (D Leonard):
Correspondence. 69/17: Action in Rural Sussex, Newsletter re Buildings Advisory Service. 70/17: J Bercow (MP). Re Parliament Week 71/17: BT re completion of Broadband Service. 72/17: M Kennedy and Son Ltd re Grass Maintenance quote for season 2017. S K declared an interest but was able to confirm that the increase over last season equated to 2% at £93.50 per field cut and £74.50 for strimming around centre and other areas. Trustees agreed to accept quotes. 73/17: BT re Televisions and necessary TV licences at ACSC. JL has replied. 74/17: Business Stream re direct debits payments for foul water. 75/17: ADC requesting confirmation of hall booking for May 4th Local Council elections. DL to open up for 6.30 am. ACTION DL 76/17: “Your Plan”, fundraising advice 77/17: Statement of Accounts received from ASC for year ending 30/09/2016 78/17: Letter from Sunday Choir leader re incident that occurred in ACSC Car Park between choir member and ASC member. DF was able to report that H Hedges had dealt with both parties and resolved the situation. Whilst the ASC were not exactly sure of what happened they had written to the ASC members informing them that their actions and language at the time were not acceptable and any future incidents of a similar nature could place their ASC membership in jeopardy. 79/17: Letter received from hall hirer re wedding arrangements. Contents noted. 80/17: Notification that “Castle Water” are replacing Portsmouth Water.
81. Treasurers Report (J Sopp):
a) The Income and Expenditure Account (provisional?) for year ending 31st January 2016 was to hand and following explanation and discussion the Trustees were pleased to accept the accounts. JS was thanked for her hard work in both taking over the role and her work in resolving a number of outstanding areas with the accounts. b) Income and Expenditure statement: Team Brown remain the outstanding debtors but were now paying £50.00 per month to clear total debt of £571.25. c) ASC Extended smoking area. ASCS had agreed to contribute toward the £1200.00 expenditure and it was agreed that £600.00 be contributed. Agreed d) Goal Post Compound. APC had contributed £1400.00 toward the total cost and the ACSC had previously agreed to meet the balance paid by Barnham Trojans. Agreed. e) Surveyor. JS reported that the surveyor needed to read through the leases in order to assess the correct rents appropriate. He has measured the site/buildings. ACTION JS
82. Bookings (J Sopp):
Good April, most Saturdays and Sundays had been fully booked.
83. Date of next meeting:
Monday 22nd May. 7.30pm
84. Any Other Business:
SK: Asked if there could be any improvement on the lighting from the shooting club down toward the BRMRC compound. AT stated that the lights in the compound were for security and were meant for that purpose. Improved lighting to be investigated AT: The BRMRC were happy to donate, gift £500.00 to the ACS from funds. AT and the BRMRC were thanked for the gift DF/JL: Re continuing arrangements for the ASC 40th anniversary celebrations Aug 31st. DF reported that the brewery were assisting with the event. SK was able to provide a flat bed trailer for the outside stage entertainment. JL organising. DL: Barnham Trojans requesting permission to arrange a safe and licenced Electrical Distribution Board from the main supply in the changing rooms, for use on the clubs Presentation Days and Tournament Weekends. The unit would be available for other site users. Agreed SW: Hopscotch. New fencing was being erected 25th April to provide a secure outside play area. Aldingbourne School. Request received to use the ACSC as an emergency location if needed. Agreed. JL to supply access card. DL to deliver to school ACTION JL/DL
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.