Draft Minutes of the Meeting on Monday 22nd May 2017

Meetings , Regular Minutes
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Messrs D Ives (DI), M Woodcock (MW), D Freeman (DF), S Kennedy (SK), N Pidgely (NP), S Waller (SW), A Taylor (AT). P Pilcher (PP), J Sopp (JS), A Smallman (AS), D Leonard (DL)

Members of the public present:

There were two members of the public present:
Mrs Emma Pinder, Aldingbourne Primary School PTA
Mrs Mary Wheeler, Aldingoburne Social Club.

85. Apologies:

Received from J Leahy, T Chown, R Driver. W Warwick

86. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on April 24th 2017 were accepted and signed by the meeting Chairman D Ives.

87. Public Session

a) Mrs Pinder:  AP School.  The school are hosting “Micks March” which involves 4 walkers covering 1000 miles around the school playing field in 10 days from 1600 hrs on July 4th to 16.00 hrs on July 14th.  The event is being held to raise funds for the Snowdrop Children’s Trust. Various local groups are supporting the event and the PTA are asking that the ACSC also supports and assist in advertising the event. Volunteers are also required to accompany the walkers at various stages of the event.
The Trustees present confirmed that posters, sponsorship forms and information on the ACSC Website could be used. Hopscotch (SW) noted that they had already notified their parents of the event and would be handing out sponsorship forms. 
The Trustees agreed that the ACSC also make a suitable donation to the event. To be discussed.
b) Mrs Wheeler: Aldingbourne SC 40th Anniversary Event 26th Aug 2017. Mrs Wheeler has taken on the responsibility for finalising and co-ordinating the celebration. A large number of ACSC groups and Clubs have agreed to participate with others waiting to confirm.  There was an intention to organise live music for the day and hopefully “Spirit FM” would also be in attendance. The ACS to notify clubs of the program for the day.

88. Matters Arising from the Minutes April 24th

Minute 81: Surveyor. All the leases have been emailed to the surveyor. His report is awaited.
i) Building alterations: Three quotes have been received from Steve Knight Builders. P Lester and A Burrows. Clarification is still required  on the quotes. Decision on suitable tender held over. ACTION POINT: DL to seek clarification on VAT payments
ii) Trustees Indemnity Insurance: JS has the necessary forms to hand and will complete and return to insurance company. ACTION POINT: JS
iii) Central heating/Radiators: DL reported that he was waiting for meetings with R Banks Co, T Croucher. It was suggested that he also contact A D Broughton. It was agreed that no work need be started until such time as Hopscotch were on holiday (21st July to 4th Sept). It was also confirmed that the heating in the centre is controlled and run by 2 separate systems.  It was also suggested that a control temperature timer be installed in that at present the heating stays on at the highest registered temperature for 24 hours daily. ACTION POINT: DL
iv) Sage Card Payment: Quotes have been received varying from £13.00 to £19.90 per month. JS to contact preferred company to further discuss with reference to online payments.
v) Carpeting: on going
vi) Car Park Lining/repairs: Following ACSC request for financial assistance from PC, T Chown had contacted DL re the PC’s query on whether the relining was necessary. It was agreed that it was becoming a safety and possible accident situation and the Trustees were of the opinion that relining and repairs were necessary. ACTION POINT: DL to contact TC
vii) Bar Shutter Security: DF The quotes received had shown the costs involved to be very high and out of the range of finances available. ASC were proposing to contact the brewery to see if they could assist.
viii) Access System: In the absence of the Chairman there was nothing to report. On going

89. Chairman’s Report:

Written report with a number of the items included under Matters Arising.
SSE/Solar panels: No progress. ACTION POINT: JL to contact DI to complete the necessary forms and chase
Storage: Concerns over the stacking of the banqueting tables. ACTION POINT: JL to purchase a storage trolley for the banqueting tables (£300.00).
NB. All hirers to be reminded to leave furniture stacked neatly and safely. The folding tables must be left clean and wiped down after use. This is especially necessary after Friday night Bingo bearing in mind there are invariably hall users on Saturdays but JL asked that all regular hall hirers be reminded. Model Car Club, Whist Club. Suitable cleaning equipment to be purchased and hirers notified of location (kitchen cupboard?). It was noted that there is a lack of kitchen towels available. ACTION POINT: JS

90. Secretaries Report:

81/17: Green Clean: Notification that a new cleaner would be replacing existing effective 4th May
82/17: West Sussex Co Council:  Adult Services Dept. Questionnaire on services and availability of Community Centre. Content noted. ACTION POINT: DL to reply
83/17: Lock Centre: re interim service for the Intruder and Hold-up alarm. ACTION POINT: DL

91. Treasurers Report:

Report by JS.
Gas and Electricity VAT charges: ACSC have been paying at VAT at 20% when 5% is the correct rate for charities. SWALEC (Gas) have reimbursed via credit  note  the sum of £88.27p. Electricity. £3087.69p.
Financial Statement: JS was able to report a net surplus Feb 1st to May 22nd of £10,198.00.Team Brown had not made a payment for last period . JS had contacted the club and informed them that any further failure to pay would result in ACSC passing the debt to Debt collectors to deal with. Current amount outstanding:  £571.25.

92. Bookings:

JS was able to report that May is busy, June at present fairly quiet but July is again busy. Request has been received for an U16 birthday party on Dec 23rd.  The hirer to be notified that the policy of ACSC and ASC is that the bar will not be available and no alcohol to be allowed at the party.

93. Date of Next meeting:

Monday June 26th. 7.30 ACSC.
Reminder that the AGM will be held on Monday 24th July. 7.30 at the ACSC.

94. Any Other Business:

Front Door: The door has been repaired and is now serviceable.
Drainage: DL reported that AS and DL had to deal with a blocked drain from the changing room toilets onto the field. Problem was mainly toilet paper and wet wipes. 
Lighting: Disco Ball in main hall inoperative. ACTION POINT: AS to check
ASC: Reminder that children accompanying parents in the club were not to use the entrance  hall as an overflow play area. If there was no hirer using the main hall then providing there is suitable supervision the Trustees were happy for the hall to be used by children.
Hopscotch: SK reported that he had noted that children/youths were using the Hopscotch fence to climb onto the green container. It was suggested that suitable anti climbing paint be used but it was also suggested this could cause a problem with the Hopscotch children themselves. ACTION POINT: SW to investigate
Drones: SK also reported that he had noted that drones were being flown on the sports field and questioned whether this was permissible and whether our Public Liability insurance covered us in the event of an accident. Trustees were aware that model aircraft were not allowed and it was agreed that we check with our public liability insurance company on the situation with drones. ACTION POINT: JS
Group Display notice board (Field Entrance). Trustees had previously agreed that the board needed refurbishing and updating. Subject to clarification on the above item (drones). ACTION POINT: DL to obtain quotes for said refurbishment
Dog walkers: It had been noted that a number of “professional” dog walkers were using the sports field for exercising their charges with multiple numbers of dogs being walked. ACTION POINT>DL to check with ADC Dog Wardens

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.00 hrs.

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